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Top papers of 2023

Knowledge, Practical Knowledge, and Intentional Action
Joshua David Shepherd, A. A. Carter 
31 Mar 2023 - Ergo
In this paper , the authors argue that any strong version of a knowledge condition on intentional action, the practical knowledge principle, on which knowledge of what I am doing (under some description: call it Aing) is necessary for that A-ing to qualify as an intentional action is false.
La inteligencia artificial como herramienta complementaria en la investigación y educación: responsabilidad ética y humana
31 Mar 2023 - Revista Unidad Sanitaria XXI
The Inteligencia Artificial (IA) as mentioned in this paper can be seen as a herramienta valiosa for provechada tanto en la educación como en la investigación, de manera responsable y ética.
Yelliza Yelliza, Siska Siska 
31 Mar 2023 - Tell-Us Journal : Teaching-English-Linguistics-Literature-Usage
In this article , a study was conducted to determine the most and least commonly used vocabulary learning strategies by the students and identify the reasons behind their use of these strategies, which revealed that the students' preferred strategy of using dictionaries to find the meaning of new words was due to its ease and effectiveness, whereas the least used strategy of interacting with native speakers to find new words is limited by the availability of context and vocabulary knowledge.
Wiyadi Wiyadi, Arsyawina Arsyawina 
31 Mar 2023
Sostroatmodjo et al. as mentioned in this paper , mengetahui pengaruh tindakan suction terhadap perubahan saturasi oksigen pada pasien penurunan kesadaran.
Judgment of Questions That Can Be Scientifically Explored during Discussion at the Time of Unit Introduction
31 Mar 2023 - Journal of research in science education
In this article , the authors proposed a method to solve the problem of the lack of resources in the field of computer science. But, their method was ineffective and ineffective, and they failed to find the solution.
Pan-Cancer Analysis of the COVID-19 Causal Gene SLC6A20
31 Mar 2023 - ACS omega
In this paper , a systematic profiling of SLC6A20 in different malignancies was performed to identify the correlation of SCL 6A20 with infiltrating immune cells and immune-related signatures.
Multi-functional dual-path self-aligned polarization interference lithography.
31 Mar 2023 - Optics Express
In this paper , a dual-path self-aligned polarization interference lithography (Dp-SAP IL) was proposed for fabricating periodic nanostructures, featuring high-steepness and high-uniformization.
Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran model pbl berbasis outdoor learning mathematics dan pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif
31 Mar 2023 - Jurnal Aksioma
In this paper , the problem-based learning (PBL) model was used to develop mathematics learning tools with the Problem Based Learning model consisting of Learning Implementation Plans (RPP), Student Worksheets (LKPD), and Creative Thinking Ability Tests (TKBK) based on Outdoor Learning Mathematics (OLM).
Editorial: Improving the quality of outcome measurement for adults with disabilities receiving community-based services
Renáta Tichá, Brian H. Abery, Jan Šiška 
31 Mar 2023 - Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences
In this paper , the authors propose a framework for disability, rehabilitation, and inclusion in the context of Front. Rehabil. Sci., 31 March 2023Sec. 4 - 2023.
Data Mining Untuk Menerapkan Algoritma Hash Based Pada Penetapan Pola Tata Letak Penjualan Bakery and Cake
31 Mar 2023 - Jurnal Sistem Komputer dan Informatika (JSON)
In this article , the authors used hash based algorithm to determine the layout of each item in order to increase the efficiency of sales in the bakery and cake business and found that the main priority items were G = peanut butter, H = white bread L = srikaya jam with a support value of 25% and 60% confidence.
Pembelajaran Era New Normal: Pengaruh Self Regulated Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Siswa SMP
31 Mar 2023 - Jurnal Aksioma
In this paper , the authors found that there was a positive effect of self-regulated learning on the ability to think creatively mathematically by 21.6% and 78.4% of students.
Tahkim Müessesesinin Roma, İslâm ve Günümüz Türk Hukuklarındaki Görünümü
31 Mar 2023
Tahkim, tarafların aralarındaki uyuş-mazlığı hakeme tevdîi, genel olarak tah-kim sözleşmesi ve hakem söZellikler şeklinde incelenmektedir.
