How to utilise keywords in your CV - Part B

How to utilise keywords in your CV - Part B

It's #TipTuesday - my new little mini series where I share little things that can make a big difference in helping you to secure as many interviews as possible and not get lost in the mix.

Tip number 3 is Keywords Part B

There are thousands of CVs on every job board. You may have learnt from Keywords Part A that Recruiters utilise boolean search strings to filter through relevant skillsets, but did you know the job boards also help by weighting those search results?

So many people include a “technical skills” section at the top of their CV where they include all of the technical skills they have instead of adding each skill under each job.

Suprisingly, that actually puts you at a disadvantage because it doesn’t just matter what keywords you include in your CV but how often you mention them – i.e, the more times you mention “python”, the higher up your profile will land in a Python search string.

Only including your technical skills at the job of your CV also removes the context in which the tool / language was used, which could inadvertently make you look less experienced than you really are.

Your best bet would be to double up – have a technical skills section at the top of your profile and go into detail about what you used each tool / language / framework etc for under each and every role you used it 🤗

Let me know if you found this helpful and what you’re struggling with that I could potentially help unravel in future #TipTuesdays

If you missed the first #TipTuesday, you can find it here.

Sherry Bevan

Helping charity team leads take brave action to fully unlock their leadership potential and land their dream role | Brave Action Leadership Accelerator – Early Bird £497 closes Sunday 28 April 2024


Loving your tips Ashleigh and I'll definitely be sharing with the women in my Career Club.

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