I Dream of Dragon Con - Again

It’s that time of year when, despite the looming insanity of the holidays, I’m still near enough to my Dragon Con high to start thinking about what I’ll cosplay next year and fooling myself into thinking I’ll start sewing before February. And, despite the fact that I had more costumes than I could even wear this past year, I’m plotting three new ones.

My bestie had such a stellar time participating in the elf choir and the lantern procession this year that I’ve got to join her. After briefly flirting with the idea of cosplaying Merrill from Dragon Age II, I’ve decided I need to return to my roots. Or, more accurately, my first real fandom, and make use of the Lord of the Rings-themed sewing patterns that have been languishing uncut in my collection for more than ten years. While her velvet gowns are breathtaking, I’ve decided that Arwen’s grey riding dress from the flight to Rivendell is where it’s at – bonus, I get a sword.

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If you’re still sore about her taking over this scene from Glorfindel, come at me. Of the many things I appreciate about the film series is the agency Peter Jackson gave Tolkien’s female characters, especially Arwen and Galadriel.

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I missed my excellent MCU pals at the parade this year, and while I’ve typically marched as Peggy Carter, I’m ready to change it up in 2019. I’d like to do Scarlet Witch, and I definitely want my hands to glow with some potent energies. I’ll probably model my cosplay based on some earlier iterations of her costume, unless her look in the as-yet-untitled Infinity Wars sequel is too good to pass up and/or not beyond my skill level.


And finally, inspired by an adorable cosplay I saw at the Cincinnati Comic Expo this past weekend, I’d like to cosplay Sophie from the end of Howl’s Moving Castle. I also plan to make a glowing Calcifer to float in my hands, likely using similar construction to however I’ll get Wanda’s hands to glow. Double the opportunity to play with LEDs, naturally.

We’ll see if all of these happen. It occurs to me that I’m now planning on every single cosplay next year including a wig - and I really, really, really hate wigs. Maybe I’m just not wearing them correctly?

Or maybe I have an overly sensitive head.

It’s probably that.