#ContentWritingChat Recap: How to Audit Your Social Media Presence

by | Jun 4, 2021 | ContentWritingChat

When did you last audit your social media presence?

If it’s been a while, let this be your sign to make this task a top priority.

Taking the time to review your social media accounts to ensure they effectively represent your brand and to tweak your strategy to get your closer to your goals will yield great results long-term. In fact, it’s something that you should do regularly!

And this #ContentWritingChat recap has all the tips you need to get started.

#ContentWritingChat Recap: How to Audit Your Social Media Presence

This month, we held a community chat so all of you could step into the spotlight to share your tips. There was some amazing, actionable advice shared throughout the chat, so let’s dive into the recap so we can start auditing.

Q1: What does it mean to conduct an audit of your social media presence?

If you’ve never taken steps to audit your social media presence, then you might not know what it really means or where to begin. To give you a better understanding, here are a few responses from the chat:

As Masooma said, an audit is your chance to evaluate how each of your social media platforms perform. Are you meeting your goals? Are you getting your desired results? Taking the time to answer those questions will help you determine if you’re on the right track or if you need to make some changes.

To put it simply, an auditing your social media is essentially about seeing what’s working and what’s not. After all, this will help you figure out what kind of content to share more of.

When conducting an audit, you’ll want to dive deep into your analytics. This can help you see if you’re truly engaging your audience by sharing content that resonates with them. Shawn’s advice to do this quarterly is spot on.

Q2: Part of auditing your social media presence is choosing the platforms that are right for you. How can you determine if a new platform is worth your time and attention? How do you know when to ditch a platform?

Remember that you don’t need to be on every single platform. However, it’s still smart to try out the latest craze to determine if it’s worthwhile for you. Here’s how to figure it out:

Lori’s advice is to know your audience. Are they hanging out on the platform you’re thinking about joining? If so, then it might be worthwhile for you to be present there. At the end of the day, you want to make sure your content is getting in front of the right people.

Rachel knows that there should be purpose behind your social media efforts. If a particular platform isn’t going to get you closer to reaching your overall goals, then it’s likely not going to be worth your time.

Another important thing to consider is whether or not a particular platform feels good to you. It’s much easier to create content for social media platforms that you are genuinely excited about.

Kim offered a really great tip about giving a platform a chance for at least 30 days. This will give you a good idea of how things are going. If your content has been performing well, take it up a notch. If not, you’ll want to tweak your strategy or scale back.

Just remember that it’s going to take time before you see results. Don’t give up too soon.

Q3: Your bio is often the first thing people see when they visit your social media profile. What should it include so that it accurately portrays who you are and what your brand is all about?

No one wants a lackluster bio! These tips will help you spruce up social media bio so that you’ll effortlessly attract new followers who love what you do:

A great bio needs to clearly state what you do, first and foremost. This will help people determine if your content is something they might be interested in. From there, you can add personal details to help strengthen your connection with your audience since they’ll get to know you better.

It’s also smart to include keywords in your bio, as this will help you show up when people are searching on various platforms.

Adding a personal touch to your bio goes a long way to build the Know, Like, and Trust Factor.

Any achievements that would be impressive to your target audience are great to share as well. This can include features, awards, certifications, etc.

Q4: We all know consistency is key, but how often should we really be posting on each social media platform? And how can we ensure we’re staying on top of posting regularly?

The good news is, you don’t need to be overwhelming yourself by posting multiples times a day on every single platform. It’s more about keeping your account active so you stay top-of-mind.

Masooma feels you don’t need to post daily, but you should engage daily. That goes a long way in building relationships with your target audience. When you do post, always focus on sharing high-quality content.

A few posts per week is a great place to start. The key is to make sure you’re still listening to other conversations and engaging with people to build relationships.

Using third-party tools to schedule content in advance is incredibly helpful. Just make sure that any engagement you do is done in real-time. Don’t automate that!

When scheduling content, it’s smart to fill your queue with evergreen content. You know, content that doesn’t have an expiration date because it’s always relevant. Then, you can add the latest trends as needed or post them in real-time.

Kim suggests using scheduling tools that provide you with the best times to post. This way, you can maximize your impact on the social media platforms you’re using.

Ultimately, it’s all about testing to see what works for you. Don’t be afraid to tweak your strategy over time to see what gets the best results.

Q5: Should you keep an eye on what competitors are doing? If so, how can this play a role in your social media strategy?

Although you don’t want to become too obsessed with your competitors, you can learn a lot from them. Here’s what you should look for while doing your research:

When you watch your competitors, you’ll be able to spot the mistakes they make and avoid falling victim to the same ones. It’s a great learning opportunity.

Just make sure you don’t copy your competitors. That’s not cool! Instead, use this research to inspire you to come up with fresh, new ideas of your own.

Lori feels it’s smart to use your competitors to fuel your success. Allow them to motivate you to do better.

If you find yourself too consumed with what your competitors are up to, take a break for a bit. You don’t want to start copying what they’re doing, nor do you want them to overly influence the things you’re creating.

Q6: What are some important metrics to track on your social media accounts to ensure you’re on the right path?

Diving into your analytics can reveal some great information as you audit your social media presence. Instead of getting overwhelmed with the data, here’s what you should look for:

Masooma focuses on metrics that are related to engagement. That includes comments and mentions, for example. It’s a great way to see if your audience is resonating with the content you share.

If you’re seeing a boost in engagement and more followers, that’s a good sign that you’re on the right track. Just don’t obsess over your follower count too much. It’s better to have quality followers rather than a bunch of followers who aren’t paying attention to what you share.

Q7: Are there any helpful tools you can use for tracking social media analytics, scheduling content, etc.?

The answer is yes! There are tons of tools that will help you audit your social media presence, ranging from free to paid options. Here are a few to consider:

Kim has a number of go-to tools, which include Buffer and Hootsuite.

Hootsuite is a popular option for scheduling content. Loomly and Later are worth checking out as well.

Q8: Which brands have a social media presence that you admire?

These brands will definitely get the creative juices flowing:

Masooma has a few brands that she loves to check out on social media, one of which is Wendy’s. They’re well-known for their sass as they roast others on their Twitter account.

Lori actually took things one step further and created a Twitter List of some of her favorite people to follow.

Want to join us for an upcoming #ContentWritingChat? Mark your calendar for the first Tuesday of every month at 10 AM Central. Then, follow @ExpWriters and @writingchat. See you at our next chat!