OARSI LIVE Webinar Series


Title: From Isolation to Insight: Advanced Extracellular Vesicles Biomarker Analysis in Osteoarthritis

Date:  Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 8:00-9:00 am

Session Description:

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nano-sized particles secreted by various cell types, which are crucial for intercellular communication, transferring bioactive molecules like proteins, lipids, and RNA. This session will cover advanced methods for high-purity isolation of EVs from biofluids and discuss recent discoveries on EV biomarkers linked to OA severity and disease progression. Learn about distinct EV subpopulations with surface markers associated with the immune system and how proper EV isolation and biomarker analysis can provide valuable insights into OA mechanisms and progression.


  • Tony Hu, PhD, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, USA
  • Xin Zhang, MD, PhD, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC
  • Moderator:  Virginia Byers Kraus, MD, PhD, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA

Registration coming soon.

Registration is free for members.


Members:  View past recordings here

Date:  March 12, 2025

Title: Patient Engagement in Research: More Than A Box to Check


  • Linda Li, PhD, Arthritis Research Canada, Vancouver, Canada
  • Jackie Whitaker, PT, PhD,  The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
  • Moderator: Rita Schriemer, MA, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Date: November 13, 2024

Title: Implementing Wearable Sensors in Osteoarthritis Research


  • Dylan Kobsar, PhD, McMaster University, Ontario Canada
  • Katrijn Smulders, PhD, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • Moderator:  Jesse Charlton, PhD, University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada


Date: October 16, 2024

Title: Causal Inference and Confounding: Practical Considerations for Study Design and Analysis

Presenter: Elena Losina, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Moderator: Lisa Carlesso, PhD, PT, McMaster University, Canada


Date:  September 18, 2024

Title:  Placebo, Nocebo and Contextual Effects: The Missed Link in Osteoarthritis


  • Giacomo Rossettini, PhD, PT, Roma Sapienza University and Verona University, Italy
  • Maxi Miciak, PhD, PT, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada


  • Marco Testa, PhD, PT, University of Genoa, Campus of Savona, Italy 

Date:  May 15, 2024

Title:  Role of Artificial Intelligence in Osteoarthritis Imaging


  • Mikael Boesen, MD, PhD, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Chunyi Wen, PhD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China


  • Anders Lenskjold, MD, MHI, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital and Radiological AI Test Center, Copenhagen, Denmark

Date:  March 20, 2024

Title:  Pre-Clinical to Clinical Perspectives of OA Pain: Where is the Field Going?


  • Tuhina Neogi, MD, PhD, Boston University, Boston, MA
  • Rachel E. Miller, PhD, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA


  • Arjen Blom, PhD, Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands


Date:  February 21, 2024

Title:  Evaluating and Implementing Models of Care for Osteoarthritis: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions


  • Jocelyn Bowden, PhD, Sydney Musculoskeletal Health, Kolling Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney and the Department of Rheumatology, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
  • Nina Østerås, PhD, Center for Treatment of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (REMEDY), Diakonhjemmet  Hospital, Oslo, Norway, Department for Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway

Moderator:  Helen French, PhD, School of Physiotherapy, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dublin, Ireland


Date:  November 1, 2023 

Title:  Obesity and Osteoarthritis Research: Bridging Bench to Bedside


  • Kelsey Collins, PhD, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, School of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, USA
  • Lisa Carlesso, PhD, Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, Canada
  •  Kristine Godziuk, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Division of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada

Moderator:  Kristine Godziuk


Date: September 20, 2023

Title:  Engineering New Cell Therapies for Osteoarthritis


  • Prof. Farshid Guilak, PhD, Mildred B Simon Research Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University, St Louis, USA 
  • Johanna Bolander, PhD, Assistant Professor, Group leader: Model Systems for Regenerative Therapies, Berlin Institute of Health at Charité University, Berlin, Germany

Moderator:  Mohit Kapoor, PhD, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada


