In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, help MuckRock release the FBI files of famous indigenous activists

In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, help MuckRock release the FBI files of famous indigenous activists

Explore the history of Native American activism through public records

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Edited by JPat Brown

In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, MuckRock will be continuing our coverage of the American Indian Movement and other Native American activist groups. In typical MuckRock fashion, this involves mainly FBI files. We published two this summer, one on the famed Oglala Lakota activist Russell Means, and the other on Isáŋyathi Dakota writer, activist, and orator John Trudell.

You can help us release the files of AIM leaders and other famous Indigenous activist figures by submitting your idea in the form below! If the individual is still alive, we’ll need their consent, so reach out to if you can help. We look forward to getting your submissions and opening up the history of AIM and other Indigenous struggles.

Image by Joe Mabel via Wikimedia Commons and licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0.