Your Fortune, Their Envy: Dealing with a Jealous Friend

dealing with a jealous friendJealousy and envy can be complex to understand and work through, whether you’re experiencing them yourself or facing them from someone else.

These normal human emotions can help people know when to take action to protect people and things important to them. Experiencing jealousy doesn’t make someone a bad or toxic person. But not addressing it (or dealing with it in unhealthy ways) can affect emotional well-being, lead to resentment, and cause relationships to fester.

Friendships characterized by jealousy or envy may become toxic, so we’re offering some guidance on how to recognize jealousy in a friendship and productive ways to cope with it.

Six Signs Your Friend Is Jealous

There’s nothing wrong with wanting nice things, whether these are possessions, promising opportunities, or good relationships. In fact, many people generally feel some level of envy when a friend or loved one experiences success. But these feelings usually pass before long. Often they’re outweighed by an individual’s support or happiness for their friend, even if they still have a lingering desire for what their friend has.

However, sometimes these feelings don’t clear up, and you may begin to notice changes in a friend’s behavior. The following six signs can suggest a friend may be struggling with envy.

1. They greet your good news with negativity

When something good happens, you want to tell your closest friends about it. But instead of congratulating or supporting you, an envious friend might point out the possible downsides or have only negative things to say. Alternatively, they could offer congratulations that seem superficial or fake.

2. They frequently try to outdo or one-up you

If you share something positive from your life, a friend dealing with jealousy might respond by sharing something similar, only bigger or better. In other words, you may notice a pattern of behavior where they not only imitate you, but also try to go one step farther.

For example, say you make your first major purchase: a new car. Just a few months later, they purchase the exact same car—but the newest model. Of course, purchasing the same car doesn’t always indicate jealousy. They might simply like the car. This behavior is more likely to suggest jealousy when it happens along with other signs.

You might also notice they tend to quickly turn a conversation toward their own accomplishments or successes. Perhaps you’re talking to a group of friends about becoming serious with the person you’ve been seeing for a while. But this particular friend refocuses the conversation by mentioning they’re planning to move in with their partner next month.

3. They make you feel bad about yourself

A friend experiencing jealousy can quickly make you feel guilty or bad about an accomplishment or success, no matter how wonderful you felt about it originally. They might do this intentionally or unintentionally—it’s not always easy to tell. But it can still get you down.

A jealous friend might also insist you were just lucky. They may make you feel as if you aren’t worthy of your successes or that you just happened to be in the right place at the right time. You may be told to “enjoy your luck while you can.”

Some people who tend toward pessimism often bring up what they see as potential drawbacks of a situation. This doesn’t always indicate jealousy. In their mind, they may simply want to help you prepare for a negative outcome because they care. Regardless, if this behavior bothers you, it’s important to point this out and talk to your friend about how you feel.

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4. They struggle with insecurity and self-esteem

People who lack a well-developed sense of self-worth, feel inferior to others, or feel insecure about their own abilities may be more prone to jealousy. They might also experience stronger feelings of jealousy.

According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, preteens and young teens who felt like they couldn’t have the friendships they desired or felt insecure about their friendships appeared to be more vulnerable to jealousy. The study also found that increased jealousy often led to problems with friends and emotional turmoil.

Research from 2005 also found adolescents with lower levels of self-worth also reported more friendship jealousy than adolescents with higher levels of self-worth.

6. They don’t offer support

Someone who’s jealous of what you’ve achieved—a promotion, a new relationship, or even just a better apartment—probably won’t offer much support. They may even go so far as to say hurtful things, whether they intend them to hurt you or not. They could also actively discourage you from pursuing your goals further.

The Trap of Self-Deprecation

If you notice sharing certain things with your friend sparks a negative reaction, you might choose to keep your accomplishments to yourself. You may also make a habit of putting yourself down around them, even when you know you’ve done something well.

While your goal might be to shield your friend and protect your friendship, this strategy usually doesn’t help. If you talk down a success or achievement, your friend may simply see that as not appreciating your luck or advantages. This won’t do much to lessen their jealousy, and they may also come to resent you.

Remember that envy and jealousy are both normal. Your friend may even be aware of their behavior but not know how to manage their feelings any differently. Talking about the issue often works better than pretending it doesn’t exist.

Talking About Jealousy with an Open Mind

Persistent jealousy can come between friends. If you’ve noticed signs of jealousy or feel your friendship has changed, talking about it can help.

The way you start the conversation can make a big difference. Rather than accusing your friend of being jealous, focus on a few behaviors—negative comments, for example—that concern you. Use “I” statements to tell your friend how you feel.

The negativity accompanying your friend’s envy might be fueled by the fear that you, or the friendship, will change.Although your friend’s behavior may frustrate you, try to focus on what you value about them and the friendship you share.  Consider things from their point of view, especially if you know they’ve dealt with challenges recently. Although they care for you and feel happy for you, seeing your success may cause pain if they’ve recently experienced a setback in the same area.