Date: July 19, 2023

Title:  Telehealth for People with Osteoarthritis: Effectiveness, Challenges and Technical Consideration


  • Prof Rana Hinman, University of Melbourne 
  • Prof Trevor Russell, University of Queensland 
  • Dr Megan Ross, University of Queensland 

Moderator:  Martin van der Esch, PhD, Reade, Centre Of Rehabilitation and Rheumatology, The Netherlands

View Webinar Recording

Date:  May 17, 2023

Title:  Early OA and Prevention


Sita Bierma-Zeinstra, PhD, Erasmus MC - University Medical Centre Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Jackie Whittaker, PT, PhD, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Moderator:  Martin van der Esch, PhD, Reade, Centre Of Rehabilitation and Rheumatology, The Netherlands

View Webinar Recording

Date:  April 19, 2023

Title:  Causal Inference from Observational Data: Target Trial Emulation

Session Description: What is the difference between causal inference and statistical inference? How is causal inference different in a randomized trial from an observational study? When should a randomized trial be analyzed like an observational study? How can one draw causal inference from an observational study?

Presenters: S. Reza Jafarzadeh, DVM, MPVM, PhD, Boston University, Boston, MA, US

Moderators: Jamie Collins, PhD and Michelle Yau, PhD, MPH, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, US


Date: February 15, 2023

Title: FNIH Osteoarthritis Biomarkers Consortium Update

Session Description: Panelists presented the results of the PROGRESS OA Project to  provide a set of qualified biomarker tools that will impact clinical trial design by decreasing the number of patients needed, and decreasing the time and costs needed for OA drug development.


  • David Hunter, MBBS, PhD, FRACP, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
  • Virginia Byers Kraus, MD, PhD, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA
  • Jamie Collins, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Moderator: Elena Losina, PhD, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA


Date: January 18, 2023

Title:  Challenges and Opportunities of Phenotyping in Osteoarthritis


  • Amanda Nelson, MD, MSCR, RhMSUS, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
  • Asger Bihlet, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, NBCD, Denmark
  • Moderator: Ida Haugan, MD, PhD, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway


Date: November 16, 2022

Title:  Virtual Town Hall with OARSI Executive Committee and Members of the OARSI Board of Directors

Session Description: Join OARSI leaders for this first-ever Town Hall format of the OARSI Live webinar series.  OARSI officers and the newest members of the Board will be available to answer your questions and to discuss the current status and future of the society during this highly interactive session. 


Date: October 20, 2022

Title:  Linking the Question, Method and Analysis in Qualitative Behavioral Science / Clinical OA Research 

Session Description: This presentation will briefly discuss how the research question links to different types of qualitative methodologies and analytic approaches, including examples from OA research. 

Moderator: Elena Losina, PhD, Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA 

Presenters: Aileen Davis, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, Canada 

Crystal MacKay, PhD, Scientist, West Park Healthcare Centre and Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Canada.  


Date:  September 21, 2022

Title: Are shots better than squats? Have we oversold the benefits of exercise for osteoarthritis?

Session Description: The September OARSI Live webinar will bring together an exciting panel of speakers to discuss the 2022 paper , "Exercise and education versus saline injections for knee osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled equivalence trial" (Bandek et al, Ann Rheum Dis, 81(4), https://ard.bmj.com/content/81/4/537.long). This will be a 1.5 hour Journal Club format session.  There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion following the presentations.


Daniel White – University of Delaware
Kate Button - Cardiff University


Marius Henriksen, Bispebjerg Frederiksberg Hospital, University of Copenhagen
David Felson, Boston University School of Medicine
Søren Skou, University of Southern Denmark 
Jos Runhaar, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


Date: August 17, 2022 

Title: The good, the bad and the translatable: An ECI panel discussion on mouse models of post-traumatic osteoarthritis

Session Description:  This session will feature three outstanding Early Career Investigators with diverse expertise. The format will be a facilitated discussion by these 3 researchers on key aspects of mouse ptOA models and their translatability to human disease followed by audience Q&A.

