
Feeling Unphotogenic? Here Are 14 Mistakes You Might Be Making

Are you using your eyes to your advantage?

photogenic mistakes man taking a photo of a group of people
jacoblund/getty images

Do you dread group photos? Is your idea of hell being forced to pose for a—gasp—solo shot? Before you go around demanding “why am I unphotogenic?” or “should I avoid cameras for the rest of my life,” be sure you aren’t making any of the following 14 mistakes, all of which could be sabotaging your goal of looking your best in photos.

By doing things like squinching (more on that later), remembering to breathe and knowing what to do with your hands, you can completely elevate the way you look on film—whether it’s a quick shot snapped by your boyfriend or your wedding-day photos. And as with anything, the more you practice how to move in front of a camera, the more comfortable you’ll feel. That comfort will almost certainly shine through in the final product.

Why Do I Feel Unphotogenic?

First, let’s get one thing straight: You’re not alone. Tons (seriously—tons) of people don’t love the way they look in photos. Luckily, it’s a shockingly easy problem to fix, and largely comes down to practice and knowing a few strategic tricks to pull out once the camera bulbs start flashing. Oftentimes, feeling unphotogenic comes down to freezing up once you’re in front of a camera and not knowing how best to position your body and face. Think about it: Celebrities—who pretty much always look photogenic—are constantly being photographed (they’re also often supernaturally good looking, but that’s a different story). They know their angles, they know what to do with their hands, etc. By avoiding the 14 mistakes listed below, you’ll be on your way to not wanting to delete every pic that’s snapped of you. Practice may not make perfect, but it does build confidence, which is completely crucial to looking and feeling your absolute best.

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photogenic mistakes angelina jolie posing on a red carpet
TOLGA AKMEN/getty images

1. You’re Not Using Your Eyes to Your Advantage

Our transformation into photogenic women like Angelina Jolie can largely be boiled down to one word: squinching. Huh? Let us explain. Squinching is a combination of squinting and pinching. Here’s what you do: Tighten your eyes as if you were going to squint. But slightly relax your top lids and let the lower ones do more of the work (where the “pinching,” of sorts, comes into play). Basically, doing this settles your expression into a happy medium between full-on squinting and, conversely, looking like a deer in headlights. Trust us, it’s a flattering look on everyone.

photogenic mistakes keke palmer on a red carpet
Robin L Marshall/getty images

2. You Don’t Know What to Do with Your Hands

Straight at your sides, on your hips…hands in photos can be awkward. Try holding a prop like a cup of coffee or sunglasses, sticking your hands in your pocket or acting like you’re pushing you hair behind your ear like Keke Palmer above. Here are a few more ideas to keep your hands looking natural.

photogenic mistakes anne hathaway on a red carpet
Taylor Hill/getty images

3. You’re Saying “Cheese”

Hate to burst your bubble, but the old “say cheese” thing is a farce. It actually makes your smile look kind of forced and unnatural. If you have to say something, we suggest “money,” which allows your mouth to stay slightly open and come across as much more genuine, à la Anne Hathaway.

photogenic mistake ayo edebiri on red carpet
Michael Buckner/getty images

4. You’re Being Photographed from Below

Here’s a helpful tip from PureWow Associate SEO Editor and resident photography expert Marissa Wu: When you’re being photographed, make sure whoever’s behind the camera is snapping pics from above. Wu explains, “It doesn’t have to be extreme, but when taking the photo, aim to have the phone or camera high enough that the subject has to raise their chin slightly to meet its gaze. This elongates the neck and gives the chin more shape. Surprise, surprise. You do have a jawline!”

photogenic mistakes reese witherspoon
Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/getty images

5. You Don't Practice

OK, this might feel really awkward at first, but that whole “practice makes perfect” thing also applies to looking photogenic. Hop in front of a mirror and try out different poses, angles and facial expressions to see what works for you. You’ll be much more comfortable striking a pose you’ve pre-planned than positioning your body randomly and hoping for the best.

