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7 Ways To Reduce Stress In Tense Times

This article is more than 6 years old.

According to the Washington Post, psychologists and therapists have been reporting for months an increase in stress and anxiety among their clients in response to current events. Instead of binge watching a TV show or overeating, try these doctor and therapist recommended methods to cope with stress and manage your emotions:

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Identify The Cause 

The American Psychological Association recommends identifying the stressor, such as a crying baby or a big work project or a credit card bill, and intentionally step away from it. Not avoid it, but take 20 minutes to step back, breathe, clear your mind and reframe the problem. This will help you think of a solution more efficiently, and help you not feel as overwhelmed.

Be Social   

It is well documented that strong social networks help us manage our anxiety and regain emotional health. They are especially important when stress and anxiety sharply increase. According to Daniel Keating, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, social interactions release the "good feeling" hormones, serotonin and oxytocin, which conflict with the cortisol released by anxiety. Social engagement also promotes use of the prefrontal cortex part of the brain, which is also used to control emotions and make thoughtful decisions.

Be Grateful 

A recent study from the Hong Kong Institute of Education, indicates that gratitude helps soothe chronic stress. Participants in the study wrote in a gratitude diary twice a week for four weeks, the gratitude diary group saw a decline in stress and depressive systems over time.


The benefits of exercise, and how it helps reduce stress, improves alertness and cognitive functions are well documented according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Regular exercise helps relax tension, elevates an stabilizes moods, improves quality of sleep and self-esteem.

Limit Screen Time   

Dr. Victoria Dunckley, an integrative psychiatrist, is an expert on the effects of screen time in a developing nervous system and has long championed minimizing screen time for children and adults alike. She wrote an article for Psychology Today highlighting several studies that illustrate screen time impedes cognitive ability. One study shows that screen time is related to a metabolic syndrome, including high blood pressure, blood sugar dysregulation, obesity and problems sleeping. Another study shows that increased cell phone use and texting accelerates cognitive responses, but accuracy declines.

Manage Your Mentality  

As soon as you realize you're dwelling on certain things that make you anxious, take a productive step to address them says Brad Stulberg, a mental-skills coach for executives and entrepreneurs in Oakland, Calif. and the author of Peak Performace. Action satiates stress. Worried about a big project? Do some more work on it to put your mind at rest. Worried you're not spending enough time with friends? Make it a point to carve out some time to spend with them.

Take Time For Joy   

A lifestyle change that can meaningly reduce stress and anxiety and increase happiness is creating time for things you enjoy, writes Neel Burton M.D. in Psychology Today. Seeing friends, being active and going outside will all reduce depression and improve your overall quality of life.