Someone Made a Pirate Bay for NFTs

Someone Made a Pirate Bay for NFTs


It’s the duty of those with right-clicker mentality to save every NFT they see. But right-click saving the thousands of JPEGs of Bored Apes and Lazy Lions out there tiring work. That’s why Australian artists and programmer  Geoffrey Huntley created The NFT Bay—a new torrent site where anyone can download 15 terabytes of JPEGs from a single source.

The site is designed to mimic the classic piracy site of yore, The Pirate Bay. “Did you know that a NFT is just a hyperlink to an image that’s usually hosted on Google Drive or another web 2.0 host?” The NFT Bay says in a description page mocked up to look like the .txt file that contained the crack instructions for that copy of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas you pirated in 2005. 

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“People are dropping millions on instructions on how to download images,” it says. “That’s why you can right click save-as because they are standard images. The image is not stored in the blockchain. The image is not stored in the blockchain contract. As web 2.0 webhosts are known to go offline, this handy torrent contains all of the NFTs so that future generations can study this generation’s tulip mania and collectively go ‘WTF? We destroyed our planet for THIS?!”

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique tokens on a blockchain that are linked to digital collectibles such as a JPEG. They’ve ignited a culture war between NFT fans and “right-clickers”—people who mock NFT collectors by right-clicking on their JPEGs and saving them. When the CEO of Discord began to hint that the popular chat service would begin using NFTs, users pushed back and the CEO walked back the plan. The NFT community hit back against right-clickers when Twitter user and NFT collector VincentVanDough sold an NFT composed of 100 fursonas for $100,000 and initiated a copyright war.

Huntley told Motherboard he considered the site an art project. He was inspired by the art of the Australian LGBTQ community in the 1990s, in particular the work of musician and activist Pauline Pantsdown. “There was a politician that was gaining popularity and their viewpoints are (still to this day) quite harmful to the LGBTQ community,” Huntlety told Motherboard in a Twitter DM. “In response one of the members of the community responded by creating art which was successful in changing the course of Australian politics.”

Huntley was hanging out in a Twitter space for NFTs and listening to the host get people hyped to buy NFTs, he said. “We wanna launch this project,” Huntley said, quoting his recollection of the host. “Once we launch we’re gonna get the merch store out, merch gets more people interested in the NFTs, more people buy the NFTs and you’ll get rich.”

It sounded like a scam to Huntley. “Fundamentally, I hope through people learn to understand what people are buying when purchasing NFT art right now is nothing more than directions on how to access or download an image,” he said. “The image is not stored on the blockchain and the majority of images I’ve seen are hosted on web2.0 storage which is likely to end up as 404 meaning the NFT has even less value.” 

Huntley believes there is a future for NFTs, but he doesn’t think it needs the blockchain. 

“The utility (and value) of NFT’s will be created through social media platforms,” he said. “For many digital representation is > physical representation and (if/when) Twitter/TikTock (discord backed away from it) roll out the ability to display flair on a social media profile that will be a turning point. We see how bananas people go over the twitter blue verified check mark—now think how social media will change when it has the ability to display verifiable proof of membership vs adding the words to a social media bio. All of this however could be achieved without blockchain.”

Many NFTs bill themselves as more than just pictures, but as a ticket that gets you into a community where there will be games for your avatars to play and shared spaces for your NFTs to congregate. Big dreams, most of which have failed to materialize.

“The dreams remind me of the internet in the 1990s,” he said. “What’s fascinating here is the communities are very strong and can self-fund the discovery phase. Where it goes pear shape is when ‘we gotta get new blood in to pump/dump.’”