Monthly Community Training (July) 7月飛盤訓練營


Structured monthly ultimate training offered to members who wish to have a more regular training for the sport. The training will be led by HKFDF Level 1 coaches and national team players.

Suitable for intermediate players
Date: 23.7.2023
Time: 15:00 - 18:00
Location: Shek Kip Mei Park 石硤尾公園 
Quota: 40

Sign Up:
Email *
Name 姓名 *
Contact No. (Whatsapp) 聯絡電話 *


1. 已詳細閱讀及明白是次申請的活動所有內容。
2. 為此申請所提供之資料出於自願及正確無訛,並同意中國香港飛盤總會所使用,直至本人作出書面指示為止。
3. 必須負責賠償因本人而引起的之一切任何損失。
4. 本人不會因參加中國香港飛盤總會課程期間的不當行為所引致的身體損傷或財物損失,而向香港飛盤總會或有關人士索償。
5. 明白中國香港飛盤總會對此申請有最終決定權。


1. I have read and understood all the contents of the event notice for this application.
2. The information provided for this application is voluntary and correct, and I agree to use it by the Flying Disc Federation of Hong Kong, China (HKFDF) until I give written instructions.
3. Must be responsible for compensation for all losses caused by the person.
4. I will not claim compensation from the HKFDF or related persons for physical injury or property loss caused by misconduct during the course of the HKFDF.
5. Understand that the HKFDF has the final decision on this application.

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