It can also help to consider your own behavior. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to share your good news, and you shouldn’t feel you have to keep achievements from your loved ones. But if you just bought a new car or starting dating someone great, ask yourself if you’ve been bringing that up a lot lately. Try focusing conversations on things your friend values instead. Point out things you value about them or congratulate their achievements—just make sure you do so sincerely.

When Your Friendship Needs a Break

Jealousy can happen for a lot of reasons, self-doubt and insecurity among them. Resistance to change is another underlying factor often contributing to maladaptive behaviors. The negativity accompanying your friend’s envy might be fueled by the fear that you, or the friendship, will change.

Often, talking to your friend can help you work through jealousy together. But if you’ve tried talking to your friend and their behavior doesn’t change, you may want to take some time apart or even end the friendship.

It can be difficult to know when this is the best option. But in general, if the friendship exhausts you or drains you emotionally, it’s wise to take a step back, at least temporarily. You may want to consider some time away if:

  • Most of your conversations are characterized by petty remarks or other unpleasant behaviors.
  • They constantly make you feel bad about yourself.
  • They often try to pick fights.

Ending a friendship can be a painful process, but therapy can help you work through the loss. A compassionate therapist can also offer guidance and support if you’re trying to address jealousy with a friend or save a friendship.


  1. Gottlieb, L. (2018, August 6). Dear therapist: My friend treats me differently since I lost weight. The Atlantic. Retrieved from
  2. Lavallee, K. L., & Parker, J. G. (2009). The role of inflexible friendship beliefs, rumination, and low self-worth in early adolescents’ friendship jealousy and adjustment. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37(6), 873-885. Retrieved from
  3. Parker, J. G., Low, C. M., Walker, A. R., & Gamm, B. K. (2005). Friendship jealousy in young adolescents: Individual differences and links to sex, self-esteem, aggression, and social adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 41(1), 235-250. Retrieved from
  4. Ramachandran, V. S., & Jalal, B. (2017, September 19). The evolutionary psychology of envy and jealousy. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1). Retrieved from

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  • Leave a Comment
  • Bulet

    July 3rd, 2020 at 9:30 PM

    This is wonderful content for how to deal with a Jealous Friends !!!! I am appreciate with you, It’s so existing! Thank you so much for sharing with us and this blog is also exciting

  • Penny

    April 6th, 2021 at 11:06 AM

    Was looking for some takes regarding this topic and I found your article quite informative. It has given me a fresh perspective on the topic tackled. Thanks!

  • SLIM

    August 1st, 2021 at 3:48 AM

    This article has giving me understanding of this matter. It has reinforced my decision to move-on. I sincerely appreciate this valued information. Thank you.

  • Liz

    August 27th, 2021 at 11:21 PM

    We can’t stop God from blessing us, but it’s hard when you have a jealousy friend. I have a friend who have been picking fights or always negative and avoiding me because I can clearly their actions are jealous driven. I’ve tried everything I Can to save the friendship but she won’t change

  • Jay

    January 16th, 2022 at 3:39 PM

    Jealousy has been a real problem in more than one of my friendships. I own a nice home, make a very good living in a business I own, and thus enjoy a fair amount of personal independence. I “reverse-compensate” by not driving a flashy car (I drive an eight-year-old Prius) or wearing expensive clothing or jewelry. I keep a low profile; I *never* boast or talk about how much money I make, but people still know my circumstances, and some resent me for it. I strongly suspect it’s the reason at least one person–who always used to bring up negative topics, like the prospects for poor business and the end of my marriage–has friend-dumped me. It’s a tricky situation, and one that has made me a lonelier man.

  • love

    January 22nd, 2022 at 9:03 PM

    i had a friend who was all the above i was nothing but good to her she did everything this topic was about lie cheat steal to cocure what she wanted but the truth shall set you free and will be revealed god bless

  • Adore

    February 1st, 2022 at 7:11 PM

    I have attracted jealous friends all my life . They only ever want to be my friend as long as they think I am inferior to them . I was a mature age student and I was told to my face I don’t belong at college because I am too old and that I should have done It when I was younger . I passed with distinctions. I also get criticised for the way I dress because I am apparently overdressed . I am severely depressed and I deliberately try to downplay myself just so other people can feel good . But I don’t think I should have to downplay myself just to make someone feel good about themselves, i buy my clothing from thrift stores and off eBay and Kmart and I am apparently showing off, this year I have cut off people who don’t wish me well . Life is too short to spend time with people who want the worst for you just so they can feel better. I didn’t study when I was younger because I have had many health problems and I am a single parent.

  • Karilita

    March 14th, 2022 at 2:28 AM

    If you have a friend that is jealous of you, I recommend you get out of that friendship asap. It’s okay to walk away. Things rarely change,I’ve learned this the hard way. They may open up and share their struggles of insecurity, but they will always have a propensity to hurt you. Jealousy and envy are very dangerous.

