Words Make Worlds: Opening The Door To A Better Present And Future

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Words Make Worlds: Opening The Door To A Better Present & Future
Inspiring Quotes-Practical Advice
(Part 2 In A Series of 5:  Success At The Speed Of Change
Including 22 bonus links and 2 videos)

© Irene Becker, Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge™  | (IQ-EQ-SQ) Reach-Resonance-Results
3Q Leadership™ Blog- 27,000+ Social Media Followers & Growing!  


Success At The Speed Of Change Part 2

Leadership means different things to different people, but I believe that we can agree that for all people, leadership means building a better present and future.  Leadership, growing leaders, helping those who aspire to greater leadership in their lives, their work and organizations is not simply my work; rather it is a passion and dedication that resonates with every core of my being. I have held leadership positions, I have been extremely successful and I have also struggled with changes, challenges, career and life events that took me from the mountain of success to starting my life and work again from ground zero.  The desire to lead forward is a state of mind, a state of heart, a state of being that opens the door to our true potential.  It is a state of being that starts with the very words me use when we speak to our self (self talk) and the words we choose to share with others.


Every word you choose to think and speak impacts your present and future because it sets an important footprint for your brain, a pathway to picking up signals in the environment that will help you brain confirm your beliefs, your view of reality, your perception of what is.  The words we choose to think, the words we choose to speak are the most basic linchpins, the most critical levers for leadership.  We can choose to use our words to compel our best thoughts, greatest creativity, noblest ideals or to take us down a path of stress, frustration and negativity that

I believe that those who lead forward in the new world of work, the new market place and world will be pioneers who are not afraid of the new arena and embrace the new non-linear eco-system as a new launching point for human potential, purpose and results.  Pioneers who will remain undaunted by what is not because they know they can ideate, communicate, collaborate in ways that can take us forward exponentially.

Best practices are made in the NOW, and our ability to discover the critical path forward starts with recognizing that words create worlds. The ladder to success is gone, the typical iterations of a career, organizational development and lifespan will continue to change.  Our ability to recognize and harness our strengths while transforming changes, challenges, stressors, even failures into the apex of our greatest potential is the way forward.  It is a way forward that has guided my life, helped me develop my 3Q model and I believe can help many others use what is to create what can be.

Success starts, leadership starts with the individual commitment to empower, enable and actualize our potential.  A commitment that begins with the words we choose to think, speak and share. Success at the speed of change is leadership in the face of changes, challenges, stressors, failures and opportunities that will either compel our greatest potential or leave us running on overdrive, stuck in stasis or stumbling backwards reaching for solutions that worked in the past but are impotent to help us create a better present and future.

Sharing words, sound bytes and some practical advice to empower, enable and actualize the thoughts that drive meaning, purpose and results at the speed of change:

• Lead Forward! The call to climb the mountain has never been greater.If you listen you will hear it.  Listen because the call to climb your greatest mountain is the call that can open the door to your greatest purpose, passion and potential.

• Leadership means negotiating dark corners with the integrity, courage, humanity and wisdom to see through and past the fog.  It means harnessing our power to build a new and better future.  It starts in an alignment of head and heart, in an optimization of our true passion, purpose and potential. It starts by looking at the walls, the challenges, the hurdles we face with new eyes that take us forward faster, better and happier.  It means embracing the courage, faith, integrity and humanity, the Q strengths, that can help us use what is to create what can be in our life and the lives of others.

• You cannot light a fire with wet wood.  The future lies in the hands of those who can empower and enable the best in others. Leadership is a 3Q Equation:  (IQ) Intellect-Strategic Thought EQ (emotions-empathy-self & social mgmt) SQ (values-integrity-humanity).   It is a gender-less equation that must be enfranchised by those who have typically been disenfranchised.

• Purpose = profit.  A whole new world, workplace and marketplace will continue to show us that leading forward means harnessing the potential of human being better, not simply doing faster than ever before. Stop competing, start collaborating. Celebrate the biological differences that can make us stronger TOGETHER.

• It is time to celebrate and USE our differences and strengths as women and men to lead forward together. We will never accomplish this without women pushing forward in a positive way with a voice that must be heard.  The voice of reason, the voice of compassion, the voice of collaboration, the voice of a new type of leadership that can take both men and women forward together.

