
19 Apr 2024

Tech experts gather to talk data in Kilkenny

Tech experts gather to talk data in Kilkenny

Local Enterprise Office Kilkenny in conjunction with Kilkenny Chamber of Commerce, CiphersTech EU and Business IT Solutions (BITS) will host a lunchtime seminar on Wednesday October 18 in the Ormonde Hotel, Kilkenny on the General Data Protection Regulation which comes in to affect from May 25 next year.
This seminar will specifically focus on how businesses can prepare for the GDPR from the perspective of cyber security. Presenters on the day will include Laurence Conroy, General Manager of CipherTechs EU; Nic Alicandri, Chief business Officer (CBO) and co-owner of CipherTechs and Gavin Dixon, Managing Director of BITS South East Ltd.
The Irish Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon has outlined that ‘Data protection laws exist to ensure fair play for everyone in how their identity and personal data is used by big corporations, governments and all sorts of organisations and businesses.
She added ‘It (GPDR) will impact every type of company and organisation regardless of their size and require many of them to take significant action well before May 25th 2018.’
The onus will be for businesses to be fully transparent about how they are using and safeguarding personal data. They will also have to demonstrate accountability for their data processing activities.
Arguably the biggest change to the legislation is the extended jurisdiction, as it applies to all organisations processing the personal data; therefore it also applies to non-EU companies that process personal data of EU residents. To register for this free seminar visit the

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