An Epic Blog Post Every Time with This Simple Checklist

overhead desk and epic blog post checklist

There are so many things to remember when trying to write a successful blog post. Don’t you wish there was a simple blog post checklist to help you make sure you don’t leave anything out?

Well, my friends, I’ve created this article just for you.

In case you didn’t know this about me, I am a massive advocate of blogging. Why? Because I think it can be absolutely life-changing if taken seriously.

Now, I’m not talking about blogging about random daily events in our lives (which is actually how blogging started). What I’m talking about is using a blog as a marketing tool to build your brand.

I see a lot of bloggers out there who could be leveraging their blog so much better than they currently are.

And the only reason I know this is because I have worked for years, banging my head against a wall trying to figure out why my blog wasn’t taking off.

It turns out that just like a great recipe, a great blog post needs the right ingredients to be truly remarkable.

food ingredients laid out with blogging quote
[Image courtesy of Fortyforks via Shutterstock]

So I’m writing this for you–the blogger who knows they want to create amazing content but just needs help learning the recipe.

Ok, Dustin, I’m ready for the checklist. Where do I start?

Hold your horses!

Before you do anything, please remember that this checklist is for those who understand why blogging is a powerful marketing tool.

You need immense discipline to make sure that your content is interesting, engaging, and of the highest quality.

You will be putting a lot of effort in order for this to work. But trust me, the results will speak for themselves!

Bonus: Are you in a hurry? Just grab my printable Epic Blog Post Checklist right now!

By the way, if you haven’t read it yet, I actually published a guide on how to write a blog post. It’s my documentation of the process I go through every time I publish something, and this checklist I’m giving you here is the same one I use.

Ok, on to the checklist!

1. Two-Thousand Word Minimum

Does your blog post have a minimum of 2,000 words?

Look, I wish we still lived in the days where 300-500 word blog posts were a thing that worked. But they just don’t anymore.

With the sheer volume of content being produced these days (and it is staggering how much is being produced), short and sweet articles just aren’t cutting it anymore.

Don’t believe me? There are three reasons why your blog posts need to be at least 2,000 words long. And two of these reasons have enough data behind them that I almost don’t need a third.

Search engines love long-form content

Think about this for a second– What is Google’s job?

Is it to give people the answer they’re looking for?


Is it to find people the best websites?


Google’s job is to find the best answer for someone’s question (or query).

And how does Google differentiate between the first best and the tenth best answer?

Well, that’s a question that only Google’s magical engineers could definitively answer.

But, thankfully there have been plenty of people who have done extensive, data-driven research on the topic. My favorite is by Brian Dean of Backlinko where he analyzed over one-million Google Search results. Here’s what he found:

“…the average word count of a Google first page result is 1,890 words.”

When I tell people they need to be writing 2,000-word articles they often reply with something like,

“But people don’t read all of that. Nobody likes long articles.”

My response to them is, yes, you’re right. Most people don’t like long articles. But Google does. And Google sends me more traffic than most people do.

Longer articles mean you have more opportunity to answer a person’s questions in high detail. It also means you have lots of room to add the right keywords and keyword variants to give your article all the ammunition it needs to blow Google’s digital socks off.

Longer articles get more shares

Here’s another one that’s a bit of a mind-boggler.

Yes, we live in an age where attention span is at its lowest. But the data shows that longer content tends to get more shares.

This study from Noah Kagan and Buzzsumo leaves no room for doubt:

chart with social shares compared to word count

But why, though?

My guess is that it has something to do with the fact that people want to share things that make them look good–things that make them look smart. And guess what–long articles seem smarter than short ones.

I know you wanna be all Seth Godin and write quick words of wisdom that drop people’s jaws in 10 seconds flat. But until you’ve got Seth Godin’s celebrity status, shoot for long-form, in-depth articles that are 2,000 words or more.

People may not read the entire thing. They may skim right through it only reading your headings. But they’ll see how in-depth the article is, and be compelled to share it.

Longer articles tend to be more evergreen

An evergreen article is a piece that can withstand the test of time. It will be as relevant two years from now as it is today.

In a blog post, I’ve written about the benefits of writing evergreen content, I mentioned that I raised my traffic by 41% with just 5 blog posts.

It may be more work up front, but it means less work in the long run.

2. Three Internal Links

Do you have at least three internal links on your blog post?

