Follow the light


Beautiful one :heart_eyes:
At this rate, you will have the most featured time by one user over all time :laughing:
keep going :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Haha thanks! Never thought of that tbh :sweat_smile: I’ll just keep practising and pushing for sure tho!

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Do you spend all your time on Blender ? because your doing amazing thing in such short time :thinking:

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I do practice a lot in my days but I also try to automate all the things I can, so I can move onto the next things I have to practice and not repeating over the same tasks :sweat_smile: hope my answer makes some sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is awesome! Would it be possible to get pointers or a short/quick how you did this?

Cheers and stay safe!

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Sure! At first I generated a terrain by mixing different kind of heightmaps. There’s a great plugin called Terrain Mixer to do that. After that I threw some HDRIs in, found the one I wanted and rotated things around till I got something I like in my camera view.

After that I rendered it in Cycles, went to Photoshop, played with colors, clouds and post process effects and that’s all I did (:

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would you care to share the specs of the machine and the rendering time on this (stillframe?) or is it somewhere inhere where i missed it, im not really a regular to the site so scusi if i overlooked it. This is pretty awesome stuff …

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Thanks mate! Render was not that big of a deal, I have a pretty generic PC. I guess it took around 3-4 minutes or sth? Can’t remember 100%

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yea thats why im asking, i have like one with an i5 a gtx970 and 16gb ddr4 , it takes around 30 minutes to render just the head of this guy

i mean one of these at 1024x1024 is 20-30 minutes thats why im curious

im not much of a modeller btw just a hobbyist its using mblab plugin

perfect for people like me who can barely draw stick figures at gunpoint

supposed to be for a game but under current circumstances that would be E.T.A. 2150 or something, anyway thanks for the reply - i assume your concept of generic is a bit fresher

better when i get my hands on one of those 30xx series but since they tripled the promised prise … bums cant afford :slight_smile:
keep blending, thats an awesome piece


Yea getting a 30xx will definitely help mate! Thanks for your kind words :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Well done!

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Thanks!! :rocket:

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Very realistic. I am afraid to slip on the path.

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