How Much Americans Spend on Halloween

The annual amount could be considered scary

Ghosts, goblins, and ghouls may be frightening, but what Americans spend on Halloween could be even scarier. Consumers in the United States spent a record $10.6 billion on Halloween in 2022, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF). Once the numbers are tallied, Halloween celebrations for 2023 are expected to set new records of $12.2 billion.

Key Takeaways

  • Halloween celebrations in the United States rank as one of the highest retail spending events of the year.
  • Americans spent approximately $10.6 billion on Halloween in 2022.
  • The average spent per person on costumes, candy, decorations, and greeting cards is over $100.

Halloween Spending

Almost 70% of consumers in the United States participated in Halloween celebrations with candy, decorations, and candy in 2022, spending $10.6 billion. Those numbers are expected to increase to over $12 billion for 2023, with consumers spending:

  • $4.1 billion for costumes
  • $3.6 billion for candy
  • $3.9 billion for decorations
  • $0.5 billion for greeting cards


Average per-person spending expected for Halloween in 2023.

Halloween Trends

For 2023, one-third of Americans surveyed planned to attend or host a Halloween party. This number solidifies the shift back to in-person festivities following the COVID-19 pandemic.

The most popular costumes for the season are witches and vampires for adults and Spider-Man or a princess for children. In 2022, over 50% of Americans aged 18-24 searched online for costume ideas, with over 30% of searches through TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

Pet costumes remained trendy for 2023, with the popular costumes that included a pumpkin, a hot dog, a bat, a bumblebee, and a spider. Of the consumers who celebrate Halloween, half shop before October, up from 33% a decade ago.  

Tips for Saving Money

Halloween can be expensive, but consumers can avoid overspending while enjoying the festivities. Some of the best ways to save money on Halloween include:

  • Hand-made costumes
  • Purchasing candy in bulk at warehouse clubs
  • Making decorations from low-cost supplies or items around the house
  • Shopping thrift stores or surplus stores to find inexpensive costume and decor materials
  • Enjoying free community Halloween events
  • Party hosts can encourage guests to bring snacks or drinks to share

Stores usually start marking down costumes, decorations, candy, and other Halloween supplies on November 1st.

How Much Money Is Spent on Halloween Every Year?

In 2022, the National Retail Federation (NRF) reported that consumers spent $10.6 billion on Halloween, up from $10.14 billion in 2021. Estimates for 2023 spending reach $12.2 billion.

How Much Do Americans Spend on Halloween Candy?

Candy is a staple of Halloween traditions and celebrations. Americans spend over $3 billion on Halloween candy annually.

Which Halloween Costumes Are the Most Popular?

Superheroes and princesses are the top picks for children. Adults prefer to dress up as witches, vampires, ghosts, cats, and pirates.

The Bottom Line

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Halloween spending waned as festivities and gatherings were curtailed. Spending rebounded in 2022, with Americans spending over $10 billion on costumers, candy, and parties. According to the National Retail Federation, 2023 spending will top $12 billion once the numbers are tallied.

Article Sources
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  1. National Retail Federation. “Halloween Spending to Reach Record $12.2 Billion as Participation Exceeds Pre-Pandemic Levels.”

  2. National Retail Federation. "Retail Holiday and Seasonal Trends."

  3. National Retail Federation. "Halloween."

  4. National Retail Federation. "2023 Halloween Trends."

  5. National Retail Federation. "3 Ways Generation Z is Celebrating Halloween This Year."

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