An epic blog post must link to other epic blog posts on your site.

In SEO speak, internal linking is one of the best things you can do to leverage your blog. By doing this, it is believed that the higher ranking page will “share” a bit of its authority with the other page, giving it a slight boost.

Linking to your other posts can also prolong your audience’s stay on your website. Keeping them on your site longer can build greater trust and increase their likelihood of recommending your or converting into a subscriber.

And session time is also one of the more important things that search engines look for when it ranks websites.

A longer session time indicates that the reader is getting value, and if they’re getting value, that means Google did its job in sending them there. That’s a win-win.

3. Three External Links

Do you have at least three external links on your blog post?

Epic blog posts must reference other authoritative content from other websites.

Search engines like it when sites link to other websites. It helps them determine how to better rank those linked pages. And they put more value to those who do it in a natural manner.

Whenever you link to other websites, you give search engines the idea that you are contributing to the circulation of websites all around the world.

But if you’re doing it in a legitimate way, you’re also adding value to the user experience because those links should be giving additional context to things you don’t necessarily cover in your article.

Be careful though to avoid linking to external pages that have the same target keyword as you. This may signal to search engines that the article you’re linking to is more authoritative, and therefore ranks higher, than your article.

4. Two Tweetable Quotes

Do you have at least two click-to-tweets on your post for better sharing purposes?

And when they see something useful, witty, funny, or interesting they want to share it with their followers.

That’s where this tool comes in.

Click-to-tweets are one of the best things you can add to your posts in order to make it more shareable.

By utilizing this tool, your audience can easily share a quotable part from your article with just a couple of clicks.

The easiest way to add these tweetable quotes (or Click-to-tweet quotes) to your website is to use a plugin like the Share on Twitter Block. It makes it super easy to add these Click-to-tweet quotes within y our blog post.

5.Five Images, One GIF

man with wow face looking at phone
[Image courtesy of Dean Drobot via Shutterstock]

Do you have at least five SEO-optimized images and a gif?

Images break up your blog post so that it’s not just one giant wall of text.

Images help to convey ideas in a manner that is more engaging to those readers who may be more visual.

Also, images can be further optimized for SEO purposes.

However, reducing file size for better loading times, proper alt tags and title tags must be done in order to fully enjoy the benefits of having an image in your post.

More information can be found in my guide on how to create optimized images.

GIFs are those moving images that are super trendy on social media. And, personally, I love me a good GIF. They just allow you to communicate so much more than a static image.

GIFs are fun, interesting, and are highly shareable on social media, and therefore they are a big win for your article’s sharability.

6.Pinterest-Optimized Image

Do you have at least one “hidden” Pinterest-optimized image on your site?

Pinterest is a social bookmarking site that can help your blog massively increase its exposure and traffic.

But the key is to properly optimize your blog post for maximum pinnability.

If you are not doing this properly or if you are not doing it at all, then you are definitely missing out on a lot of potential traffic.

If you want to know the in-depth details, read my Pinterest Guide for Bloggers.

The short version is this: Create a tall image (735px wide by 1102px tall) for every single blog post that people can save to Pinterest.

Pinterest's vertical layout

Wait, Dustin. I am using Pinterest and am putting Pinterest optimized images in my post. But my audience doesn’t seem to pin it. What gives?

That is where Social Warfare, the plugin I told you about in point 4, comes in again!

One other feature that the plugin can do for your soon-to-be epic blog posts is to make sure your readers are pinning the right image.

When they click on the “Pin” button, instead of getting an option to pin any image on the page, they get the one Pinterest Optimized Image that you’ve chosen for them to pin.

And it also lets you write the description for them, giving your readers even less work to do when sharing your articles.

On top of that, Social Warfare makes it so you can actually hide the tall image from the page if you want. Because let’s face it, giant images just don’t look great in a blog post.

You can create images that are Pinterest-worthy dimensions and just add it to the Social Warfare Custom Options in your blog post.

social warfare custom options

Pretty easy, right?

7. Headline Score = Green

Are you sure that your headlines are grabbing your reader’s attention?

An epic blog post needs an epic headline. That much is a no-brainer.

Headlines are super important since they make sure that you send out a strong message to your audience about your post using the first words they will ever read on it.

And I do this by using CoSchedule.