Moderator:  Christopher Little, BVMS, MSc, PhD, DACVS, FRSN, University of Sydney


  • Carina Blaker: BMedSc, BE (Mechanical Biomedical), PhD; post-doctoral fellow, Murray Maxwell Biomechanics Lab, Kolling Institute, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney; expertise in biomechanics and joint injury mechanisms in mouse OA models.
  • Leticia Deveza:  MD, PhD, Fellow RACP; lecturer and post-doctoral fellow Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney; consultant rheumatologist North Sydney Sports Medicine Centre; expertise in clinical rheumatology and human OA phenotypes.
  • Assoc Prof Sanaa Zaki: BVSc(hons), PhD, MANZCVSc; Senior lecturer, Sydney School of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney; Honorary Associate Raymond Purves Bone and Joint Research Lab, Kolling Institute; expertise in pain and pathology mechanisms in different phenotypes of mouse OA.


Date:  July 20, 2022 

Title:  The Changing Use of Joint Replacement Surgery Around the World

Session Description:  In this session, Dr. Ackerman will discuss the use of Total Joint Replacement (TJR) and factors associated with future projections of Total Knee Replacement (TKR) use.  She will present data on primary and revision joint replacement and also the value of post-TJR PROMs scores in predicting future revision joint replacement The session will feature a presentation followed by time for questions and answers from the audience.

Moderator: Elena Losina, PhD, Brigham and Women's Hospital, US

Presenter: Ilana Ackerman, PhD, Research Professor, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Victoria, Australia


Date:  June 15, 2022

Title:  Highlights from the OARSI 2022 World Congress Poster Collection:  Advanced Technologies in OA

Session Description:  In partnership with the Congress Chair from the 2022 Hybrid World Congress on Osteoarthritis, we are pleased to bring you three of the highest ranking abstracts in the field of Advanced Technologies.

Moderator:  Martin van Der Esch, PhD, Reade Centre Of Rehabilitation and Rheumatology, The Netherlands


  • Yuxuan Zhou, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Ali Kiadaliri, Lund University, Sweden
  • Egor Panfilov, University of Oulu, Finland


Date: May 18, 2022

Title: Highly Ranked Abstracts from OARSI 2022: Omics Investigations of Osteoarthritis

Session Description: In partnership with the Congress Chair from the 2022 Hybrid World Congress on Osteoarthritis, we are pleased to bring you three of the highest ranking abstracts in the field of Omics. 

Moderator:   Gun-il Im, MD, PhD, Dongguk University, Republic of Korea

Presenters: Cecile Henkel, MD, PhD candidate, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark

Ana Luiza de S.V. Arruda, PhD candidate, Germany

Michael Jurynec, PhD, University of Utah, United States


Date:  April 20, 2022

Session Title: APPROACHes and beyond

Session Description: The Applied Public-Private Research enabling OsteoArthritis Clinical Headway (APPROACH) consortium aimed to prospectively describe in detail, preselected patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA), using conventional and novel clinical, imaging, and biochemical markers, to support OA drug development. The APPROACH cohort is a prospective study including 297 patients with tibiofemoral OA, according to the American College of Rheumatology classification criteria followed for two years. Patients were (pre)selected from existing cohorts using machine learning models, developed on data from the CHECK cohort, to display a high likelihood of radiographic joint space width (JSW) loss and/or knee pain progression. Extensive clinical and molecular data have been collected, and we intend with this introductory seminar to present the data package and the first results coming out of the consortium.
Moderator: Anne-Christine Bay-Jensen

Mylene Jansen, Utrecht Medical Center, NL
Jaume Bacardit, PhD, Newcastle University
Margreet Kloppenburg, MD, PhD, Leiden Medical Center
Cristina Ruiz-Romero, PhD, Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña


Date:  March 16, 2022

Session Title: Evidence-Informed Strategies for OA Prevention Related to Sport, Exercise and Physical Therapy 

Session Description: This session, organized by the OARSI SEPA Discussion Group, focuses on work published in the recent special issue of Osteoarthritis & Cartiliage on OA prevention.

