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Infographic: 4 Steps to Take During a National Food Recall


National Food Recall

Nearly 78 percent of restaurant owners purchase insurance in case of a food recall. Why? Because in 2016 alone, more than 8,000 products were pulled from the shelves from 122 total food recalls. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 91 out of 122 of those recalls over the course of 2016 were listed as Class 1, which means there is “reasonable probability that eating the food would cause health problems or death”. In 2017, there have already been 93 food recalls this year.

For a restaurant manager or business owner, not only is that bad news for your customers, but that kind of PR could do lasting damage to your restaurant's public image.

So with that, here are the four steps you need to take during a food recall and how to make it right.