Optimism as a Mediator of the Relationship between Adolescents’ Stress and Intelligence: Using the K-WISC-V
Yoon A. Park, Yeonsoo Kim, Keumjoo Kwak 
31 Mar 2023 - The Korean Journal of the Human Development
In this paper , the authors proposed a method to solve the problem of how to improve the quality of the test data in order to increase the accuracy of the final test results of a test.
Numerical Investigation of Reducing Wave Propagation Hazard Utilizing an Appropriate Vegetation Area
31 Mar 2023 - Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami
In this paper , a numerical model was employed to determine the optimal location for vegetation as an environmentally friendly method of attenuating tsunami waves, and the results showed that the location of the forest area has a great impact on the control of destructive factors along the beach.
Relevance of 21st century skills in dealing with sustainable development goals through the independent campus learning program
31 Mar 2023 - Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Guru Sekolah Dasar
In this paper , the relevance of teaching skills through MBKM can be interpreted as an effort to realize the whole human being in facing sustainable development or SDGs, and most of the respondents agreed with the MB-KM program and were very satisfied with their learning experience.
Caracterización de la incubadora de la Casa de la Cultura Núcleo del Azuay, Ecuador
31 Mar 2023 - Religación
In this article , a caracterización de metodologías y lineamientos técnicos que posee la incubadora de la Casa de la Cultura Núcleo del Azuay, mediante las directrices teóricas de la economía creativa and el emprendimiento in el cantón Cuenca.
Efecto del modelo de periodización del microciclo competitivo en la carga de entrenamiento de jóvenes futbolistas masculinos (Effect of the periodization model of the competitive microcycle on the training load of young male football players)
Julen Castellano, Angel Ric 
31 Mar 2023 - Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación
In this article , the authors evaluate the effect of two periodization models, characterized from the typology of the performed tasks, on the load perceived by young football players, and find that the periodization model has a particular impact on the perceived effort and fatigue related to training and competition.
A Study on the Vanitas Allegory through the Works of Philippe de Champaigne and Irving Penn
31 Mar 2023 - Yureop munhwa yesulhak nonjip
In this paper , the authors proposed a method to solve the problem of the lack of a suitable solution to the problem by using the concept of "hybridization" of the two types of entities.
Adaptation of mathematical model of conductive freezing to carp caviar as lecithin source and its solution
31 Mar 2023 - Vestnik Astrahanskogo gosudarstvennogo tehničeskogo universiteta
In this paper , a mathematical model solution about internal heat transfer during sazan caviar freezing under heterogeneous boundary conditions is presented, which is based on the Mathcad Professional software product.
Corrosion diagnosis of various reinforcing steels in concrete by electrochemical noise
Tomoko Fukuyama, Yunmi Kim, Yuma Kawasaki 
31 Mar 2023 - Cement Science and Concrete Technology
In this paper , the authors discuss the effect of different types of behaviors on the performance of a person. But they do not discuss the effects of different kinds of behaviours on other individuals.
Penerapan pembelajaran problem-based learning (pbl) berbasis powerpoint terhadap hasil belajar siswa
31 Mar 2023 - Jurnal Santiaji Pendidikan: JSP
Hasil belajar siswa belum maksimal, sebelum diterapkannya model pembelajaran ying inovatif. as mentioned in this paper .
A comparison of the effect on pain management of two non-pharmacological methods used during administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162b2): A randomized controlled study.
31 Mar 2023 - Japan Journal of Nursing Science
In this article, the effect of local vibration applied by means of the Buzzy® device was found to reduce the levels of pain relating to administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination.
Formulation of a marketing strategy for company brand management
31 Mar 2023 - Ekonomìčnì gorizonti
In this article , the authors presented a score rating of the 100 most expensive brands in the world and a score ranking of the top ten most expensive national brands, which is based on the principle of synergy, if brandy combines mutual strength of competitive advantages, it maximizes the brand capital and increases the efficiency of winning the company's capital.
Quantitative Analysis of Electrical Molten Marks Applying ASTM E1382
Young-Beom Kim, Seung Tae Jeong 
31 Mar 2023 - Han-guk hwajae gamsik hakoe gisulji
In this paper , an image taken with an electron microscope is analyzed and quantitatively determined using an analysis program called iSolution DT, based on the ASTM E1382 standard.
