For any organisation that wants to have the revenue benefits and competitive advantage benefits of using social as part of its sales and marketing mix.  There are a number of things that you need to build.

First and foremost, there needs to be a strategy with C-Level buy-in.  It is critical that everybody understands "what good looks like" and as Simon Sinek says "start with the end in mind".

By running a day strategy session with the C-Level team they will get a greater understand why social is strategic for the business and it should enable the project to be budgeted properly.

As part of that session, the team will understand the business drivers, the blockers, the needs (tech and support) of the team and, let's be honest have a risk register.

A plan can then be built to enable each of the stakeholders, Sales, Marketing, Customer Experience, Human Resources, Employee Advocacy, etc.  You can go as fast or as slow as you want.  You can start your digital transformation anywhere, we usually recommend the sales department as that then creates the additional revenues (and advocates) for you to fund the rest of the project.