Effective Practice & Health Systems

Are you or have taken care of an older adult with cancer? Your input is needed on a review considering Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment guided care to older adults with cancer.

Skills / interests: Consumer (public, patient, carer) input

I am looking for a consumer who would be willing to peer review this Cochrane review ‘Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment guided treatment versus usual care for older adults aged 60 years and above with cancer’. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment is holistic diagnostic and treatment process that seeks to optimise one’s health state.

Cochrane considers a consumer to be a person with experience of the condition (in this case, an older adult with cancer considering receiving Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment), either as a patient or as a carer/family member.


From a consumer perspective, we are interested in whether the language of the review is accessible and relevant such that it will be helpful to families and carers with decision-making. If you are interested, please include your email in your email response.

This task is no longer open for applications.