Frank Kumli’s Post

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Shaping the Future: Future-Thinking, Strategy and Innovation!

A Typology of Open Innovation Strategies! The benefits of inbound open innovation are widely acknowledged, but not all companies are successful in their attempts to leverage external sources of innovation A given company needs to find out which capabilities are worth investing in I. Inbound open innovation strategies 1. Reactive sourcer of ready-to-market innovations Leverages its impression management capability to find mature externally-generated technologies, which relieves it from investing in sensing capability and absorptive capacity 2. Proactive sourcer of ready-to-market innovations Primarily rely on their sensing capability in locating promising technologies. 3. Reactive co-creator of innovations Critical capabilities include impression management capability for attracting co-creators and collaboration capability for ensuring successful development outcomes 4. Proactive co-creator of innovations Faces the challenge of locating the best available collaborators 5. Reactive sourcer of ideas and knowledge Sometimes companies have such a good reputation that they do not have to seek new ideas proactively 6. Proactive sourcer of ideas and knowledge Proactive sourcers of ideas and knowledge rely on their sensing capability to identify relevant knowledge that can be absorbed and put into use II. Strategies’ dynamic capability requirements This is a tool for reflecting on a specific strategy’s requirements and deciding on investments in dynamic capabilities. 1. Sensing capability A type of dynamic capability that allows companies to ‘identify and shape opportunities’ by constantly scanning, searching, and exploring across technologies and markets 2. Impression management capability An alternative way to identify external knowledge is to develop an impression management capability that enables companies to shape their legitimacy and reputation 3. Absorptive capacity An organisation’s ability to recognise the value of new, external information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends 4. Collaboration capability Companies with high collaboration capability can anticipate and resolve conflicts in collaborative relationships, promote trust creation and timely and sufficient knowledge sharing, and ensure that the contractual set-up is satisfactory for all parties III. Conclusion Finding the balance between underinvestment and overinvestment in dynamic capabilities is a key task for managers responsible for open innovation Locating the sweet spot between these two will ensure that the company is good enough to exploit external knowledge while avoiding a scenario where the innovation department eats into the business’s profitability Make sure to check out this insightful article by Matti Pihlajamaa here: #innovation #openinnovation #capabilities #strategy

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Tobias Gutmann

Assistant Professor | Researcher | Educator | Advisor

Jari Laine

Senior Business Advisor, D.Sc. / Innovation Processes & Commercialization / Growth Companies / Bio-based Start-Ups


Nice classification per se, but like the recent crash-landing development of Fortum positioned in the proactive corner duly shows, having a "strategy" does not necessarily guarantee success. Or maybe appropriate risk evaluation capability should always accompany sensing capability in a highly diversifying business strategy.

Oskar E. Lipert



Vielen Dank für die hochinteressanten Informationen und Beiträge! Herzliche Grüße  Oskar E. Lipert #leore #realestate #economics  LEORE - INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS

Ingrid Bruynse

Teacher and researcher/ founder and social entrepreneur seeking to make a difference. Founder Brighter Media and FutureFluid


I wonder if this framework is of use Tracey Rouessart

Thank you Frank Kumli, insightful publication ! I like this other way to conceptualize ...

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Marcelo Simões

B2B Strategic Marketing Planning Consultant in a digital environment | B2B Business Development | B2B Marketing | Business Strategy | Sales Operations | Digital Marketing

Tarisai Manyati

Education and Skilling| Public Health| Innovations and Society|Informality and Precarious Work |


Thanks for posting

Matti Pihlajamaa

Senior Scientist (Innovation Management & Policy)


Thanks for sharing!

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