Disability CARE

AEIM - Adapei 54: human care for people with disability

L'AEIM - Adapei 54 is an association that care for children and adults with a disability in the East of France.
In the East of France, the AEIM - Adapei 54 offers thoughtful care to people with a disability, empowering them to reach their full potential.
The AEIM was created in 1957 by a group of parents who were looking for solutions for their disabled children. Since then, the now 35 facilities have joined their forces with the French Adapei federation, becoming the first European organization supporting people affected by an intellectual disability. The volunteering parents are still very much involved in managing this disability care group towards the future while grounding the values that guided the creation of the association.

In France, the AEIM - Adapei 54 is an expert resource in supporting people affected by intellectual disabilities and their loved ones, parents and friends. Even if the mental handicap deteriorates more or less, permanently or not the intellectual capacities of a person, the AEIM - Adapei 54 has demonstrated that it is possible, with appropriate means and professional skills, to offer them a structured and secure environment in which they can pursue the expression of all their potentials and make their own life choices.
At AEIM - Adapei 54, the important mission is to enable people with disabilities to find, with our support and all the support of their families, the meaning of their life.
French innovation in action
Village Michelet is located in the metropolis of Nancy. It is open to all adults from the age of 18 and offer a entire continuum of care for people with a disability:
• a nursing home for 36 people who need the assistance of a third person to carry out essential everyday activities and regular medical follow-up;
• a home for 19 people with a certain autonomy that offer them entertainment and activities according to their disability;
• a medico-social support service for disabled adults integrated within the Village which also offers care at home.

This Village aims to:
- Build with and for the person received a personalized support project;
- Help them preserve and develop their skills;
- Compensate for difficulties in capabilities;
- Prevent care needs and take care of them;
- Allow social inclusion and reverse inclusion within the Village;
- Maintain the family and relational bond with peers;
- Provide an educational, formative and medical response as well as Help, Advice and support throughout the life course within the Village Michelet;
- Offer some care with a dental office and a balneotherapy.

From the construction-on, the Village Michelet integrated the particularities of the public. Everything was thought out so thatthe specificities of the handicap would'nt be an obstacle to daily life. In fact, the layout of circulation spaces, the choice of materials, the interior fittings make it possible improve the well-being of those accompanied or even to reduce the use of drug treatments.

To learn more about the AEIM: http://www.aeim54.fr
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