11/02/2025 - 13/02/2025 Brussels, Belgium

RTR Conference 2025

The European Conference on Results from Road Transport Research (RTR Conference) 2025 will be held in Brussels (Belgium) from 11 to 13 February 2025 - do not miss out!

In its forthcoming 8th edition, the RTR Conference continues to be the leading event to explore the state of the art of European-funded research projects in road transport.

Attendees will explore the results and impacts of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects' results, with a focus on Green Vehicles, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Safety, and Automated Road Transport. The event provides a comprehensive view of advancements in these fields, showcasing their benefits to the environment, economy, and European society while identifying the next research steps for transformative road transport solutions.

This unmissable event will spread over three days with 26 sessions featuring 100 speakers and showcasing 92 projects.

Find POLIS at RTR 2025!

The annual RTR conference is your chance to meet several POLIS projects and find out how they are fostering greener and more efficient road transport in the different parallel sessions, including:

You can also look out for POLIS projects among exhibitors:

Moreover, do not miss the following parallel session:

  • 13 February (9:00 - 11:00) - 'New mobility services in cities', co-moderated by Ivo Cré.

More information

Head to RTR's website for more information and secure your on-site spot by 21 January, 17:00 (Brussels time)!

The provisional event programme can be found here.


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