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On the face of it, a drain is a pretty simple system. When you’re brushing your teeth, taking a shower or flushing the toilet, you simply want it to do its job. But when that perfectly functioning drain starts gurgling, or the waste is slow to go down, or it doesn’t go down at all, blocked drains become a problem that is not always simple to solve.

A blocked drain is more than inconvenient, it can disrupt homes causing bad smells flooding or water damage. The trouble is, if your blocked drain is not repaired properly, it could start leaking all over again a few months later.

The solution? You’re going to need a plumber to restore your plumbing, home or premises to full working order – and ensure it stays that way. But before you call a blocked drain plumber for help, it’s critical you check they are the best local plumbers around.


Rely on the best plumbers for your drains

“Oh, a blocked drain! It can’t be that difficult to fix!” While this is a common perception, and sometimes a plunger or a couple of cups of hot water could do the trick, what is less understood is that the blocked drain is probably your plumbing’s way of telling you that something more sinister is going on.

Yes, your four-year-old could have shoved a Barbie down the drain hole. But the problem could be more complex, including:

  • Debris, like hair tangling up with grease and soap to form a blockage
  • Mineral build-up
  • Water build-up following heavy rain or a storm
  • Low water pressure or flow issues
  • Tree roots or plants growing inside the drain or pipe
  • Damaged, degraded or broken pipes
  • Poor pipe installation.

Or it could be something else entirely! The best and most experienced plumbers will tell you that they’ve seen everything – like ground movement that caused a pipe to become squashed or restricted. Or a million other causes!

Blocked drain causes – What do the best plumbers say?

Object or debris

As we suggested above, a great plumber has seen (and fixed) it all!

The expert says: Sometimes, it’s possible to easily remove a blockage if it’s accessible, while at other times a simple drain spider or snake (the plumbing tools, not the creepy crawlies!) can do the trick.

But the best solution of all is to watch what you try to flush away. The best plumbers have all attended jobs where people have tried to flush dirty baby nappies down the drain. Tempting, yes, but good for the health of your drains? No.


Sometimes, it’s not a big object that is blocking the drain or pipe, but it was caused instead by a build-up of minerals or sediment.

The expert says: The clearest symptom of this sort of problem is when you don’t necessarily have a blockage, but the flow of water has dramatically slowed.

Dirt and plants

It may be a surprise, but doing regular and thorough garden maintenance will be applauded by your best local plumbers. Why?

The expert says: Because particularly in high growth times for your garden, things like dirt, leaves, plants and roots can disturb your drains.

Tree roots

Tree roots blocking drains are a really bothersome culprit, because they’ll do just about anything to find the water they love so much – including looking in your drains!

The expert says: Keeping your outdoor areas clean and tidy is, therefore, a great way to prevent blockages, as is ensuring that your trees and shrubbery are never so thirsty that they start searching for your drains!

Unfortunately, tree roots can be so strong and determined that they’ll get underneath your home and actually crack into the pipes, causing not just blockages but also potential leaks. In this case, you’ll need a true blocked drain specialist to find the problem and do a long-term structural repair. Depending on the damage, the plumber may not even have to dig up the pipe and carry out the repair using drain pipe relining technology.


Hair is a big problem in the bathroom, but fatty, greasy build-up is the main kitchen drain culprit.

The expert says: While it doesn’t seem like a major problem the hundredth time you try to get rid of your sticky substances, they will stick to the inside of the pipes until eventually, they don’t work anymore.

And the best plumbers will all tell you that getting pipes clear of this sticky mess is not always as easy as it sounds. All that muck combines to form highly absorbent, stubborn blockages that can require a great plumber to deploy all of their skills to get it right again.


You may not automatically think of your drains when a big storm hits, but heavy rainfall can often overcome the design parameters of your plumbing.

The expert says: This build-up or overflow of water can overwhelm your drains – particularly if your gutters have accumulated months of leaves and other debris. In the worst cases, you could be facing a flood at your place.


As suggested earlier, tree roots can penetrate your pipes, but sometimes they just wear, degrade, crack or fail.

The expert says: Unfortunately, these fractures and blockages can be notoriously hard to locate, let alone diagnose and then fix.

The best rule is that if you suspect a broken pipe is causing your blockage, call your favourite best plumber as soon as possible as they can use special leak detection equipment.

Bad installation

All too often, professional plumbers are called out to fix very dodgy DIY jobs that should have never been attempted in the first place.

The expert says: So if you’re considering saving a few dollars by getting ‘a mate’ to do your plumbing, bear in mind how damaging or costly the outcome could be down the line.

Whatever the cause, it’s time to act fast. Simply give us a call or complete a quick form to get a local drain plumber quote on your drainage problems.

The bottom line: Only trust the best plumbers

If all this reading about blocked drains and the potential damage and costly bills are depressing, it’s time to cheer up! Rest assured, plumbers that are the best in the business have all the skills, training, experience and equipment to get your drains operating brilliantly once again – and for good. And that’s where Best Plumbers Club comes into action!

Just send us a message and you’ll get a call from the best:

Reliable CCTV drain camera inspection

At Best Plumbers Club, our plumbers use the latest high-definition, 360-degree CCTV drain inspection camera technology to see:

  • Behind walls
  • Under floors
  • Deep under the ground
  • Into your foundations
  • Everywhere else throughout your extensive and crucial network of plumbing and sewer pipes.

Our recommended plumbers use sophisticated drain cameras to see with pinpoint accuracy exactly where your plumbing issues lay – saving you money, mess, disruption, damage, time & stress.

When our verified plumbers show up at your place with their fully-stocked van, they will:

  • Locate the precise site, cause and next steps, no matter your specific plumbing requirement
  • Swiftly determine the correct and most cost-effective method for a permanent fix or action, based on the details of the pipe type, problem and specific requirements
  • Triple-check and then guarantee the quality of our workmanship before heading back to HQ.

Do you need a drain camera inspection today?

Thanks to the latest and highest-quality drain camera technology, plumbing mistakes, unforeseen repair bills, lengthy delays, destructive damage & digging are all becoming a thing of the past. Best Plumbers Club and its plumbers are at the forefront of plumbing camera services, offering rapid response, same-day service, and professional, friendly assistance every single time.

Efficient drain cleaning services

Across Australia, the best plumbers have invested in the best equipment. That’s certainly true when it comes to the latest electric augers for inside drains to high pressure drain jetting technology for larger drain blockages. Every van carries everything needed for:

Verified and Trusted Plumbers for your Blocked Drains

The Best Plumbers Club has done the homework for you. Our members have the qualifications and right equipment to fix blocked drains fast. They are reviewed and recommended for high quality, licenced workmanship and customer service excellence.

  • Up front pricing. After inspecting your blocked drain you get a firm quote upfront before work starts.
  • Fully licenced plumbers. Verified licences for all drain plumbing services.
  • Australian owned businesses. We support Australian owned and operated plumbing companies.
  • Workmanship guarantee. The best plumbers offer a guarantee on their workmanship for your peace of mind.
  • Top Rated Plumbers. Online review ratings checked by a Level 5 Google local guide.

Don’t suffer from blocked sink drains, blocked stormwater drains, blocked shower drain, blocked drain pipes or blocked toilets.

Simply, send us a message and the best plumber near you will call you right back!