How Low-Code Helps in Application Development?
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How Low-Code Helps in Application Development?

By CIOReview | Thursday, February 18, 2021

Low-code helps companies be more receptive to consumers by introducing new features or implementing new technology and security protocols.

FREMONT, CA: Even if most businesses have been digitizing their corporate operations for decades, when COVID-19 sent millions of office employees home, it revealed how hands-on many firms are.

For people working from home for the near future, leaning towards asking a peer for insight into a project or figuring out what happened to a proposal—even with all the instant modern networking resources at their disposal—is not realistic, fast, or effective. To fix this issue, many companies have switched to low-code and non-code production platforms. Using drag-and-drop interfaces, these tools allow non-programmers to create enterprise workflow applications and incorporate them into broader business processes.

Even before the COVID struck, the use of low-code was rising. According to one IT research company, just over a third of developers started using low-code platforms and products in 2019. The figure rose to more than half of the developers by mid-2020. Just because low-code is not useful for developing enterprise-class applications like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), it does not mean that low-code should only be used for basic applications. By standardizing application creation among multiple developers, low-code will give developers the pre-built blocks they need to build complex applications. Low-code also decreases the learning curve for the teaching of inexperienced people to maintain and change the code.

Low-code helps companies be more receptive to consumers by introducing new features or implementing new technology and security protocols. It also supports a new wave of developers who will no longer need to be low-level coding professionals or various programming languages.

Website development platforms are an excellent example of low-code enabling non-coders to create complex software. Not so many years ago, creating a website was a pricey, time-consuming job involving technical skills and coding expertise. Today, several platforms make it easy for everyone to create immersive and feature-rich websites. Low-code will be part of the current support structure, and staff has understood their importance during the crisis. It would become a stable tool to make them more successful inside or outside the workplace.