photogenic mistake america ferrera on red carpet
Presley Ann/getty images

6. Your Tongue Is in the Wrong Place

Hey, did you know that your tongue can make you more photogenic? Sounds weird, but it’s true. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth (just behind your teeth) when smiling for a photo. Your expression will be totally relaxed and not the least bit maniacal.

photogenic mistake the cast of oceans 8 on a red carpet
Jamie McCarthy/getty images

7. You’re Sucking In  

As much as you might want to (or think you need to), don’t suck in your stomach in photos. Your discomfort will show on your face and your shoulders will look slumped. Instead, project confidence in yourself and your pose, just like the ultra-chic ladies above.

photogenic mistakes gal gadot on a red carpet
Desiree Navarro/getty images

8. You're Facing the Camera Head-On

Another celeb trick to copy? Strategic head angling. Take it from Gal Gadot and tilt your head ever so slightly to your best side and lower your chin. All that’s left to do is squinch and bask in the glory of being one of *those* photogenic women.

photogenic mistake margot robbie on a red carpet
Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/getty images

9. You’re Not Moving Around

Feeling stiff? Move around. After every photo is taken, shift your body and face slightly into a different position. Hands by your side? Put one on your hip. Face straight at the camera? Turn it slightly left. Now slightly right. Now play with your hair with the hand that isn't on your hip. Most people have a habit of going to a go-to pose when photos are taken, so force yourself to shift slightly. Eventually you will start to notice which poses look better.

photogenic mistake jennifer hudson on the red carpet
Axelle/Bauer-Griffin /getty images

10. You’re Forgetting to Breathe

A lot of people, when faced with a camera, will smile and hold their breath or breathe shallowly, which makes you look more strained and anxious. Take a deep breath before the shot to relax your facial expressions and body.

photogenic mistakes katie holmes on a red carpet
Dimitrios Kambouris/getty images

11. You’re Suppressing Your Natural Emotions

Have you ever noticed how happy Katie Holmes looks in red carpet and paparazzi photos? Well, it’s one of the reasons why she’s so photogenic. The easiest way to look good in photos is to just be yourself. When you tense up and press your lips together, it makes your jawline look more square and pronounced, which—ultimately—changes the shape of your face. To combat this, let your natural emotions shine through, whether you’re laughing, smiling or feeling goofy. A relaxed, natural expression is usually the most photogenic because you’re not overthinking how you’ll look in the photo. So, don’t force it!

photogenic mistake cara delevigne aubrey plaza and ariana debose at an award show
Michael Buckner/getty images

12. You're Taking Yourself Too Seriously

For those of us who aren’t professional models (*raises hand*), posing for a photo can be completely awkward. But just because you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean you have to look it. Luckily, there are ways—including leaning into the whole awkward thing—to make the experience of being photographed infinitely less cringeworthy. Next time, try seeking out a bold background to take some of the focus off of you.

photogenic mistake chrissy teigen and john legen on a red carpet
Jeffrey Mayer/getty images

13. You’re Not Learning from Your Mistakes

As much as you don’t want to focus on pictures where you don’t love the way you look, it’s a good learning experience. Go through your camera roll and your tagged photos to pinpoint what it is about the photo you don’t like (say, your smile looks semi-deranged) and try to fix the issue moving forward (say, by saying "money" instead of "cheese").

jennifer lopez taking a selfie
NBC /getty images

14. You’re Not Using Filters

Now, we’re certainly not advocating for Photoshop or anything that would make you unrecognizable in person, but there’s a reason Instagram filters exist—they’re your friends. The right filter choice can take a mediocre photo to the next level. “Whoa, is that Gisele Bündchen?” your friend asks. “Nope, just me in ‘rise.’” Play around and see which filters suit you best—by which we mean highlight your strengths versus changing the way you look.

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