  • Ursula

    April 3rd, 2022 at 5:29 PM

    I understand and empathize with everyone here who has also been an object of cruel treatment from envious friends. Whether we have a successful career, nice home, nice figure, etc. … all this comes from HARD work. Life has never been easy for me, unlike my envious friends, and this could be where the issue stems from. It would seem they derive some inner security and meaning from their resentments that solidify a ‘me-victim’ position/identification. One would think that with maturity, not to mention consistent kindness and forgiveness from me, they might finally relent with the mean, reactive behaviours. Sadly they never do. Ego patterns are sticky. My challenge is that one ‘friend’ in particular has a lot of power and sway over our group of friends. She often cries (seriously, she has done this with me a number of times…) until she gets her way. Usually out of exhaustion people relent to her demands. It would seen lately she is demanding that our mutual friends cancel on me and/or exclude me from invitations. It’s very lonely. It seems so shockingly adolescent. As a non confrontational person I’m at a loss for what to do?

  • Ezinne

    April 5th, 2022 at 5:43 PM

    I get jealous sometimes but i make sure it subsides, but my friends _gosh, they rub thier jealousy on my face without mercy. From passive_aggresion to spiteful looks, i get it from them anyway. Most times i feel like i’m an alien. It’s hard to convince yourself that your not when you have friends like mine all over you. I can’t bring myself down for them and i’ve observed i’ts hard to change them with words. So i do it logo “avoid them till they obviously prick me”.

  • Karine

    August 30th, 2022 at 12:27 PM

    Great article, I noticed if you have a friend that is chronically jealous of you, it will never change. In fact, it seems that it just intensifies over time, especially if you are really seeking to grow and better yourself. You can talk to them about it, and it may alter their behavior for sometime, but you can’t talk someone out of being jealous of you. We cannot change anyone. It is an internal battle that you did not cause and cannot cure. You may notice times that this friend opens up and shares their insecurities, but at the same time that doesn’t stop them from seeking ways to hurt you and bring you down. It’s unfortunate but, my best suggestion is you get out of that friendship because it’s not worth and overtime, it is just going to continue to drag you down. There are friends out there that will treat you better.

  • Bev

    October 12th, 2022 at 1:58 PM

    My bff is now 100% caregiver to her husband that had a stroke. She left her good job and and now changes diapers and hand feeds him. They both were always the popular couple and dressed in expensive clothing. How he sadly is is man that can’t eat on his own without it all over him and in a diaper. We’d get together a lot and even after this happened but he had bowel issues in a restaurant/bar “bad”. My husband refuses to go in public with him. We get together on our own but she always seems angry, I’m the brunt of jokes, I’ve lost 25 pounds and laughed that I haven’t. I get my hair done, nails, facials etc. She asks what I did on a certain days and if I say a facial she will scold me that
    I’m doing it too often. I often leave her feeling bad about myself when

  • Emily

    January 5th, 2023 at 8:56 PM

    I have the same issue as a lot of you, but Ursula’s comments really struck a nerve. I am in the same position, as I got a job making about double what my former close friend makes. One time my company had job openings so she asked me the salary. I gave a range, but of course she could figure out what I made. Since then, she became less and less friendly. She never said thank you for a gift I got for her birthday. When my birthday rolled around she invited me to her place. I stupidly thought the dinner we ordered would be paid by her as my birthday gift but no. She never even said happy birthday to me. In our circle her voice carries a lot of weight. Christmas time, I decided to only acknowledge two people in our group. They actually listen to me and we have actual conversations. No one tries to dominate. I have a lot of stuff I’m going through and right now, and it would be nice to talk to the person I used to consider a close friend. But unfortunately, I can never trust her again. I feel like I must have some kind of personality disorder that attracts narcissists or people that like to bully others. I never speak up for myself, and just withdraw. I will probably never trust people again.

  • John

    December 24th, 2023 at 10:13 AM

    Simply put, a disconnect between people and themselves. It’s easier to emotionally conclude (most often falsely), rather than taking time to rationally understand cause and effect. Humans seek the path of least resistance as an instinct because we’ve evolved, understanding there is only so much sunlight in a day. That’s the answer to the question of “Why” envy prevails. How to fix, well you can discuss with friend(s) and it may help or end the relationship. One can understand Yuri Bezmenov’s (KGB Defector) 1984 interview explaining the psychological warfare that’s been infiltrated into our society in the 60’s and has been perpetuating it further. Why do you think Marxism is very popular today and increasing at an increasing rate. “The Oppressed” vs. “The Oppressor”. So many are falling for the victim status by design, rather than accepting their own decision making. Envy is the easiest emotional response. Rational thought can overcome the emotion. Discussing it with your friend(s) openly may/may not work. Understanding that victim-hood is being pushed in your public education, universities, DEI via all government agencies, ESG via corporations pressured by Blackrock, socially (Sexual Preferences, Race, Religion, Economic status, etc…), WEF, WHO, UN, and mass media (verify yourself) are another areas one should focus if you’re seeking answers to work on for a fix. You’re under assault by human instinct and propaganda more than ever. One thing is absolutely true, apathy won’t solve anything.

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