• Learning to Fail Forward it is the linchpin for 21st Century Life and Leadership. Whether your objective is building a successful small business, professional practice, team or enterprise that art of failing forward is more than the art of the start, it is the art that will drive sustainability, the art that will teach empowerment, engagement and resiliency.

• Success at the speed of change, success without a ladder,  begins by embracing and building our incredible ability to adapt, learn-relearn and grow faster and better than ever before.  We have the ability to adapt, learn, inspire, engage, collaborate and grow faster and better than ever before.  Our potential may be limitless, but optimizing this potential means recognizing that critical importance of adopting new ways of thinking, training, learning and doing that take us forward faster, smarter AND happier

• Our human need to contribute, to be purposeful, to feel that our lives, our work counts and makes a positive difference is a need we must acknowledge and fed.  Purpose equals profit on a multiplicity of levels.  We must do more than set goals, we must start each day with a purposeful intention that guides our thoughts forward.

• You are your thoughts.  Use them carefully to live, learn and lead forward.  Get provocative with your thoughts by turning them around! Refocus, repurpose.  See challenges and strengths with NEW eyes.  Learn how to R-E-A-C-H™ (Redirect focus-Empower Confidence-Optimize Potential-Harvest Results)

• Leadership requires courage, wisdom, integrity and a stoic resolve to use what is to create what can be.  Those who lead and succeed forward  with be pioneers; men and women who recognize our ability to optimize the power of human potential and results, by developing new mind-sets and skills sets that unlock our greatest potential.

• Drown out the noise and refocus on what is truly important.     What remains critical is finding your true purpose and recognizing it in your daily thoughts and actions. What is your end game?  What do you really want from your life, your relationships, your job/your career?  Dig deeper in order to get clarity on YOUR purpose.  Find it, embrace it and use it to lead forward.  We each have a unique purpose that drives our best thoughts, best actions and best outcomes. Every purpose is important to our individual and collective success and happiness.

• Success means enabling our ability to go from NOW to HOW by championing, empowering and enabling our greatest potential. Potential to do good work, potential to build good organizations, potential to build the optic and skills we need to work internally, externally, face to face and virtually across diverse constituencies, populations and cross- generationally.

• Change is not the obstacle, it is the answer.  Make the critical shift forward by embracing your ability to use words, think thoughts that champion positive change.  Change is NOT difficult, it is our greatest power and hope for a better future.  Change is what our bodies and minds so every second of the day.

• Reach for your highest common denominator by choosing to be part of the human solution. Feel your power and use it to empower the best in yourself and others.  Reclaim the power you have to validate the beauty, the bounty and the majesty of human life by touching another and yourself with words of validation.

• True leadership is not about being nice, nor is it about being intimidating; it is about serving the greatest good, and empowering the best in oneself and others so that we can climb the mountain.  It means taking hard decisions and making the sacrifices necessary to negotiate foggy corners and challenging terrain with hope, faith, courage, integrity and humanity.  The imperative to build and sustain purpose driven leadership, to inspire purpose driven work, to build purpose driven communication and collaboration has never been greater.

• Human doing is not enough. Human being better is the way forward.  Being a cog in a wheel, acting with complacency and blindly following the status quo will not work going forward. Put your head and heart to work.  Human relationships count.  Employee disengagement, presenteeism are rife in organizations, and they erode potential from inside out.

• Show those you lead and serve that you care, and help them care back. Make learning, growing and giving REAL. Find new ways to reach out and serve the community at large. Motivate and inspire not only those you employ but all constituents to be part of a greater goal that speaks to contribution and purpose.

 Success equals the reach and resonance of the human heart.  Know it, use it to choose words, thoughts and take actions that open the hearts and minds of others. Leadership means doing good in the world because what does not create value for others is ultimately destined to crash and burn.