CoSchedule has a tool called Headline Analyzer that scores your headline according to how attention-grabbing it is.

headline analyzer

You can use their free Headline Analyzer or if you are a CoSchedule user, it’s built right into their WordPress integration.

Just type in your headline and it will pop out a score. Keep working at it using their suggestions until you get a score that is “green”.

Success at blogging starts on your headline, and CoSchedule can be a powerful tool that can decide a make or break point in your article.

8. Content Upgrade

Do you have a Content Upgrade on your post?

Ah, Content Upgrades. Did you know that by utilizing this, I was able to grow my subscriber rate to over 4,000 per month?

Yes! And you can definitely do it too!

Content Upgrades are basically a Lead Magnet that is specific to the post you are doing. You put a Call-to-Action on your post saying that your reader can learn more or get fantastic bonuses related to the topic of your article by subscribing to your site.

You can then reward those who subscribed right then and there with something they can only get if they used that specific Content Upgrade.

An example of this can be seen in my article The Ultimate Guide to Branding Yourself on Social Media. I included a downloadable quick-reference checklist for things I discussed there.

A lot of experts already know the power of this. They are utilizing this tactic for their clients and their own businesses, growing their subscriber list like crazy.

9. Internal Backlinking

Once your blog is published, are you looking at other possible link opportunities using old blog posts?

Remember point 2?

Well, it still applies even after you have published your post.

Go back to your old blog posts and relevant links to your new article.

This ensures that those articles are:

  1. Transferring any accumulated SEO authority to the new article
  2. Making sure that readers who find those old posts have the opportunity to find newer, related blog posts

It might take you 5-10 minutes at first, but once you make this a habit, you’ll get better and faster because your brain will more easily remember key articles that are great link opportunities.

10. Promote On Social Media

Have you promoted your blog post on all possible social media channels?

After publishing your masterpiece of a blog post, it won’t make it big by itself immediately. You need to do the first move to make it epic.

And that is where social media networks come in.

Social media is an extremely powerful tool in getting your content discovered. It has been the single most important way I’ve found my audience to date.

But you don’t just want to paste the title of your article and tell people to “check it out.”

That won’t work. People are bombarded by headlines all day and are completely blind to the words “check this out”nowadays.

You also don’t want to just share it out once, right after you hit “Publish” and be done with it.

That won’t be very effective. People are on social media at different times throughout the day, and you never know what percentage of your audience will see that one social post at that exact time you share it.

Instead, create several interesting social media messages to promote your new article, and do it over the course of at least 30 days.

Whoa, Dustin! Who in their right mind has that kind of time?!

Oh, trust me… I know.

And that’s why I’ve even created a template for you to help you create a month’s worth of social media messages in 5min or less.

That template will help you create lots of different social media posts to promote your article over the course of 30-days using one of the social media management tools of your choice.

11. Niche Community Promotion

group of people around a smartphone

Are you promoting your blog post in other niche outlets, such as Tailwind?

There are other ways to leverage your online community to get your content noticed.

One such example is one I use regularly– Tailwind Tribes.

Tailwind is a social media app that lets you schedule Pinterest Pins and Instagram Posts. But they’ve also created a feature they call Tribes which allows you to join groups of other users with similar interests who want to help each-other share great content.

Let’s say you are in the digital marketing industry. You can find numerous Tribes to join and share your article to, and the idea is that all the other members will share your article to their Pinterest accounts.

It lets your blog post reach highly-targeted audiences which are most likely to share your post if they see value in it.

I have been using Tailwind Tribes for a while now, and so far it has given me great results in terms of content promotion!

Some other niche community examples would be things like:

  • Online forums about your key topics
  • Slack Communities for bloggers
  • Facebook Groups
  • In-person meetups or masterminds (yes, niche communities don’t just have to be online)

You get the idea, right?

Of course you do, you’re a smarty.

And we’re done!

If you check off every item on this list, you will undoubtedly have an epic blog post you can be proud of.

As a quick recap, here’s a quick rundown of the checklist we’ve tackled so far:

  1. Minimum of 2,000 Words
  2. At least three internal links
  3. At least three external links
  4. At least two click-to-tweets
  5. A minimum of five SEO-optimized images and one GIF
  6. At least one “hideable” Pinterest optimized image
  7. A green-lit headline score on Headline Analyzer by CoSchedule
  8. A Content Upgrade
  9. Internal linked to older blog posts
  10. Promoted on all social media channels
  11. Promoted in niche outlets like Tailwind Tribes

And there you go!

