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These Are The Most Haunted Spots In Alberta Worth A Road Trip This Fall

Ghostly must-see spots if you love a good scare. 👻
Haunted Places In Alberta Worth A Road Trip This Fall Sure To Give You A Scare

There are a lot of unexplainable happenings going on in this province. Between things that go bump at night, cold spots, or rotting spectres that show up in your living room and spell out your exact date of death — we've all had our share of spooky sightings. But if your life is a little too mundane, then this list of haunted places in Alberta will be sure to lift your spirits in more ways than one.

Alberta is absolutely packed with ghosts. You can hardly walk down the street without stumbling into a murdered bride or a drowned bride or a bride who tragically died of some mysterious illness.

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Whether they're hanging around abandoned hospitals, watching local plays, or milling about the place of their deaths, these spooky spectres can be found practically everywhere if you know where to look.

This list of the province's most haunted spaces will lead you from ancient hotels to abandoned mines, from storied movie theatres to macabre museums. It'll even take you to city icons that you would never suspect was inhabited by ghosts.

So get your EMF recorder, infrared monocular, tactical combat flashlight, and portable back-mounted vacuum cleaner ready, because this fall, you're in for a spooktacular grand tour.

The Banff Springs Hotel

Address: 405 Spray Ave., Banff, AB

Why You Need To Go: You can stay in a literally haunted castle here, because the Fairmont has seen its fair share of tragedy in its over 130 years of existence. Keep a lookout for the infamous ghost bride!

Charles Camsell Hospital

Address: 12815 115 Ave., Edmonton, AB

Why You Need To Go: One of the reportedly most haunted spots in the province, the hospital was first set up to treat Indigenous people in 1946 — many of these patients never returned home.

The Rosedeer Hotel

Address: 555 Jewell St., Rosedale, AB

Why You Need To Go: Located out in the badlands, the Rosedeer Hotel was the home base of many coal miners from Wayne. Now the only things that live here are their ghosts.

The Princess Theatre

Address: 10337 82 Ave., Edmonton, AB

Why You Need To Go: This splendid relic from the early 1900s not only is gorgeous, it's also the territory of a spectre dressed in a white wedding gown, often seen wandering the halls.

Frank Slide

Address: Frank, AB

Why You Need To Go: Visit the site of Canada's deadliest rockslide. In 1903, Turtle Mountain collapsed and crashed down on the town of Frank. The souls of the over 90 people killed in the incident still haunt the grounds today.

The Calgary Stampede

Address: 3 St., Calgary, AB

Why You Need To Go: Despite being the home of Calgary's most iconic show, there have been tons of reports of ghostly apparitions and strange noises — possibly from a worker who died in its construction.

Edmonton General Hospital

Address: 11111 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB

Why You Need To Go: Hospitals are already notoriously spooky, but this place takes the cake. Several ghosts have been seen stalking the corridors of this continuing care centre, like the apparition of a mother crying out for her lost child.

The Walterdale Playhouse

Address: 10322 83 Ave., Edmonton, AB

Why You Need To Go: It seems like dead people really like watching plays. Witnesses report hearing ringing bells and sightings of firey horses ready to for their ghastly work. Ironic, since the building is Alberta's oldest major fire hall.

Atlas Coal Mine

Address: 110 Century Dr., East Coulee, AB

Why You Need To Go: Just looking over the rusting corpse of this massive mine structure gives us shivers. The old site was the final resting ground of many workers who died deep underground.

The Gopher Hole Museum

Address: 208 1 St., Torrington, AB

Why You Need To Go: This place is less specifically haunted and more spooky in a Beetlejuice kind of way. The museum hosts dozens of dead and taxidermied gophers dressed in little suits and posed in dioramas. I imagine their souls aren't too happy about it.

Before you get going, check our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your trip.

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