Hack attack: what do today’s cybercriminals look like?

The image of a young person in a hoodie sitting in a basement no longer holds true. In fact, the hacker of today is as likely to be in it for the kicks as they are for the money

World wide webs: hackers across the globe tend to work in groups, real or virtual – that way they can share tips and hone their skills
World wide webs: hackers across the globe tend to work in groups, real or virtual – that way they can share tips and hone their skills

When we think of a hacker most of us mentally turn to Hollywood. We’ll conjure up a picture of a young person (in a hoodie, of course) in their late teens or early twenties. They’ll be motivated by fame or perhaps some sense of justice or an anarchic desire to cause mischief – they will rarely be truly evil.

This stereotype is both a little bit right and very wrong. The typical hacker, according to the online payments company Jumio, is usually between 29 and 49 and male. The cyber-security site Secure Thoughts went one better and came up with a composite image of a typical hacker. Turns out that they are white, male and in their early thirties. But don’t let this profile fool you. The reality these days is that a hacker could be anyone.

What is perhaps more unexpected is the location of these hackers. Hacking may have started in the West but it is now as globalised as any other industry. The lone-wolf stereotype is wrong, too. Hackers tend to work in groups, which may be physical or virtual. They will often meet online in forums or chatrooms to share tips, hone their skills and to show off about their exploits. There is a strong sense of community and there are dozens of prominent groups such as LulzSec and Anonymous.

There is also a very wide spectrum of motivations. Some really do just do it for kicks. Others are motivated by a desire to attack large global corporations or to sow the seeds of anarchy. Some are in it for the money. Moreover, any single individual may occupy several points on this spectrum – they may be hacking for fun as well as profit. Finally, there are those who use their skills for good, who are called “white hat” hackers.

Sergey Pavlovich, a former cybercriminal from Belarussia who went under the name Police Dog and has now written a book called How to Steal a Million, is a high-profile example of some of these traits. He started young with card fraud before perfecting his hacking skills in a variety of online forums. It was all a bit of a game for Pavlovich, but the “game” eventually led to serious crimes. Pavlovich was jailed in 2009 and released in 2015. Since his exploits, hacking has become far more about organised crime. Criminals now rent hacking services or develop their own expertise in-house.

This could involve anything from industrial espionage to vast data breaches to the theft of millions of dollars. Criminals may hold companies to ransom, or they may try to prove a political point. Their ability to wreak havoc has increased exponentially as the world has become more and more connected – and that momentum appears to be difficult to stop.

The scale of the crimes can be breathtaking. In 2015, the security firm Kaspersky uncovered a global hacking ring that had stolen about $1bn from more than 100 banks across the world. No less astounding was the sophistication of the hackers’ techniques. They had used spyware to watch bank staff and learn their routines. They were then able to use these observations for criminal purpose.

So who is the typical hacker? Well, it’s impossible to say. It could be anyone from a bright 15-year-old on your street to a crime lord who funnels the proceeds back to fund further illegal activities. Moreover, it is not impossible that at some point, the paths of these two will cross, however briefly.

The most important thing to remember is that many hackers are now part of criminal organisations. They’re not doing it just for kicks. They’re serious – which is why we all need to take the issue of cyber-security very seriously indeed.

Find out more about staying digitally safe, visit thetimes.co.uk/connectedfamilies


Danger is just a click away

Developing good online habits can dramatically reduce your chances of falling victim to fraud, advises Laura Flack, Barclays head of digital safety

It is easy to become overconfident about online safety. I’m sure we’ve all received poorly worded emails, pleading for our bank details and thought: how would anyone fall for this? But today’s virtual con artists are smart, sophisticated and, unfortunately, effective.

More than 5.5 million cyber offences now take place each year, according to the National Crime Survey for England and Wales. That’s almost half of all crime, making online fraud the most widespread offence in the country. One of the key things to keep your hands on your hard-earned cash is developing good online safety habits. Multiple layers of protection build resilience and can dramatically reduce your chances of being one of the almost 9 per cent of the population who fall victim to online fraud every year.

Here are the five key layers:

  1. Say no to remote access. Never let anyone access your PC, laptop or tablet remotely. It’s like opening the front door of your house and allowing a total stranger to walk in off the street and have a poke around.

  2. Use strong passwords for all accounts – something you can remember, but hard for others to guess. The official advice from the Home Office Cyber Aware campaign is to use three unrelated words. No family names, birthdays or anniversaries – and definitely not anything like “mypassword123”.

  3. Stay safe on social media. It is great to keep in touch, but be cautious what you share. Avoid sharing information on birthdays or anniversaries (hence password advice above), do not give your email or even partial address details and place of work.

  4. Do not accept friend requests on social media unless you are sure you know who that person is. It’s all too easy to give fraudsters a leg-up inadvertently.

  5. If in doubt, do not click. It is your last line of defence – if it looks or sounds dodgy or too good to be true, it probably is. Stick to these simple rules to stay safe and play your part to help reduce cybercrime.

Search ‘Barclays Security’ to find out more about staying safe in a digital world