As an added bonus, I’ve created a printable version of this checklist to help you remember every time you’re about to publish a new post.

Just add your email below to join our Insiders List, and I’ll send you the download link right away! You’ll also get my best social media news, insights, and projects I’m working on sent regularly. You can unsubscribe any time.

blog post checklist

Download the Epic Blog Post Checklist

Once you confirm that you are a real person the download link will be sent straight to your inbox!

On, and just in case you’re into infographics, I created one that you can add to your favorite blogging-related Pinterest board, or wherever else you keep infographics: 

Blog post checklist infographic

You can embed this infographic on your own website by copying and pasting the code below:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="An Epic Blog Post Every Time with This Simple Checklist" /></a><p>[Infographic courtesy of <a href=""></a>]</p>

As long as you remember the things on this checklist and discipline yourself into doing this constantly, then you can create an epic blog post every single time.

Dustin W. Stout Avatar

36 responses to “An Epic Blog Post Every Time with This Simple Checklist”

  1. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    You’re welcome, Kristie!

  2. kristie Avatar

    Thanks for this epic blog post checklist

  3. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Thanks, Liz! Glad you liked it.

  4. Liz Avatar

    Thank you so much for putting this together Dustin. Really in-depth, helpful and efficient way of blogging – I’ll definitely be back to revisit your site many times over. Great advice for new and veteran bloggers alike!

  5. the blacksheep Avatar
    the blacksheep

    I am really enjoying reading your well-written articles. It looks like you spend a lot of effort and time on your blog. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work.

  6. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Well the thing you have to keep in mind when data studies make conclusions is that the conclusion isn’t an absolute. It’s an average. Just because most of the articles found ranking highly in search are 1,500+ words, doesn’t mean that only articles that long rank in search. It’s just a “in most cases” scenario.

  7. Alison Avatar

    Thanks for the great tips! I’ve seen other experts provide the tip to write a minimum of two thousand words, but I’ve also seen shorter content rank on the first page of Google, so I’m not sure how seriously to take it.

  8. Hassam Ahmad Awan Avatar

    Thanks for the good post! which helps me to think more different ways to have my post better in the near future. Thanks again!

  9. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Well, I was curious about your cited article, so I dug in a bit and found the original data they are using to form their conclusions–here are my thoughts:

    – The article you cited is citing a study from Hubspot which was originally published in 2015. It says it was updated in April of this year, but we don’t know for sure which part of their data is actually from 2019.
    – The data doesn’t specify what channel the traffic is coming from. If you’re publishing 16+ articles per week, that’s 16+ reasons to send and email to your list and get them to read the newest thing. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting more Google Organic traffic.
    – In that same study Hubspot says, “over 75% of our blog views and 90% of our blog leads came from old posts.” What does that tell me as a business owner? That I’m wasting money on cranking out high volumes of content instead of focusing on high-return content.

    I’ve documented this previously, but one year I saw over 40% of my traffic come from 5 blog posts. Just one of my articles (which I originally wrote in 2015) brings in about 2,000 visits and roughly 100 subscribers every day.

    So the question becomes–is the investment in lots of articles every month just a hamster wheel? We publish them, they get some traffic for a few days, and then never again? Wouldn’t a business rather invest in high-return, long-term content that continues to drive results for years to come?

    A simple content audit like the one I performed for myself and my clients (such as BuzzSumo) would probably reveal that a small percentage of content is driving long-term organic traffic and more leads. And that, to me, is a valuable insight into how to spend a marketing budget for maximum ROI.

  10. Bobby Burns Avatar

    Thank you for the in-depth response, Dustin!

    While I get it and certainly don’t disagree, in my situation it sucks… I’m cranking out these blog posts for half a dozen clients (of my client) who pay for this service every month under the delusion that the agency’s strategy is working for them.

    Almost feels… unethical.

    I believe my client is focusing on some different statistics while leaving out the value of blog post length (e.g.

    At any rate, thanks again for the great post, great follow-up feedback, and your website!

  11. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    I’ll answer your question with an analogy that changed my life (and will eventually finish my blog post about it).

    Think back to grade school for a minute. If you were taking 10 classes and were failing half of them, but getting straight A’s in all the others, what would your GPA be?

