Koinos Supercharger Event

Hackathon, Ends Sept. 1st

Want to supercharge your web app? Koinos is the world's first free-to-use blockchain that allows developers to empower people through digital ownership while using the tools and technologies you’re already familiar with.

Join us for the exhilarating 4-week virtual experience of the Koinos Hackathon! Starting July 10th, This dynamic event is designed to bring together talented developers to shape the next generation of dApps. Register today and dive deep into this hackathon extravaganza.

Social Track

In the Social track, the challenge is to leverage Koinos and its unique ability to integrate digital ownership into free-to-use applications to deliver powerful new social experiences. Koinos has built-in security, privacy, and provable fairness that can be used to create people-powered social networks, privacy-enhanced communication tools, or applications that leverage economic incentives to motivate real word social interactions.

Gaming Track

The gaming industry is ripe for disruption by solutions that put developers and their users in control, for this track we're looking for those who can leverage the free-to-use design of Koinos to create fun and engaging games that empower developers and users through digital ownership while delivering a frictionless user experience.

Onboarding Track

Challenge: use the skills you already have integrating app user management and apply them to Koinos. The problem with blockchain onboarding is that it’s too complicated with too many steps. Explore the middleground between Web2 and Web3 onboarding enabled by Koinos.

Calling ALL Developers!

Koinos is for all developers who want to take control over their IP and empower their users to take ownership of their digital lives by leveraging the transparency, security, and provable fairness of smart contracts, without the technical hurdles and costs typical of blockchain technology.

Koinos: level up your apps!

Koinos Group is excited to be partnering with HackerEarth to sponsor this hackathon for Koinos; a new technology that allows developers to empower people through digital ownership while using the tools and technologies you’re already familiar with.

The Koinos Revolution

Koinos is the world's first free-to-use blockchain, disrupting the status quo, and crafting a new path towards a democratic and equitable internet. Our mission is to accelerate decentralization through accessibility, and we want you on board for this incredible journey!

The Challenge: Forge The Future!

We challenge you to build applications that leverage the groundbreaking capabilities of the Koinos Network. It's time to unleash your creativity, innovative thinking, and technical prowess. Together, let's forge the future of the internet!

Seize the Opportunity!

Jump to the forefront of an industry and showcase your skills to a network of industry leaders and peers. Win not just exciting prizes and recognition, but also the unique chance to shape the direction of the internet. Learn, grow, innovate, and contribute to something truly extraordinary!

Ready, Set, Innovate!

Participating in the Koinos Hackathon is as simple as a click. Sign up on our HackerEarth event page, assemble your team, or brave the challenge solo, and let the ideas flow!