5-step strategy for student success with online learning

Here are five strategies to help you stay focused, accountable, and self-motivated in your online class and ensure an uninterrupted learning journey for better academic performance.

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5-step strategy for student success with online learning
5-step strategy for student success with online learning

In Short

  • To achieve an effective learning outcome, keep your notepad and pen handy to take notes or jot down questions.
  • Being an active participant in your virtual classroom is essential to having success in online classes.

The Covid-19 pandemic necessitated millions of K-12 and college students to transition to digital classes as a full-time learning model for the very first time. Although found challenging initially, students and educators soon identified the unprecedented opportunity of online learning namely higher flexibility, self-paced learning, and a comfortable learning environment to name a few. Having said that online learning requires dedication and focus to get the most value out of it.


Here are five strategies to help you stay focused, accountable, and self-motivated in your online class and ensure an uninterrupted learning journey for better academic performance.

1. Stay focused:

Online courses use a combination of learning methodologies which includes live videos, pre-recorded videos, audio lessons, and interactive content, making them more engaging and user-friendly. Moreover, most of these classes offer an option to record the lessons, allowing an opportunity to be more present with what is being said. To achieve an effective learning outcome, keep your notepad and pen handy to take notes or jot down questions. Moreover, stay focused on your learning objective and reinforce the same by reflecting on notes taken and video recordings.

2. Familiarise yourself with learning tools and apps:

There is a flurry of online tools and learning management systems used by schools and colleges. Familiarise yourself with how the different tools or platforms used in your online classes work, exploring ways to maximise its utility for you.

3. Be an active participant:

Being an active participant in your virtual classroom is essential to having success in online classes. Enhance your understanding of the course by asking and answering questions during and after the class. A virtual meet-up session through e-mail, text or app messaging, classroom chats, or on phone is one of the quickest ways to communicate with your teachers and resolve your doubt. Moreover, find a study-buddy, build a study group, and engage in online discussion boards to foster an involved and open learning environment.

4. Organise your study schedule:

Flexibility is one of the biggest benefits of online learning. However, this methodology can be a drawback for students who need constant supervision or are unable to stick to a study routine. To leverage the benefits of self-paced learning you must practice time-management skills, religiously and rigorously.

Mark your weekly study schedule on a calendar, factoring in prior commitments that may interfere with your regular study schedule. Break up your study time into smaller chunks dedicated to specific activities - attending lectures, reading, assignments and exams, and online discussions to name a few. Use a timer to conclude your activities and have fun checking them off your to-do list.

5. Set up a study station:


A designated classroom setting creates a conducive learning environment and facilitates better learning outcome. To achieve the same level of academic success and boost up the online experience, a student must set up a dedicated learning station. Whether you choose a kitchen table, a corner desk, or the seating in the living room, use this space to complete your desired tasks.

Some points to note — choose a study station that has limited distractions and a strong internet connection. Additionally, make sure your seating is comfortable and the place has good lighting to avoid eye strain.

Your outcome in the virtual world will be based on your efforts and actions. While it is easy to get overwhelmed, following these tips will help you make a smooth transition to online learning.

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