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I'm Kelly - the founder of She Is Fierce! and your host on our blog featuring stories and wisdom from fierce women all over the world! 

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Three Ways To Reconnect With Your Inner Strength

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Three Ways To Reconnect With Your Inner Strength


Even as a young child, I believed in the power of my own ferocity. I was perhaps seven or eight when I recognised I had this pool of ‘inner power,’ and I used it to climb a tree in front of the other kids. I subsequently fell out, but we can gloss over that aspect for now…

Many explorations into inner strength focus on discipline, on physical exercise ability, or on ‘tempering’ the inner fire. But what I’m speaking of here is that inner pull, that spark which drives us forwards.


Find Your Fire


One of the most common ways to identify that inner spark is to think of the situations and experiences which have tested us, which we are passionate about or get angry over. As a young girl, I was discouraged from expressing anger.

However, from a scientific point of view, anger is an innate intuition which tells us to change something. It’s motivational. Thus, often what drives us, and the core values behind that can fuel us.

I tried all kinds of ways to manage my fire growing up, from karate lessons (I reached green belt) and Anger Management courses for teenagers to writing poetry and making art. But something in me was always connected to this spring of ‘knowing’ that I had a role to play. That my fire was meant to enlighten, not destroy.

~ What drives you forward, how would you answer “why do you do this?” What answers were you seeking by clicking on this article? Identify that, and you’ll find the embers ready to ignite.


Aim Your Focus


One of the first steps to fan those flames is to focus on your values.

Looking back on the positive or exciting things in your life, what was the core value beneath the event or experience? For some, this is community. For others, it’s about truth and honour. For some things, it’s feeling valued or valuable.

Thinking about the things in common with our favourite events or experiences can help us to identify those opportunities better in the past.

~ What ‘values’ do you value in your life? Do you pick cheap over organic? Would you value a home-made drawing over your ‘wish-list birthday item?’ Identify your values and head towards them, and you’ll fan the flames of your inner drive.


Mix Dreaming with Doing


Once you know what motivates you to keep moving forward, and you’re able to find those opportunities to reconnect with the underlying values, the last method of connecting with your inner strength is to meld dreams with practicality.

It’s one thing to craft the vision, to imagine a future or to set the goal.

It’s another to craft the map, to design the path ahead and then walk it, step by step.

But dreams without action, stay dreams.

~ What baby step could you take to move forward? Because that choice of bravery and courage is another connection with your inner strength.


I’m not saying there isn’t a part for discipline and temperance in managing our inner strength, but without the deeper motivation, direction and action, progress is slow, if it happens at all. Much like any process, being aware of what oils the machine, refills our well or how we tick can help us make the most informed, and thus often the best decisions for our path ahead.


Katy-Rose helps introverts, questing seekers and practical dreamers to build up their toolkit of skills so they can get clear on the path to complete their personal quest and goals, with the strategies to be productive, avoid overwhelm and keep burnout at bay.  Why? Because many of us are taught algebra and about local geography landmarks, yet no-one is equipped in schools or the workplace with the skills to manage the doubts, the pressures and the uncertainty of moving through this life; let alone doing so while feeling empowered and fulfilled. We map out the path to feeling in control of that life direction.



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