Asker Potrait
hamood0-0-blog asked

" If the points (2,a) and (14,b) are 20 units apart , what is |a -- b| ? " -- How can we use the information given in the sentence " 20 units apart " ??

This is really a right triangles question. To see why, a visual aid might help. Here’s the x = 2 line and the x = 14 line:


The straight line distance between the lines is 12. 


If we keep (2, 0) as one of our points, and move up or down on the x = 14 line, we can see the triangle form.


We know the hypotenuse must be 20, and we know one leg is 12, so we just need to solve for the other leg.

12^2 + b^2 = 20^2
144 + b^2 = 400
b^2 = 256
b = 16

So the vertical leg must be 16 units long for the hypotenuse to be 20 units long.


(Shortcut opportunity: 12-16-20 is a Pythagorean triple—a bigger brother of the 3-4-5!)

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