Timothy "Tim" Hughes 提姆·休斯 L.ISP’s Post

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Should have Played Quidditch for England

Why prospecting today is about clicks and likes In this article, I explain how you will generate leads and meetings by posting content on social media In fact, in the world of sales today, posting on social is a salesteams life blood for a healthy pipeline and healthy win rate The blog provides a case studies of people that are doing this and getting excellent results If this article was useful I've added links to additional articles that might of use to #salesleadership #sales and #marketing offer #prospecting and #leadgeneration tips If you are interested in #digitalbusiness then tune into the DLA ignite global team who are sharing their expertise on #digitalorganization #salesenablement #salesdevelopment #salesexcellence #prospectingtips #saleseffectiveness

Why prospecting today is about clicks and likes

Why prospecting today is about clicks and likes

Timothy "Tim" Hughes 提姆·休斯 L.ISP on LinkedIn

Nick Raeburn

🧌 Create GOLD with social selling sorcery 🔥 Discover your TRUE VOICE ❤️ Taking your content from ZERO to HERO ⚔️ Your guide & Digital Dungeon Master 💎 DM this DM ☝️


We had a sales guy on a C suite call ask us yesterday how we track leads on social, I almost had to ask him how he tracks sales from magazine ads or trades shows, but had to bite my lip. EVERY single metric on social is trackable and everything can be traced back to a single point and I genuinely think that terrifies sales people. As there is nowhere to run and hide anymore Timothy there is a huge amount of education needed as well.

Mike Garrison

Life is better with a Guide. Special Needs Parent and Fanatic Fly Fisherman. Helping business owners love their business and their life.


Timothy (Tim) Hughes 提姆·休斯 as you rightly point out, the biggest difference between the stuff that fails miserably on #socialmedia and what you teach is that it is about helping others.

Xoan San Martin

EMEA Demand Generation and Sales Leader. European Leadership. Founder of Inside Sales Leadership.


Love this.

William Shorten (PCC)

Creating safe spaces to enable individuals and teams to learn, grow and develop. When not doing that cycling, reading and drinking wine...


The headline to this blog is spot on Timothy and the diagram of 'Social Hierarchy' with humanising at the top highlights this brilliantly. thanks for sharing.

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