


Life With Lice: How To Help Your Kids Through It

March 24, 2017

Life With Lice: How To Help Your Kids Through It

Life With Lice

Life With Lice: How To Help Your Kids Through It

March 24, 2017

Being the parent of a child who has been diagnosed with head lice is definitely not an ideal situation.

Having a lice infestation can be a very emotionally and mentally trying time, especially for young kids.

They’re going to need you on their side to help them through it!

Confirm the Diagnosis

Don’t just take the news that you child has lice at face value.

Go to lengths to confirm it yourself. Oftentimes, cursory school inspections can have it wrong. Take a fine toothed comb, divide your son or daughter’s hair into sections, and sift carefully through their hair.

You should know how to identify both the adult lice and white lice eggs called nits. If you see any of those tiny sesame-sized bugs crawling about, or spot some nits close to the scalp, it’s time to take lice removal measures.

Let them Know They’re Not the Only One

Generally, the school will have the child be picked up, and not return until the lice and nits have been removed.

This can be confusing for your young one. It’s up to you to clarify things for them. It’s important to make them realize that lice infestations are a common occurrence, especially among children their age.

They can be very sensitive to situations that make them feel out of place and alienated, so it’s good to establish that many people go through the same thing.

Have an Open Discussion

Children are inquisitive creatures, so your son or your daughter is bound to have many questions.

Take the time to answer them all. Let them know what lice are, how they get them, and how it’s simply not their fault.

Help them take measures to know how to avoid future infestations, such as by limiting unnecessary head to head contact with peers.

At Lice Master, we know how difficult it can be for children to face a lice infestation. That’s why, for both the child and the parent’s peace of mind, our lice treatment centers provide a family-friendly environment.

We focus on providing a safe, non-chemical treatment, carried out with utmost care. As for locations, we have lice clinics in Hollywood, Kendall, Coral Gables and many other cities in Florida, as well as two centers in New York.

Check where your nearest Lice Master clinic is, and give us a call!

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