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Three Ways To Boost Productivity With Autonomous Motivation Posted on : Oct 04 - 2021

The success of your business depends on the team of people who work in your office. Their productivity is directly related to the efficiency of the company. In short, highly productive employees contribute to your increased success. How can you strengthen the likelihood of having highly productive employees? One way to boost employee productivity is to understand autonomous motivation.

Let’s start with the premise that your employees want to be successful in their work as much as you want to be successful in your business. Creating a work environment where employees are easily motivated to succeed, which then contributes to your success, is building a win-win situation for both you and your employees.

What Is Autonomous Motivation?

Autonomous motivation is embedded in self-determination theory (SDT), developed in the 1970s by psychologists Richard Ryan and Edward Deci. In a nutshell, SDT is based on the idea that humans are best motivated to do tasks by intrinsic factors instead of extrinsic rewards.

Self-determination theory analyzes motivation through three essential psychological human needs: autonomy, relatedness and competence.

According to Ryan and Deci, autonomy is the most critical in driving intrinsic motivation. This feeling of independence drives people to do their best work and is at the heart of autonomous motivation. The more autonomy a person feels, the more motivated they become.

Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic

Extrinsic is an outside factor that plays on a human being. Intrinsic is an internal factor that plays within a human being. The culture of an organization is built within. Autonomous motivation activates these intrinsic factors. Employees have an inner drive to do their work and do it well.

Intrinsic values touch on how a person feels about their work and not just how much compensation they receive. Being paid fairly is important, but being paid more does not always correlate with being more productive. Money is not the only factor that motivates people to complete tasks. Other factors are at play encouraging workers to be successfully productive and will create a better culture within the organization. View More