    Well if this GPA calculator I just looked up is correct, you’d have a 2.2 GPA. And that’s not good by any stretch of the imagination.

    Consider every blog post (and indexable page) on your website as a “class” and Google is the teacher. Google grades each page individually and then gives your site an overall GPA. Pages that are failing to meet its requirements are tanking your SEO and bringing all the rest of your pages down with it.

    This was my problem back in 2017… Lots of articles in the 500-1,000 word range and none of them doing particularly well from a Google standpoint. Long story short–I performed a Content Audit, deleted nearly 2/3 of all the blog posts on this blog, and within 30 days my traffic doubled.

    One year later, after producing only 2 new blog posts (and simply republishing some of my best content with new, more in-depth, updated information), my traffic had increased by 600% (to over 100,000 visitors per month). Both Moz and Ahrefs have published extensive articles on Content Audits with case studies. I highly recommend them.

    Google doesn’t care how much content you’re pumping out. It cares about serving the best answers for people’s search queries. If every piece of content you’re pumping out isn’t the best answer for someone’s query then you’re working against yourself.

  12. Bobby Burns Avatar

    Okay, Dustin – great post. Epic, even. (of course, I had to say that.) But I write freelance for an agency whose clients tend to be quite “formal” B-to-B types that don’t seem to gel well with “five SEO-optimized images and a gif.” Especially not a GIF! And I am not about to write posts that are twice as long as I’ve been writing (every week or more) for the same fee. But my fee is my fee. I’m not the agency, so I don’t get to dictate the content marketing strategy.

    This may have been asked, but I didn’t read all the previous comments, do you think that volume by frequency can deliver similar results as 2,000+ word posts? In other words, can a continuous flow of 750-1,000 word posts 5 to 8 times a month still deliver traffic via SEO (i.e. Google)?

    I ask because if I could convince my clients (the agency) that your proposal here is a better strategy in terms of ROI, I might be able to shift to the longer format (and charge more!)


  13. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Hi, Andrea! Well, the truth is that it really depends on your audience and your goals. There’s no one answer for everyone.

    However, if you want Google to send you lots of traffic, shorter posts are going to hurt you. You’ll have to rely heavily on social media/word-of-mouth, which can be great, but you can lose it as quickly as you gain it. Search traffic is much less short-term.

    Don’t get me wrong, I grew my blog in the beginning with posts that were 700-1,000 words and social media traffic. SEO was never something I thought about (because it was so intimidating) so I just did what I felt my audience needed. When the social media traffic eventually hit a plateau, I decided to give SEO a try (doing a massive content audit) and the results were 600% increase in blog traffic. And that wasn’t “here today, gone tomorrow” traffic… the growth has been sustained for well over a year.

    So that’s why every blog post I write must be epic, because I know the time I put in will be worth the resulting long-term search traffic. And as it turns out, longer articles actually perform better with social shares anyways, so it’s a win-win. It’s just a lot harder of a discipline than just posting short articles.

  14. Andrea Avatar

    Wow, this makes posts a lot of work! Question – in your opinion is it better to post more often (with shorter posts, and possible less of these things on the checklist accomplished) or less often with all of these? How often should a blogger be posting for maximum effectiveness? (without it taking ALL of the time!)

  15. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Haha, thank you Raffaele!

  16. Raffaele Avatar

    this post is epic, your blog is epic, you are epic


    best wishes

  17. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Awesome to hear, Evan!

  18. Evan Forester Avatar

    Just wanted to say the Content Upgrade idea has been really beneficial for my job. I got this suggestion from you almost 3 years ago and we implemented it into our most popular blog posts to great results. Keep up the good work! I’m going to check out social warfare now.

  19. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    The truth is, you don’t have to play by the Google rules at all. But if you want Google to send you free traffic, you need to produce content that they deem worthy. And as the data shows, content they deem to be worthy tends to be over 2,000 words.

  20. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Absolutely! Many bloggers have used a series of blog posts to create a book… I think Darren Rowse of Problogger was the first person I heard do that, and it was hugely successful.

  21. Clelia Mattana Avatar

    Thanks Dustin… oh the book! Yes I obviously thought about it a lot. Both an ebook and also a printed one as I was approached by a publishing house but I seriously don’t have the time right now. I was thinking that maybe I could offer a PDF version of the massive posts (including the affiliate links that have no cookies) … do you think it’s a good idea?

