Published September 15, 2020 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

LoRaWAN with HSM as a Security Improvement for Agriculture Applications

  • 1. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Vienna, Austria
  • 2. Internet of Things (IoT) Lab, Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43124 Parma, Italy


The digital future in agriculture has started a long time ago, with Smart Farming and Agriculture 4.0 being synonyms that describe the change in this domain. Digitalization stands for the needed technology to realize the transformation from conventional to modern agriculture. The continuously monitoring of all environmental data and the recording of all work parameters enables data col-lections, which are used for precise decision making and the planning of in-time missions. To guarantee secure and genuine data, appropriate data security measures must be provided.
This paper will present a research work in the EU AFarCloud project. It intro-duces the important LoRaWAN data communication technology for the trans-mission of sensor data and to present a concept for improving data security and protection of sensor nodes. Data and device protection are becoming increasing-ly important, particularly around LoRaWAN applications in agriculture.
In the first part, a general assessment of the security situation in modern ag-riculture, data encryption methods, and the LoRaWAN data communication technology, will be presented.
Then, the paper explains the security improvement concept by using a Hardware Secure Module (HSM), which not only improves the data security but also prevents device manipulations. A real system implementation (Security Evaluation Demonstrator, SED) helps to validate the correctness and the correct function of the advanced security improvement.
Finally, an outlook on necessary future works declares what should be done in order to make the digital agriculture safe and secure in the same extent as In-dustrial Control Systems (ICSs) will be today.



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AFarCloud – Aggregate Farming in the Cloud 783221
European Commission