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Music Submissions

Howdy! We’re excited to listen to your music! We know you worked very hard on it! Rainbow Rodeo welcomes country, American, and roots music by LGBTQ+ artists of all identities and skill levels!

Our interpretation of country music is pretty loose, but we consider anything that’s twangy and/or grounded in traditional country and roots instruments. If you’ve got a mandolin set to a drum track, that works for us! However, we will not consider anything that is purely pop, punk, and so on. We run interviews, album reviews, and song premieres. (Don’t know what that means? Click here.)

Please expect a response within 7 – 10 business days! Due to an overwhelming number of submissions, you may not hear back from us.

(PS — If you already have Rachel’s e-mail address, there’s no need to complete this form.)