Hands down, my favorite time of the year is the fall and especially the month of September. There is just something very hopeful and energizing for leaders as the autumnal equinox begins. Whether we anchor our leadership direction to the beginning of September or the 22nd (the actual date of the equinox), now is the time to start your plan of attack on several fronts.

How will you end the year 2022?

What were your greatest achievements?

Where did you wander off the road?

What do you want for your steps ahead?

Before leaders can even begin addressing some of these essential questions, we need to give ourselves a big hand of applause. It has been a year filled with starts and stops, rising tides and unanticipated challenges and even some steadiness. We began 2022 with so much hope and yet we are still a bit stuck between a never-ending pandemic and the need to reinvent our work world.

September is the time for leaders to begin writing their final 2022 leadership story. Click To Tweet

Six Ways To Write Your 2022 Leadership Story

1. Set A Meaningful Mindset

To write our final 2022 leadership story we need to be in the best mindset. What does that mean? We each need to determine what that mindset needs to be. For many leaders we need to be openminded to how we want our annual tale to end. We also might want to remain as positive and hopeful as possible, sprinkling in a good dose of reality. And finally, our mindset must always reflect our authentic self.

2. Take Stock Of Where You Are

A healthy next step is to honestly dig into what has transpired along our leadership road during 2022. If we don’t know where we are, how will we know where we need to finish up? Begin with a list of reflections:

  • Proudest moments of 2022.
  • Where you made a difference in others’ lives.
  • Greatest accomplishments.
  • Best surprises.

3. Identify Lessons Learned From Missteps

As Big Bird from Sesame Street always says, “Everyone makes mistakes.” There’s no getting around it. So instead of beating yourself up about them, make a list and take a look what didn’t work out as well as it might have. Try to do it without judgment. Objectively evaluate where you came up short and with a curious mind, try to understand what happened. Remember, we are not a failure if we fail. We just messed up and need to grow from it to do things differently next time.

To write the best end to our 2022 leadership story we need to recognize and learn from our washouts. Click To Tweet

4. Create Your Final Chapter

Next, we need to lead from a place of wonder in order to map out these final months of 2022. Every final chapter has to have a compelling vision that brings your annual story to a powerful landing. Some critical points to include in your final 2022 chapter:

  • Clear road to finish the year traveling on.
  • Final loose ends that need to be addressed.
  • What is important about your 2022 leadership story?
  • Authentic and realistic language.

5. Determine Actions To Be Taken

With the final chapter drafted, the only way to make sure you will make it happen is by carefully establishing SMART goals for September through December. Remember these goals must support your powerful yearend landing. So create goals that are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. Don’t be afraid of taking a few final risks, even at the expense of not meeting all of them. Be confident that you are writing your best 2022 leadership story.

6. Commit

So are you ready to commit to this final chapter of 2022?

  • Commit to sharing all your hard work throughout this year.
  • Commit to honoring your achievements.
  • Commit to leading through uncertainty by being brave and staying focused.
  • Commit to your 2022 leadership story.

How will you write your final 2022 leadership story this September?

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