Analysis of Gender Differences in the Longitudinal Causal Relationship between Cooperative Learning Preference and Creativity
Youngran Ham, Noo Ree Kim 
31 Mar 2023 - Chang-uilyeog gyo-yug yeon-gu
In this paper, a multi-group analysis across gender was conducted to confirm the longitudinal causal relationship between cooperative learning preference and creativity and found that parent-child interaction and academic support in the 6th grade of elementary school had a significant effect on both cooperative learning preferences and creativity.
Criteria for Determining whether Virtual Assets Are Securities and Regulatory Direction for Virtual Assets
31 Mar 2023 - Gieopbeobyeon-gu
In this paper , Howey et al. describe how to find the best way to solve the problem of how to define howey and how to identify howey's behavior in relation to howey.
Gambaran Kepuasan Pasien di Tempat Pendaftaran Pasien Rawat Jalan RSUD Majenang Tahun 2021
31 Mar 2023 - Jurnal Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan
Latarbelakang as mentioned in this paper berdasarkan wawancara dengan petugas TPPRJ bahwa di RSUD Majenang belum melakukan survei kepuasan terhadap pasien umum and BPJS tanpa rujukan sehingga tidak diketahui nilai persentase kepasan.
Study for the Factors Affecting Impulsive Buying Behavior of Viewers in Chinese Influencers’ E-commerce Live Broadcasting : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Positive Emotions
31 Mar 2023 - Sahoe gwahag nonchong
In this paper , the authors proposed a new e-commerce platform based on the E-commerce model, which is called e-E-commerce, where the user decides whether or not to buy a product from a seller.
Coal rank data analytic for ASTM and PSDBMP classification
31 Mar 2023 - International journal of innovative research and scientific studies
In this article , the authors used a python-based approach to define variables and automatically classify the coal rank based on the threshold values obtained from the two basic analyses described earlier, and they found that this method is able to accurately classify coal according to the given threshold.
Critical Success Factors that Determine the Entrepreneurial Readiness among the B40 Women in Selangor
31 Mar 2023 - Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business
In this paper , the authors focused on four factors that relate to women's motivation, resources, opportunity and ability in order to examine the entrepreneurial preparedness among the B40 women who had participated in an entrepreneurial training programme in Malaysia.
Scientist spotlights
31 Mar 2023 - Ichthyology & herpetology
Ichthyology & Herpetology publishes work on the biology of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, or work using those organisms as models for testing hypotheses of broad significance as mentioned in this paper .
Enhanced oral bioavailability of capsaicin‐loaded microencapsulation complex via electrospray technology: Preparation, in vitro and in vivo evaluation
31 Mar 2023 - Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition
In this paper , the authors used electrospray technology and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K30 as a carrier to fabricate the microencapsulation of capsaicin.
تأثير تطبيق معيار الإبلاغ المالي الدولي (ifrs 15) في ممارسات إدارة الأرباح لعينة من شركات الاتصالات في سوق مسقط للأوراق المالية
31 Mar 2023 - Mağallaẗ tikrīt li-l-ʻulūm al-idāriyyaẗ wa-al-iqtiṣādiyyaẗ
In this article , the authors proposed an approach to improve the performance of IFRS 15, the first version of the IFRS-15 standard, by using the concept of a "probability index".
Methodology to Add Value to Ageing Travel Survey Data
Hubert Verreault, Catherine Morency 
31 Mar 2023 - Transportation Research Record
In this paper , the authors proposed a methodology for combining the two travel surveys from the city of Sherbrooke in Quebec, a large-scale regional survey from 2012 and a smaller ad-hoc travel survey from 2019, and the results obtained with the combined samples allow to reproduce faithfully the trip behaviors and populations of 2019.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Super-Aged Society: A Letter From the Near Future
31 Mar 2023 - Journal of Korean Medical Science
In this paper , the authors pointed out that the longer we expose ourselves to environmental factors, the more likely we are to develop COPD, and the higher the risk of developing COPD.