More on Success At The Speed Of Change?  You Betcha!
Part One Of This Series: The Success Ladder is Gone-Insights On Suceeding Without It
Stay Tuned for Parts 3, 4 and 5 in this series: 
Part 3: From No To Go | Success At The Speed Of Change
Part 4: The Purpose Equation | Success At The Speed Of Change
Part 5: The 3Q Leadership Equation | Success At The Speed Of Change


3Q Personal Development
• Success At The Speed Of Change:  Essential Strengths

• 10 Practical Ways To Build Essential Success Skills At The Speed Of Change 

• Picking The Golden Apple:  Happiness And Success At The Speed Of Change

• The Fire Of Human Potential:  Developing A Purposeful Life And Career

• Constructive Discontent:  Building A Critical Life And Leadership Skill

• Remove The Wall To Your Greatest Potential

• How Do YOU Spell Success?

• The 18 Word Success Formula

3Q Leadership Development
• Winning The Silent War Destroying People and Organizations From Inside Out

• 3Q-REACH Benefits AND Why I Have Dedicated My Life To This Work

• Women and Leadership-10 Power Steps Forward (A Post for Women & Men)

• Constructive Discontent:  Building A Critical Life And Leadership Skill

• Men and Women Leading Forward: 10 Steps to 3Q Leadership

• The NEW Leader

• Disrupt The Status Quo:  Make The Critical Shift Forward

• The Agile Leadership And Management Toolbox

3Q Organizational Development
• Winning The Silent War Destroying People and Organizations From Inside Out

• The Individual and Organizational Imperative for 3Q Leadership

• Mission Critical:  Championing Our Individual and Organizational Imperative To Win

• Constructive Discontent:  Building A Critical Life And Leadership Skill

• From Now To HOW: Building Social, Digital and Cross-Generational Leadership

•Ten Steps To Building Employee Engagement

• Meaningful Work:  Building A Leadership And Management Must

• The Leadership Compendium

More?  Yes!  Two Videos I Hope You Enjoy!
Extraordinary Women Interview:  Crashing Through Cement Ceilings!
• My Interview With Resiliency Expert Michael Ballard


Are you ready to go from Now to HOW? Time to get re-inspired?
Click for a list of 2013 Programs, Services, Professional Fees
I welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to you/your team! 
Call: (416) 671-4726 | Email 
irene@justcoachit.com  Skype: beckerirene 

Irene Headshot


11 replies
  1. Kitiana Chute
    Kitiana Chute says:

    Awesome stuff, I believe that” we are how we think”. So thanks for the reminder that we need to continuously turn our thoughts to meaningful and purposeful ones.
    I also like the bit about empowering others ..as this helps them to feel like they have an important part to play in society.(i.e. their Purpose)


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  1. […] Two:  Build Q2-RESONANCE Build Emotional Buy-in.  Use words that develop emotional buy-in  before you align what you are saying with rational evidence, refine and hone your message to fit […]

  2. […] Words make worlds and the words you choose to think and share are the seedbed for what you will or will not create. Will you change your definition of winning so that victory speaks to the collaboration, the optimization of human purpose, potential and results that is critical to our individual and collective ability to not simply survive AND thrive?  Will you change your words, because the way you choose to think, the words you choose to share create your perspective.  Every time you think or say “change is difficult” you are strengthening a neural pathway, giving power to an outdated habit of thinking that will not and cannot take you forward.  Read More:  Worlds Make Worlds-Opening the Door to a Better Present and Future […]

  3. […] Less is often More. Choose your words wisely.  Seek first to listen, to understand, to learn, then speak to the heart of the […]

  4. What 3Q Leadership Means | Insights And Action Steps » 3Q Leadership Blog says:

    […]  Leadership means opening the door to a better present and future.  (Words Make Worlds: Opening The Door To A Better Present And Future http://buff.ly/13CfqPN […]

  5. The Purpose Equation: Intrinsic Motivation » Just Coach It-The 3Q Edge says:

    […] Part II: Words Make Worlds: Opening The Door To A Better Present & Future […]

  6. […] Leadership means different things to different people, but I believe that we can agree that for all people, leadership means building a better present and future. Leadership, growing leaders, helping those who aspire to greater leadership in their lives, their work and organizations is not simply my work; rather it is a passion and dedication that resonates with every core of my being. I have held leadership positions, I have been extremely successful and I have also struggled with changes, challenges, career and life events that took me from the mountain of success to starting my life and work again from ground zero. The desire to lead forward is a state of mind, a state of heart, a state of being that opens the door to our true potential. It is a state of being that starts with the very words me use when we speak to our self (self talk) and the words we choose to share with others.  […]

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