Moderators: Adam Culvenor and Ewa Roos

Presenters: Melissa Haberfield, Stephanie Filbay, Aileen Davis, Martin Englund, Jas Chahal


Date: February 16, 2022  
Session Title: Should we use Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for knee osteoarthritis? An evidence-based discussion.
Session Description: Join us for the February OARSI Live seminar – Should we use Platelet Rich Plasma  (PRP) for knee osteoarthritis? An evidence-based discussion. Moderated by Dr. Jeff Katz (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston), this session will feature presentations from Professor Kim Bennell (The University of Melbourne), lead author of the RESTORE randomized clinical trial recently published in JAMA; and Associate Professor Daniel White (The University of Delaware).
Moderator: Jeff Katz, MD, MSc, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Kim Bennell, PT, PhD, The University of Melbourne
Daniel White, PT, ScD, MSc, University of Delaware


Date:  January 19, 2022

Session Title: OARSI Journal Club (“Deciphering osteoarthritis genetics across 826,690 individuals from 9 populations”)

Session Description: In this webinar, we will discuss a recently published genome-wide association study, “Deciphering osteoarthritis genetics across 826,690 individuals from 9 populations” (DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.07.038). The study represents the largest GWAS to date, identifying new genetic variants in both weight-bearing (knee, hip, and spine) and non-weight-bearing joints (hand, finger, and thumb). We will discuss methods, possible clinical implications, and future directions. Bring your questions and thoughts for an engaging discussion!
Moderator: Margreet Kloppenburg, MD, PhD, Leiden University Medical Center
Michelle Yau, PhD, MPH, Hebrew SeniorLife, Harvard Medical School
Cindy G. Boer, PhD, Erasmus Medical Center

2021 OARSI Live Webinar Recordings:

Session Title:The importance and implications of mechanoflammation in the pathogenesis of OA

Moderator: Ida Haugen

Speaker: Tonia Vincent, MD, PhD., University of Oxford


Session Title: The Art and Science of Sample Size Estimation: Basic Science and Clinical Considerations

Session Description: Whether you are conducting animal research or plan a large Phase 3 randomized controlled trials, one of the key parts of planning, conducting and reporting research – is sample size! In this session, Statistical Editors of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage will offer their insights into ‘do’s and dont’s’ of sample size estimation for clinical and basic science research, discuss major pitfalls of sample size estimation, describe journal requirements regarding sample size justification and offer a few key practical lessons of how to ‘do it right’.

Moderator: Elena Losina, PhD Brigham & Women's Hospital 


Jamie E Collins, PhD Brigham & Women's Hospital

Aleksandra Turkiewicz, PhD ​Lund University

View Recorded Webinar

Session Title: Succeeding in Scientific Publishing: what are our editors looking for?

Session Description: Have you ever wondered why that paper got published and you are struggling to get your manuscript accepted? Wonder no more. The editors of Osteoarthritis and Cartilage and Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open are going to tell you what constitutes a good manuscript. This will be followed by 30 minutes of questions and answers, so come prepared to ask all those questions you have always wished you could ask a journal editor.

Moderator: Frank Beier, PhD, University of Western Ontario


Joel A Block, MD, Rush University, Editor-in-Chief Osteoarthritis & Cartilage

Henning Madry, MD, Saarland University, Editor-in-Chief Osteoarthritis & Cartilage Open

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Session Title: New insights into the epidemiology of OA

Session Description: In this session, three OA researchers will present their abstracts on the epidemiology and clinical aspects of OA. They will provide insights into risk factors of OA and the impact of the disease. 


Ida Haugen, PhD, Diakonhjemmet Hospital

Martin Englund, PhD, Lund University


Martin Thomas, PhD, Keele University

Karin Magnusson, PhD, Lund University

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Session Title: Advancing our understanding of osteoarthritis through observational clinical studies

Session Description: In this session, we will hear from talented OA clinical researchers who have used longitudinal clinical data to examine the relationships between walking, obesity and pain mechanisms and OA structure and symptoms.