Exploring the Power of Hide-and-Seek: A Promising Approach to Foster Social Skills Development in Children at TK Al-Fadlilah Yogyakarta
31 Mar 2023 - Golden age: jurnal ilmiah tumbuh kembang anak usia dini
In this article , the authors investigated the potential of the game "Hide and Seek" in promoting children's social skills and found that it significantly enhances social skills among children at TK Al-Fadlilah, Yogyakarta.
Gastric outlet obstruction secondary to peptic ulcer disease in a case of abdominal Koch’s
31 Mar 2023 - International Surgery Journal
In this article , the authors reported a case of a 43-year-old male with no evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis and retroviral infection with complaints of abdominal pain since 4 months and features of gastric outlet obstruction.
Gestão da produção industrial na moda: desafios para a sustentabilidade
31 Mar 2023 - Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação
A pesquisa descritiva a partir de revisão de literatura sobre o tema e revisão of estudos de caso no Brasil e no mundo, buscados em sites de empresas voltadas for o segmento da moda, sejam indústrias têxteis, sesem marcas existentes, semo indústras existente nos mercados nacional e internacional that ganharam destaque na mídia, buscarados in sites que buscado em sites of empresa voltadas to o segment of o moda as discussed by the authors .
Aplicativos Médicos para Insulinização Hospitalar: Revisão Sistemática
31 Mar 2023 - Revista Científica Hospital Santa Izabel
A revisão sistemática sobre as aplicações de insulina no hospital de acordo com as diretrizes PRISMA was conducted as mentioned in this paper .
31 Mar 2023 - Kankyō kyōiku
The Karakuwa-hanto Visitor Center was established in 1984 to provide environmental education to tourists visiting the Sanriku Fukko (reconstruction) National Park as mentioned in this paper .
Kualitas tidur dan tekanan darah pada supir bus lintas Sumatera: Studi pada trayek Banda Aceh - Medan
31 Mar 2023 - Tropical Public Health Journal
In this article , a study aims for identifying sleep quality with blood pressure in bus drivers across Sumatera on the Banda Aceh-Medan route with a descriptive design and 30 participant as samples.
Intervening Role of Sustainability Practices in the Nexuses of Responsible Leadership and Environmental, Task, and Contextual Performance
31 Mar 2023 - Sustainable business and society in emerging economies
In this paper , the authors assessed the function of responsible leadership in the banking industry using the stakeholder theory and looked into the connection between responsible leadership and task, contextual, and environmental performance.
The Reality of Goguryeo’s Expedition in the Year of White Rat (400) and the Response of the Countries of Gaya
31 Mar 2023 - The Journal of Korean Ancient History
In this paper , the authors proposed a method to solve the problem of the lack of a reliable mobile phone app for mobile phone users in South Korea, which is called Mobile Phone App for Mobile Computing.
Temporal stability and directional change in a color cline of a marine snail from NW Spain
31 Mar 2023 - Current Zoology
In this paper , a case of decades-long temporal stability and directional change in a color cline of the marine snail Littorina saxatilis along the coastal inlet of the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain) is described.
Association between composite dietary antioxidant index and handgrip strength in American adults: Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES, 2011-2014)
31 Mar 2023 - Frontiers in Nutrition
In this article , a weighted generalized linear regression model was used to evaluate the association between CDAI and Handgrip strength (HGS) in 6,019 American adults.
Metaorganizações na Formatação de Mercados: Proposições Teóricas
31 Mar 2023 - Desenvolvimento em Questão
In this paper , the authors present proposições teóricas of that a metaorganização (MO) atua na formatação de mercados performando uma tripla agência entre o meio econômico (mercado), o uso social, and o meo político.
On the Influence of Patriarch Nikon on the Spread of Orthodoxy in Mordovia (on the Example of a Pre-Restoration Study of the Icon of the Iver Mother of God of 19th Century)
31 Mar 2023 - Гуманитарий
In this article , the historical and cultural aspects in the composition of iconographic studies of the icon of the Iver Mother of God of 19th century (Fig. 1, 2) as an object of restoration were considered.
Ектопічна вагітність – проблема сьогодення
31 Mar 2023
For instance, this paper found that 95% of the respondents agreed with the following conclusions: 1.5% of all the responses were positive and 5% were negative, while only 2% were neutral.