  22. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    So awesome to hear this, Clelia! You’re an inspiration to be writing such epic content… 18,000 words for one article before you broke it up into three?! That’s insane! And also super cool.

    Sounds like you need to be working on authoring a book. Have you ever considered that?

  23. Clelia Mattana Avatar

    I feel better now, I’ve been a full-time blogger for more than 6 years now and (except for my first embarrassing posts) I have always written massive articles. For me, 1500 is a very short article. Recently I created a guide that was so long that my theme got stuck and I had to split the content into 3 separate articles (each one is more than 6000 words).

    Some people say it’s way too long but as you said, Google (and apparently the RIGHT readers) love it, and it’s clear because these are the articles that get an average of 100/300 comments as a minimum, very long comments with further questions!

    It’s true that people skim the content but if they are interested in what you are saying and you provide valuable info for them for free, they are going to read the whole thing (to me it’s a bit easier as being a travel blogger, images/maps & co are a big part of the article), but I try to help the reader as much as possible by using a lot of subheadings, bullet points, bold sentences and other tricks to make the content more readable.

    My biggest issue is consistency and time. It takes me forever to write these posts as I’ve learned English from scratch at age 30 and I’m a perfectionist, so I might publish a massive article per month or every 2-3 months if I’m lucky.

    Now it’s getting better, and I’m publishing more regularly but I’m still behind my schedule. Glad that at least the ones I publish usually go straight to page n.1 on Google and I monetize them so I have a steady income even if I’m not publishing much.

    Thanks for the checklist, very useful reminder when I’m stuck with one of those articles and I feel like giving up on it as it’s too much work!

    By the way, given that the content gave me great info, I didn’t skim…I’ve read the whole thing 😉

  24. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Thanks for leaving a comment, Naman! If you’re just starting out, I wouldn’t recommend starting with this checklist. In the beginning of your blogging journey, you need to build a writing habit first. Don’t worry about making it perfect, just start writing about what you’re passionate about. Aim to publish one blog post per week for 6 months and see where you’re at then.

    It’s only once you’ve built up your blogging muscles for consistently publishing that you should start working on more advanced tactics and strategies.

  25. Naman Modi Avatar

    You have so much wonderful information and has really motivated me to pursue my long waited goal of starting a blog. I feel a little unsure still, so any additional tips on getting started and what to write (I know what I want to make my blog about, just unsure what to say to keep interest really) would be really appreciated!

  26. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Then it looks like you’ll have to rely pretty heavily on SEO. Start learning everything you can–Brian Dean ( is a good place to start.

  27. Bitcoin Investor Avatar
    Bitcoin Investor

    Now i feel like I’ve been leaving a lot on the table which are unsettled. Well, thanks a lot for listing out all those things anyways. But what if i don’t want content upgrade and don’t want to be using many social media accounts?

    Hope i can still gain traffic as i want?

  28. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    You’re welcome, Claire! Just remember, doing something less-than-perfect is always better than doing nothing (because you’re waiting to make it all perfect). 😀

  29. Claire Avatar

    This is great!! I am now feeling inspired. Amazingly detailed post. Lots of things I need to work on. Thank you ?

  30. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Thanks, Alli! Great to hear from you.

  31. Alli + Matt Owen Avatar

    Super helpful! Thanks Dustin. We need to up our blogging game.

  32. Nirodha Abayalath Avatar

    Hey Dustin,

    2000 words. Really? I can’t argue with that because you have proved your point with reliable data. However, I think we don’t have to play by the Google’s rules all the time right?

    Thank you very much for sharing this great and epic content as always. Really love to read your blogs.

  33. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Thanks, Rebecca!

  34. Rebecca Matias Avatar

    Indeed, a great blog post needs the right ingredients to be truly remarkable. I believe blogging is one of the most powerful tools in numerous search engine optimization for its boost Ecommerce site. It gives an essential element to every site’s online visibility and company’s growth. Great Checklist, keep posting.

  35. Dustin W. Stout Avatar

    Thanks, Nada!

  36. Nada Khalaf-Jones Avatar
    Nada Khalaf-Jones

    I’ve been following you around the web, by accident, stumbling upon you, for a few years and remember your name and your face. So. Well done you are making the consistent digital presence work.

    I love this, it is just what I need and will be working on it! Cheers Dustin.

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