Don’t Damage Your Brand with Terrible Content

confused lady

Businesses know that posting original content on a site’s blog or social media can strengthen their brand, but don’t always seem to understand that bad content can do the opposite. Content that establishes your expertise or engages your target audience is great, but lack of skill or lack of funds to hire an experienced writer can result in content that makes you look like an amateur.

Here’s the content you don’t want:


It’s important to take right tool of right project. Acme Hardware will explanation most common construction tools and with a method you are able to find tool you are need.

Have you ever seen a blog post that read like it had been badly translated from another language? We have, and it makes us sad, because we know it’s worse than no content at all.

This is what happens when you hire the very cheapest writer you can find on Fiverr, or give the job to your cousin’s friend who’s willing to write it for free. 

Awkward phrases are distracting, even if they aren’t as bad as our example. At a bare minimum, make sure it’s readable.

The Bad College Essay

The hammer has been used to hammer nails for many centuries. Hammers come in a variety of sizes and traditionally have a metal head and a wooden shaft, or sometimes a metal shaft covered in rubber. Many people believe to this day that old-fashioned hammers are the best way to drive nails into things, be they walls, or boards, or even floorboards.

If you don’t know much about a subject there’s a temptation to take the little knowledge you have and stretch it. College students do it all the time, and it’s dull and repetitive. When content writers don’t spend much time researching their subject, this is often the result.

You might think that you can help your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by sticking lots of keywords related to your product or service into a badly written post. But search engines use algorithms to determine the helpfulness of your content, so you won’t get much mileage by posting something with little real information. And you definitely won’t come across as an authority in your field.

The Impenetrable Post 

Construction is, of course, the art of constructing something, most commonly thought of in terms of creating structures - a house, an office building - or, for children, the type of paper with which they make crafts. To craft, to build, to construct, to create. All of these require tools - hammers and nails, scissors and glue, and perhaps a plan, a thought, a blueprint, an outline. How much of construction is in the mind, how much in the hands? Will a child answer the same as a construction worker? Will you?

A post can be competently written and informative yet also pretentious, exhausting, and deeply annoying. Yes, pretentious writing can make you sound smart and authoritative, but also unrelatable. Simple and engaging content is often more effective in getting your message across.

Before Posting, Get Some Feedback

If you want to write something, that’s great. You’re an expert, share your knowledge! But before you post anything, show it to someone who reads a lot and is willing to give an honest opinion. Don’t be so attached to what you’ve written that you won’t consider changes; professional writers often go through a brutal editing process before anyone sees what they’ve written.

If you hire someone to write something for you and it’s awful (once again, feedback from others can be useful here), don’t post it just because you paid for it. It’s better to lose the money than damage your brand.

And if you want to hire experienced professional writers who can help you sound like the thought leader you are, get in touch with us