Moderator: Gillian Hawker, PhD, University of Toronto


Tuhina Neogi, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Boston University

Elizabeth Badley, PhD, University of Toronto

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Session Title: Imaging

Session Description: Imaging is the hallmark of osteoarthritis diagnostics and follow-up after interventions. In this OARSI Live Hour, we will hear three highly interesting presentations focusing on compositional and structural osteoarthritic changes in joint tissues - evaluated by MRI - and their association with longitudinal outcomes.

Moderators: Simo Saarakkala, PhD, University of Oulu, Frank Roemer, PhD, University Hospital Erlangen


Mike Bowes, PhD, imorphics

Frank Roemer, PhD, University Hospital Erlangen

Jeffrey Driban, PhD, Tufts University

View Recorded Webinar 


Session Title: Walk this way: Insights into knee osteoarthritis from gait mechanics

Session Description: Knee osteoarthritis is a biomechanically driven disease. In this edition of the OARSI Live Hour, we will learn about changes in gait mechanics after high-tibial osteotomy, advance our understanding of the role of gait mechanics in disease progression, and discuss how people with knee OA respond to perturbations during walking.

Moderators: Deepak Kumar, PT, PhD, OCS, Boston University, Katherine Boyer, PhD University of Massachusetts Amherst 


Rebecca Moyer, PT, PhD, Dalhousie University

Cheryl Kozey, PhD, Dalhousie University

Patrick Corrigan, PhD, DPT, Northeastern University

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Session Title: Fat metabolism and OA

Session Description: Obesity and metabolic syndrome are now accepted risk factors for osteoarthritis. Although weight increases the mechanical burden on joints, it is becoming clearer that fat tissues are strongly implicated in OA. In this session, three short talks will discuss recent studies describing mechanisms by which fat metabolism can promote OA development. 

Moderators: Blandine Poulet, PhD, University of Liverpool 


Mohammad Ansari, PhD, NEOMED

Raghunatha Yammani, PhD, Wake Forest University

Yvonne van Gemert, Radboud Institute for Molecular life Science

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Session Title: Outcomes of rehabilitation in osteoarthritis

Session Description: Outcome measures for management programs in osteoarthritis rehabilitation will facilitate better comparison between programs in clinical settings and patient populations, and will improve researchers' ability to better evaluate their effects. These outcomes could cover different facets of the patient's symptoms and risk factors, such as pain, stiffness, physical inactivity. Intervention strategies should include a range of intervention strategies, such as patient education, physical activity, exercise, weight loss, and assistive devices. This session will focus on outcomes of management programs in osteoarthritis rehabilitation, including self-management, patient education, and exercise therapy.

Moderators: Jos Runhaar, PhD, Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam; Martin Van Der Esch, PhD, Reade Centre for Rehabilitation and Rheumatology


Linda Baumbach, University of Southern Denmark

Håkan Nero, PhD, Lund University

Ewa Roos, PT, PhD, University of Southern Denmark

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Session Title: Assessing outcomes after osteoarthritis pharmacological and surgical interventions

Session Description: Attendees will be able to consider study designs and specific issues concerning outcome measures applied in recent clinical trials with a range of interventions including zoledronic acid, high tibial osteotomy and knee joint replacement for knee OA.

