New this week in Thunder Run and Days of Valor:

TOC Leader Updates

CPT Savage, the TOC Leader focused on battle tactics, can now be upgraded to Level 48 in your Leader Barracks.

  • Level 48 specialization bonuses range up to 22.8% for your units or turret weapons, depending on which of the random specializations of CPT Savage you possess:
    • Offense Tactics: Up to +22.8% to unit weapon DPS and damage resistance
    • Defense Tactics: Up to +22.8% to turret weapon DPS and damage resistance

To acquire CPT Savage, start by hiring LT Savage in the Store, and use your Leader Barracks to level him up. Once LT Savage reaches Level 21, he promotes to CPT and randomly gains one of the two specializations named above.

Captain's Bars

Good hunting, commanders!

New Levels for CPT Savage – February 2 Patch Notes