Cleaning your ears may not be your favorite activity. It also might not be the most fun. However, for some people, basic ear cleaning is a necessity. These people have more of a need to clean their ears than others. For these people, if they do not clean their ears, then problems can arise. So if you need to clean your ears, it is best to make sure that you do so. Here are some of the top signs that you need to clear your ears.

1. You have an earwax impaction

Earwax impactions occur when too much earwax accumulates inside of the ear canal and get stuck. When this happens, temporary hearing loss can occur, and it can be very uncomfortable for the sufferer. Earwax impactions can also cause headaches, and in some cases balance issues. So, if you have an earwax impaction, it is best to have your audiologist examine your ears and remove the blockage. Your audiologist will also be able to recommend any follow-up or home treatments that are safe.

2. You have tinnitus

Tinnitus can occasionally be caused by excessive earwax or debris in the ear. The symptoms of tinnitus are buzzing, roaring, ringing or other similar noises in the ear. If you are experiencing these symptoms then it means that you should definitely consider cleaning your ears, or having them cleaning professionally by an audiologist. Simply doing this could resolve your tinnitus entirely. However, tinnitus is not always caused by earwax buildups.

3. You wear hearing aids

Wearing hearing aids can cause earwax to get stuck in the ears and to not fall out of your ears as much. This can lead to impactions. So, if you wear hearing aids, it can put you at an increased risk for impactions. This means that you have a stronger need to clean your ears than most people. Earwax can also get trapped within hearing aids themselves. So, it is also a wise decision to make sure that you clean your hearing aids as well to make sure that they keep performing well.

If you’re concerned you may have an excess of earwax or are experiencing pain or hearing loss, schedule a visit with an audiologist in your area. The audiologist will be able to evaluate the health of your auditory system and recommend the appropriate treatment or prevention plans.