Top papers of 2022

How do text characteristics impact user engagement in social media posts: Modeling content readability, length, and hashtags number in Facebook
01 Apr 2022 - International journal of information management data insights
In this paper , the authors examined whether text characteristics in branded Facebook image posts associate with consumer engagement and brand awareness and found that text which is easy to read, long (more than 31 words, or more than 321 characters), and contains many hashtags tends to achieve higher performance of engagement and awareness.
Effects of stray current and silicate ions on electrochemical behavior of a high-strength prestressing steel in simulated concrete pore solutions
01 Apr 2022 - Corrosion Science
In this paper , the evolution of passivation and chloride-induced corrosion behavior of a high-strength prestressing steel affected by stray current and silicate ions in alkaline solutions simulating the concrete interstitial electrolyte was studied.
Photocatalytic self-cleaning EVAL membrane by incorporating bio-inspired functionalized MIL-101(Fe) for dye/salt separation
01 Apr 2022 - Chemical Engineering Journal
Li et al. as discussed by the authors developed a new loose NF membrane with facile materials to conduct dye/salt separation and endow it with versatile capacities to offer an applicable solution to treat textile wastewater.
Chalcogenide BaZrS3 perovskite solar cells: A numerical simulation and analysis using SCAPS-1D
S. Karthick, S. Velumani, Johann Bouclé 
01 Apr 2022 - Optical Materials
In this article , a chalcogenide BaZrS3-based perovskite solar cells were investigated using the Solar cell simulator capacitance software (SCAPS-1D).
Electrochemical detection of aminoglycoside antibiotics residuals in milk based on magnetic molecularly imprinted particles and metal ions.
01 Apr 2022 - Food Chemistry
In this paper , a cost-effective, simple, and highly sensitive magnetic molecularly imprinted particles (MMIPs) electrochemical sensor was proposed to indirectly detect kanamycin (KAN), tobramycin (TOB), and gentamicin (GEN).
Eupaformosanin induces apoptosis and ferroptosis through ubiquitination of mutant p53 in triple-negative breast cancer.
01 Apr 2022 - European journal of pharmacology
Wang et al. as discussed by the authors showed that eupaformosanin (Eup), a natural compound isolated from Eupatorium cannabinum Linn, significantly inhibited the viability of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells.
Enhanced mechanical properties and biocompatibility on BC/HAp composite through calcium gluconate fortified bacterial.
01 Apr 2022 - Carbohydrate Polymers
In this article , the authors modified the BC by changing the carbon source to calcium gluconate during the biosynthesis process of BC by bacteria, providing nucleation sites for further mineralization in simulated body fluid.
Using the H-index as a factor in the promotion of surgical faculty
01 Apr 2022 - Heliyon
In this paper , the authors evaluated the academic productivity at the time of promotions at the institution and demonstrated that academic productivity is an important determinant for promotion, and used the H-index as an objective measure for applying promotion.
Adsorption of yttrium bisphthalocyanine on pristine and defect-contaning graphene models: A DFT study
01 Apr 2022 - Diamond and Related Materials
In this paper , the noncovalent interactions of yttrium bisphthalocyanine YPc2 with graphene sheet models with and without topological defects were analyzed.
Improved thermal stability and direct hexagonal transition accompanied by metal-insulator transition in Arsenic substituted Ge2Sb2Te5
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Alloys and Compounds
In this paper , the phase change properties of Ge2Sb2−xAsxTe5 (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0) thin films deposited by thermal evaporation are reported.
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study: Association of Genetic Alterations in the Apoptosis Pathways with Chemoresistance to Doxorubicin
01 Apr 2022 - Cancers
It was revealed that cancer cells of more than one quarter of patients had molecular alterations preventing apoptosis and observed an association between molecular alterations found and chemoresistance to Doxorubicin, but not to Ifosfamide or Gemcitabine and Docetaxel.
The study of Middle Bronze Age pottery from Yassıtepe Höyük site in İzmir, Turkey, by FTIR and XRD with chemometrics
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
In this paper , a combination of ATR-FTIR and XRD spectroscopy was used to characterize the mineralogical compositions and firing conditions of 108 Middle Bronze Age sherds collected from different excavation areas of the Yassıtepe Höyük site in İzmir, Turkey.
