Adam Gray’s Post

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For fun I sometimes play the guitar...

What a way to start the week. “I’m just checking to make sure you received my previous emails…frankly I find the fact that you haven’t responded yet rude.” What? Are you for real? Yet another person who understands nothing about sales, only something about how to annoy people. The indignation that I didn’t take the time to respond to their outreach (about office space as it happens) is beyond belief. Sadly I’m seeing more and more of this sort of thing happening. People who do cold outreach will tell you that it’s all about doing your research and understanding the buyer, and for a time that was true. Now though things have moved on. This no longer has anything to do about understanding the buyer and everything to do with me not wanting to invest my time in reading your emails/messages and certainly not in having a call with you. At the point that you first message me I have no idea who you are and frankly have little interest in investing time in reading you profile our your website to find out. Particularly if that first message is a salesy one. On LinkedIn alone there are 850,000,000 people all of whom seem to work for “market-leading suppliers” or offer “exceptionally customer support.” Companies like yours (and mine) are 10 a penny so why would I try to work out why your company is different? This sort of entitlement that people in sales seem to have is intensely annoying to buyers. So, what are you doing with your outreach to NOT be like this person? What are you doing to find a way of striking up a conversation with someone? #personalbrand #digitalselling #purpose #digitalorganization #socialmediastrategy

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Graham Nisbet

Assisting business collect meaningful data quickly and efficiently


Hi Adam Gray .. I have the same experience. Tbh , I’m just poking my head back in to LinkedIn I have been somewhat unimpressed with it lately and there are a few warning signs that question whether I really want to spend more time on here. For a long time I have tried to respond to cold callers saying “thanks but no thanks” . I figured there’s a sort of karma in doing so . I reach out to people in here in a cool call manner ( I don’t know if that’s a term ) and I know how tough it is to get a day full of nothing, especially when you put an effort in and are genuine. As I have spent less time on here , several messages have gone unanswered but really , if you pound me with condescending orders I will never reply Now it leaves me with some questions about returning to LinkedIn .. How many people are real now versus ghostwriters and marketing kamikaze pilots ? If I spend time in here , do I become a kamikaze pilot ? Are the people I want to talk to even reading articles because their account is managed by someone else ? This social media thing is a minefield !

Alan Lillie GSC, NCSO

Health, Safety, Training, and Security


Oh man I could go off about this. Happened to me just last week. Got a cold email to my personal address, identifying me by my work role and offering something that we don't use or need. I ignored it. A few days later got a follow asking if they should be contacting my manager instead. Also ignored. Third email was something like "I guess you don't have the authority to handle this, thanks for wasting my time". 

Eric Doyle (F.ISP)

Digital Commercial Strategist - Developing people and organisations to become leaders in their sectors - TedX Speaker - Keynote speaker, event host/compere/moderator - Artist


If we responded to the thousands of sales emails we get in a week, we couldn't get anything else done...! 🤦♂️

Timothy "Tim" Hughes 提姆·休斯 L.ISP

Should have Played Quidditch for England


It's totally bizarre. If you spam me on email, it's very straight forward, I create a rule and and you will forever go into the wastepaper basket. Sometimes I might look in the waste bin for something, and there are people asking why I haven't responded. It's very simple.

Chris Ross-Lewin

Managing engagement for an IT services company supporting regulated professional services such as law and accountancy. At weekends a journeyman photographer for West End village football team.


A very simple idea that seems difficult to comprehend. It's the responsibility of sales to make sure the message resonates not the responsibility of the recipient to find some nugget in there and reply.

William Shorten (PCC)

Creating safe spaces to enable individuals and teams to learn, grow and develop. When not doing that cycling, reading and drinking wine...


Couldn’t agree more Adam, it might be funny if it wasn’t so annoying. Apparently I can earn $100k+ a year finding new coaching clients with those contacting me at the moment.

Lenwood M. Ross

Monopoly, Charades, and Rummikub -- dominating family game nights for 30 years and counting


The number of cold emails has definitely increased this quarter as people try to hit their numbers for the year. Unsolicited gifts are also very popular, Adam.

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