The Story of the 29th Connecticut…

11 Brave African-American Men from Berlin enlisted in Connecticut's 29th & 30th Colored Troop Regiment and fought for the freedom of their people...and the Nation!

Help us expand this project to a full-length feature documentary to adequately tell their remarkable story of sacrifice and heroism on the battlefield.

Who We Are

We are a group of residents with unique identities and experiences that bring value to our community in Berlin, CT by offering learning opportunities and events, fostering discussions, and creating community partnerships


Past Events

Juneteenth as a Teachable Moment

When I saw a racially insensitive display in my small town home of Berlin Connecticut, I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. As New Yorkers say "If you see something, say something" so I worked with our neighbors to create a grassroots organization focused on Social Justice and Equity. We organized an event to help teach the town about its own history.

Juneteenth Celebration: June 18th 2022 from 11AM-3PM at The Berlin Peck Memorial Library for our first ever Juneteenth Celebration! Food, music, activities, speakers, and more! Bring the whole family to participate in learning about this holiday and its connections to Berlin CT!