Aquifer-scale mapping of injection capacity for potential aquifer storage and recovery sites: Methodology development and case studies in Minnesota, USA
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
In this article , the authors present a quantitative methodology based on the Theis solution to estimate well-based injection capacity and generate an aquifer-scale injection capacity map, which can be easily applied to other areas.
Economic Evaluation of Nemonoxacin, Moxifloxacin and Levofloxacin in the Treatment of Early Community-Acquired Pneumonia with Possible Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Min Zhao, Zhu Chi, X. Pan, Yue Heng Yin, Wenxi Tang 
01 Apr 2022 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
It is demonstrated that nemonoxacin is the more economical compared with moxifloxac in and levofloxACin, and non-fluoroquinolone antibiotics are cost-saving and utility-increasing compared to fluoroquolones in the differential diagnosis of PTB, which can help healthcare system in making optimal policies and help clinicians in the medication of patients.
SFN Enhanced the Radiosensitivity of Cervical Cancer Cells via Activating LATS2 and Blocking Rad51/MDC1 Recruitment to DNA Damage Site
01 Apr 2022 - Cancers
Sulforaphane (SFN) inhibited the survival of cervical cancer cells under radiotherapy treatment in vitro and prolonged the survival period after radiotherapy in the mouse tumorigenic model.
Embedded Optical Fibre with Fibre Bragg Grating Influence on Additive Manufactured Polymeric Structure Durability
01 Apr 2022 - Materials
In this article , the influence of embedded Fibre Bragg grating sensors on additive manufacturing (AM) polymer elements' durability has been analyzed using a tensile test on M3 X and M3 Crystal.
Optimization of High-Pressure-Assisted Extraction of Cadmium and Lead from Kelp (Laminaria japonica) Using Response Surface Methodology
Hao Wang, Liang Wang, Jiahong Zhu, Guixian Hu 
01 Apr 2022 - Foods
In this article , the authors investigated the effects of high-pressure-assisted extraction (HPAE) conditions on Cd and Pb removal efficiency from kelp and found that the HPAE conditions had the most significant positive effects on the removal of cadmium and lead.
Surgical management of delayed-presentation diaphragm hernia: A single-institution experience
01 Apr 2022 - JTCVS techniques
In this article , a case series of 14 patients with delayed-presentation diaphragm hernias was described, 9 of whom underwent minimally invasive repair and 5 patients (36%) underwent open repair.
Field of experts regularized nonlocal low rank matrix approximation for image denoising
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Zhang et al. as discussed by the authors proposed a field of experts regularized nonlocal low rank matrix approximation (RFoE) denoising model, which integrates a global field-of-experts regularization, a fidelity term, and a non-local low-rank constraint into a unified framework.
On normal congruence of surfaces and position vector of optical fiber by electromagnetic wave vectors
01 Apr 2022 - Optik
In this article , a view of the normal congruence of surfaces including the s − l i n e s and b − l ǫ e s in terms of electromagnetic wave vectors in ordinary space is given.
Biometric palm vein authentication of psychiatric patients for reducing in-hospital medication errors: a pre–post observational study
Minoru Sawa, Tomomi Inoue, Shinichi Manabe 
01 Apr 2022 - BMJ Open
This new system might have potential for reducing the patient misidentification risk during medication without increasing the anxiety experienced by nurses concerning administration errors, however, system usability and efficiency must be improved to reduce additional work burden, time pressure and patient care burden.
Ceftolozane-tazobactam in nosocomial pneumonia
01 Apr 2022 - Revista española de quimioterapia : publicación oficial de la Sociedad Española de Quimioterapia
Ceftolozane is a potent antimicrobial against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, including carbapenem-resistant and multidrug-resistant strains, and is also active against Enterobacteriaceae.
The association of dental pulp stones to cardiovascular and renal diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Endodontics
In this article , the authors investigated the association of pulp stones to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and renal stones (RS) using the Mantel-Haenszel statistical test (P value ˂ .05).
Adverse childhood events and health-related quality of life among women undergoing hysterectomy for uterine leiomyoma.
01 Apr 2022 - American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The Uterine Fibroid Symptom and Quality of Life (UFS-QOL) questionnaire for women undergoing hysterectomy for the treatment of leiomyomas (fibroids) was developed by Boynton et al. as discussed by the authors .
