Carolina Beach State Park to host Flytrap Family Fun Day

The event focuses on carnivorous plants that grow in southeastern North Carolina

CAROLINA BEACH, NC (WWAY) — Families are invited to Carolina Beach State Park’s Fly Trap Family Fun Day, a free event designed to engage children’s imaginations and foster a love for nature. The event will take place on Saturday, April 1 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the picnic area in Carolina Beach State Park.

“We’re gonna do a few crafts that are kind of carnivorous plant-related and then we’re also gonna have some games that kind of mimic the natural way that carnivorous plants would work,” said Ranger Stephanie Covell, educator for Carolina Beach State Park. “We’re also gonna have the Nature Conservancy out and we’ll have one of their engine trucks out so the kids can check it out and play with it.”

The event is for families, but it is typically geared towards children between four and 12 years old. The Fly Trap Family Fun Day will celebrate Venus Fly Traps and their unique abilities.

“They were first talked about in 1759 from the governor Arthur Dobbs and so we’ve really tried to use that same day that he discussed it, Covell said. “We’ve kind of moved it around but it definitely it’s a the importance of it is to show how those carnivorous plants work.”

Venus Fly Traps are federally protected, so it is important to not disturb them if they are seen in the wild.

“Anything that gets poached from the wild is a class-H felony,” Covell said.

In addition to the Fly Trap Family Fun Day, the park is also hosting a star party on April 21.

“It’s a big celebration about the stars and the planets and the moons. Last year we had a humongous turnout which was awesome, I’m hoping the same this year,” Covell said.

Covell emphasized that education is key in protecting Venus Fly Traps.

“This is the only place in the entire world that they grow so if we don’t provide education and let people know why they’re protected and how they function that we’re not gonna be able to have them in the future,” she said.

You can find more information here.

Categories: Local, New Hanover, New Hanover, News, Top Stories