Moderators: Martin Lotz, MD, The Scripps Research Institute


Dawn Aitken, PhD, Menzies Institute for Medical Research

Codie Primeau, MSc, Western University

Lauren King, University of Toronto

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Session Title: Osteoarthritis Genetics and Epigenetics

Session Description: In this OARSI Live session, we will hear from a range of investigators at the forefront of genetic and epigenetic research in osteoarthritis. Join us to hear how this knowledge can help us to elucidate the risk, progression, diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Moderators: Sarah Rice, PhD, Newcastle University; Cindy Boer, PhD, Erasmus Medical Center


Purva Singh, PhD, Hospital for Special Surgery

Yulia Kehayova, Newcastle University

Terence Capellini, PhD, Harvard University

S. Amanda Ali, PhD,  Henry Ford Health System

April Hartley, University of Bristol

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Session Title: Hip and Knee OA: Diagnostic Considerations and Comorbidities

Session Description: This session will examine diagnostic aspects of knee OA and the role of comorbidities in hip and knee OA outcomes

Moderators: Gillian Hawker, MD, MSc, University of Toronto and Marienke van Middelkoop, PhD, Erasmus MC Medical University Rotterdam


Jos Runhaar, PhD, Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam

Philippa Nicolson, PhD, University of Oxford

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Session Title: Imaging of osteoarthritis: CT and MRI

Session Description: In this second OARSI Live Hour on Imaging for Spring 2021, we will learn more about imaging and the prevalence of intra-articular mineralizations in osteoarthritis. We will also hear the recent findings on diagnostic performance of region- and layer-specific analysis of T2 relaxation of articular cartilage from MRI.

Moderators: Simo Saarakkala, PhD, University of Oulu, Frank Roemer, MD, University Hospital Erlangen


Mohamed Jarraya, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Wolfgang Wirth, PhD, Paracelsus Medical University, Salburg, Austria

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Session Title: Collagen biomarkers in osteoarthritis

Session Description: Factors influencing collagen biomarkers in urine, and serum, and what this means for their use in osteoarthritis

Moderators: Gerjo Van Osch, Erasmus MC; Cristina Ruiz-Romero, PhD, Grupo de Investigación de Reumatología


Jonathan Bjerre-Bastos, MD, University of Copenhagen

Liisa Kuhi, University of Tartu

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Session Title: Nuts & Bolts of Writing a Successful Grant: Perspectives from Early Career Investigators

Session Description: In this first of a series of webinars on the topic of grantsmanship and grant writing, the speakers will share their personal experience on what the key conceptual and strategic aspects are for writing grant components like the specific aims page, significance/innovation, and approach. They will provide you with tips and tricks, with plenty of time for questions and discussion during the extended panel discussion at the end of the session. This more general first webinar will be followed by region/country-specific meetings later this year. Topics in the series will include how to write specific components required for fellowship and career development awards and how to tailor grants to strategic priorities for national funding bodies and societies. 

Moderators: Nancy Lane, MD, U.C. Davis Health; Jeroen Geurts, PhD, University Hospital Lausanne


Jamie Collins, PhD, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Blandine Poulet, PhD, University of Liverpool

Yvonne Golightly, PT, PhD, University of North Carolina

Kyle Allen, PhD, University of Florida

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Session Title: The mechanobiology path towards joint health

Session Description: This session features top abstracts on mechanobiology in osteoarthritis across the spectrum from subcellular to organ-level dimensions

Moderators: Barbara Chan, The University of Hong Kong; Rik Lories, MD, PhD, KU Leuven


Michelle Teunissen, MSc, Utrecht University

Holly Philpott, MSc

Hayat Muhammad, PhD, University of Oxford

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Session Title: Cell and Gene Therapy - Regenerative Medicine

Session Description: Articular cartilage has a limited capacity for self-regeneration after injury. Repair of lesions of the articular cartilage is, therefore, a major clinical challenge. In several preclinical and clinical studies, chondrocytes and/or stem cells, delivered in suspension or seeded into biomaterials, have been shown to repair cartilage defects. In this webinar, we will learn about novel translational stem cell-mediated approaches currently under investigation for the repair of articular cartilage and the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Moderators: Cosimo De Bari, MD, PhD, FRCP, University of Aberdeen; Yolande F. M. Ramos, Leiden University Medical Center


Rocío Castro-Viñuelas, PhD, Human Movement Biomechanics (HMB)
Denis Evseenko, MD, PhD, University of Southern California
Barbara Chan, The University of Hong Kong;

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This webinar is free to OARSI members.