The role of patch and photopatch tests in facial melanoses: A cross-sectional, observational study
01 Apr 2022 - Our Dermatology Online
Patients with facial pigmentation may have an underlying component of contact dermatitis, which may be a causative or aggravating factor, and the avoidance of these allergens may help in increasing the efficacy of treatment in these patients.
Comparison of Vitamin D Levels in Premature Infants with and without Retinopathy of Prematurity.
01 Apr 2022 - Archives of Iranian Medicine
The incidence of RoP was higher in infants with lower gestational age, lower birth weight, low first and fifth minutes Apgar scores, and male sex and low serum levels of vitamin D in premature infants and their mothers were associated with incidence.
Working Environment, Personal Protective Equipment, Personal Life Changes, and Well-Being Perceived in Spanish Nurses during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
01 Apr 2022 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Changes in the working environment, PPE use, personal lives, and well-being as perceived by nurses in hospitals and primary care centers in Spain, during the COVID-19 pandemic may be related to the decrease in personalWell-being perceived by the nurses.
Childhood and cultural evolution.
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Analytical Psychology
In this article , the authors explored the relationship between biological experiences and archetypes, and the intrinsic link between primary relational experiences, brain development and the system of beliefs and values of the Sapiens species.
Correlates and barriers of social participation in elderly living in Mazandaran, Iran
01 Apr 2022 - پایش
The social participation level of the elderly in Mazandaran was low, and the need for policy-making and the design of comprehensive programs, and developing a proper environment to reduce barriers, seems important to improve social participation in elderly.
Food Fraud auf der Spur
01 Apr 2022 - Lebensmittelchemie
In this paper , the authors present a full-text version of this article with a link to share a fulltext version with your friends and colleagues, using the link below to share onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditWechat Volume76, Issue2April 2022Pages 59-64 RelatedInformation
Efficacy of mesenchymal stem cell-delivery using perpendicular multi-needle injections to the skin: Evaluation of post-ejection cellular health and dermal delivery.
01 Apr 2022 - Burns
In this paper , the authors evaluated a clinically relevant automated multi-needle injection method for cutaneous mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-therapy, allowing the skin to be readily and timely treated, by assessing both the cellular health post-ejection and dermal delivery.
Preclinical Evaluation of a Senescence-Specific PET-Tracer
01 Apr 2022
Ziel et al. as discussed by the authors developed a novel radiolabeled tracer [18F]FeFuc for the visualization of cellular senescence by means of PET, which was used to guide therapies.
Uvular necrosis: a rare complication of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Pranay Mantha, Benedict Mackay, D. Stoney 
01 Apr 2022 - Anz Journal of Surgery
A 57-year-old male underwent routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for clinical suspicion of gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder (GORD) with hoarseness of voice, sore throat, and dysphagia and clinical examination was consistent with necrosis of uvula, which can be selectively identified as a particular risk in male patients, the elderly, and those with an elongated Uvula.
Thoracoscopic right middle lobe subsegmentectomy: A single-center, retrospective review
Min Zhang, Qing Chen Wu, Ming Jian Ge 
01 Apr 2022 - JTCVS techniques
In this paper , a thoracoscopic right middle lobe subsegmentectomy was performed on 94 patients with noninvasive lung cancer, multiple lung cancer and benign diseases between August 2018 and February 2021.
Total 25(OH)D Concentration Moderates the Association between Caffeine Consumption and the Alkaline Phosphatase Level in Pregnant Women
01 Apr 2022 - Nutrients
The findings provide new insights into 25(OH)D concentration as a potential modifier of the health effects of caffeine consumption during pregnancy, and identify an association between higher caffeine intake and lower ALP level only among vitamin D-sufficient pregnant women.
Offloading Decision Making for Workflow Applications Using an Enhanced Genetic Algorithm in the Edge Environment
Sneha Balasubramanian, T. Meyyappan 
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The DRAW approach significantly outperforms the existing approach by minimizing execution time and energy consumption and improves the genetic algorithm by removing its traditional limitations and produces an effective possible solution in terms of better offspring.
