There is a wealth of resources on privacy! Explore our curated list to guide you through the core concepts driving the IOPD standard.

Learn About…
Who are the thought leaders you need to know?
What privacy can mean for your organization.
Where we draw our knowledge from.
and How to build a better business.

The Privacy Control Conundrum
There is a significant gap & glaring absence of well-defined, privacy-specific controls in the industry. Instead of clear, actionable measures, the industry is awash with objectives often mislabeled as controls…

Let’s Talk Privacy Certifications
Certification can be a wonderful validation that a company is doing something right. But the certification market can be confusing and hard to interpret at times. Different certifications apply to different aspect of company’s operation.

Privacy’s Lack of Control
I’m running into increasing calls from clients and colleagues in the privacy engineering world for a comprehensive and authoritative list of controls. Research and extensive discussion has revealed several uncomfortable truths…

A Privacy Engineer’s Thoughts on Criticism of the Solove Taxonomy
Last week, I voraciously consumed a 2023 law review article published by María P. Angel and Ryan Calo criticizing Daniel Solove ’s Taxonomy of Privacy and Professor Solove’s 2024 critique of that paper and other criticisms. Solove’s Taxonomy has been highly influential and plays an enormous role in my work,

Privacy Engineering 10 years on
In July 2023, Kim Wuyts and Isabel Barbera invited R Jason Cronk to present the keynote talk to the International Workshop on Privacy Engineering in Delft, Netherlands. Subsequent to that, and because we felt there wouldn’t be an overlapping audience, Nandita Narla and Nikita Samarin, invited him to give the

Privacy by Design Standards: ISO v IOPD Compare and Contrast
Earlier this year, both the Institute of Operational Privacy Design (IOPD) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released standards. This blog looks at both standards, comparing and contrasting the two.
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