Influence of Butorphanol, Buprenorphine and Levomethadone on Sedation Quality and Postoperative Analgesia in Horses Undergoing Cheek Tooth Extraction
01 Apr 2022 - Veterinary sciences
Analysis showed lower pain scores and a greater analgesic effect with levomethadone and buprenorphine compared with butorphanol, with increased locomotor activity induced by bupreliminary results suggest these values could be biased by unrelated stressors.
The G-Force Conundrum in Platelet-Rich Fibrin Generation: Management of a Problem Hidden in Plain Sight
01 Apr 2022 - Contemporary Clinical Dentistry
It is infers that the centrifuge type and relative centrifugal force can affect the quality and quantity of cells and growth factors and an optimum relationship between g-force and RPM should be maintained to obtain L-PRF with adequate cell viability and optimum growth factor release.
Sino-orbital gas gangrene – A guest unknown
01 Apr 2022 - Indian journal of ophthalmology
This is the first case series of sino-orbital gas gangrene in victims of heavy rainfall causing landslide, and natural calamity leading to this fulminant infection led to mortality of all three patients.
The technique of closing a tracheoesophageal fistula under endoscopic and bronchoscopy guidance
01 Apr 2022 - Endoscopy
A 63-year-old female with advanced COPD and esophageal adenocarcinoma was treated with radiation, chemotherapy, and distal esophagectomy as discussed by the authors .
Study on the Characteristics of Grinding Activation of Fly Ash and Its Influence on Cement Cementitious System
01 Apr 2022 - Science of Advanced Materials
In this article , a coal-fired power plant was used as the research object, and the pulverized and activated fly ash was processed by ball milling process, which significantly reduced the particle size of fly ash, increased its specific surface area, and decreased the crystallinity of crystal minerals in fly ash.
Samantha Katz Seal, Father Chaucer: Generating Authority in “The Canterbury Tales.” (Oxford Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. xi, 253. $85. ISBN: 978-0-1988-3238-6.
01 Apr 2022 - Speculum
Thomas Prendergast et al. as discussed by the authors described the power of authority in Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" in the context of the Medieval Academy of America (MAAs).
Focal cryoballoon ablation with 8sec dose has similar efficacy as 10sec for treatment of barrett’s esophagus related neoplasia
01 Apr 2022 - Endoscopy
In this paper , the authors compared the efficacy and safety of single FCBA treatment with 10sec versus 8sec in patients with limited BE (C≤2/M≤5).
Effects of Aging on Cardiac Autonomic Response during Resistance Exercise at Critical Load
01 Apr 2022 - International journal of human movement and sports sciences
In this article , the cardiac autonomic response by heart rate variability during resistance exercise at critical load in elderly and young individuals was assessed and compared in a study with 20 healthy active men.
Pengaruh konformitas teman sebaya terhadap perilaku prososial siswa kelas x
01 Apr 2022 - Empati: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
In this paper , the effect of peer conformity on the prosocial behavior of students in SMA Laboratory of the University of PGRI Semarang in South-east Asia was investigated.
Is COVID Vaccine Associated with Development of De Novo Donor Specific Antibodies in Lung Transplant Recipients?
01 Apr 2022 - Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation
In this article , a single-center retrospective cohort study of lung transplant recipients who received two doses of COVID vaccine between 1/1/2021 and 7/31/21 was conducted.
Selection of the Methodology for Predicting the Forest Fires Risks
01 Apr 2022 - Безопасность труда в промышленности
In this article , the authors compared the performance of Russian, Canadian, American, American and Australian fire risk assessment methodology for predicting the risks of forest fires occurrence in the Russian Federation, and proposed an optimal methodology for calculating risks as the result of forest fire in relation to the features of the relief.
Prenatal Sonographic Features of Ring Chromosome 15: A Case Report and Literature Review
01 Apr 2022 - Diagnostics
It is suggested that ring chromosome 15 has a relatively specific sonographic pattern that could facilitate early detection of anomalies that can be identified in more than 50% of cases.
Microgravity and Space Medicine 2.0
01 Apr 2022 - International Journal of Molecular Sciences
This Special Issue (SI), "Microgravity and Space Medicine 2 [...] as discussed by the authors , is a special issue dedicated to microgravity and space medicine in space medicine, and is available online.

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