BMI and Your Health: How Are They Connected?

doctor talking to plus size woman about BMI waist measurement
Body mass index can be tied to your disease risk, but body weight isn’t the most important measure of health — your diet and lifestyle habits are.Getty Images

Among all the numbers your doctor takes at your appointment — like blood pressure, cholesterol, or body temperature — your body mass index (BMI) is likely the one to stick in your memory. Maybe your doctor told you that yours means you fall into the overweight or obese category, for example, and they recommended bringing your number down. Or maybe they told you that your BMI is in the normal range, which suggests that you’re at a healthy weight, or too low, meaning you’re considered underweight.

BMI can be a sensitive topic — and maybe you don’t care to pay it any mind. Some medical professionals support that choice. “Unfortunately, there is no perfect tool [to measure one’s health],” says Anisha Abraham, MD, interim chief of the division of adolescent and young adult medicine at Children’s National Hospital in Silver Spring, Maryland. Instead, there are several measurement tools, such as blood pressure, BMI, and blood sugar, that tell us different things but are pieces of a larger puzzle, she says.

Body fat percentage is another one. Frank Contacessa, MD, an internist with Northwell Health Physician Partners in Armonk, New York, says that it’s a better factor to consider in a holistic health assessment, but it’s more difficult to measure than BMI.

All the same, you may be wondering what your BMI suggests about your present and future health — and how much stock should you put your number?

Here’s an overview of how and why BMI is used, and what yours may mean.

Why BMI Is Used

BMI is a common measure when considering a person’s future health issues because it’s quick, easy to calculate, and free, says Linda Anegawa, MD, a Honolulu-based board-certified physician in internal medicine and obesity medicine.

It was initially intended to measure large groups of people, not necessarily an individual’s health.

To measure health risks across a population, BMI can be advantageous, especially because it’s more widely used than other weight measurement approaches, says William Yancy, MD, a professor of medicine at the Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina.

BMI Ranges

To calculate your BMI, take your weight in kilograms and divide it by your height in meters squared. Alternatively, take your height in inches squared, divide that by your weight in pounds, and multiply by 703.

You can avoid doing manual math by plugging your stats into an online calculator, like the one from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To see how your weight stacks up against your height, you can use the body mass index table from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (PDF).

Here are the ranges and how the CDC describes each:

  • BMI below 18.5 is underweight (too low).
  • BMI 18.5 to 24.9 is normal weight (just right).
  • BMI 25 to 29.9 is overweight (high).
  • BMI 30 and higher indicates obesity (very high).

How Much Does BMI Matter?

There are two sides to this argument. On the one hand, many public health experts say that knowing your BMI is information in your hands, and if you can adjust it if your BMI is considered too high or low, you may reduce your medical costs and your possible risk for future health problems.

On the other hand, some healthcare professionals choose not to focus on BMI. “I do not focus on a patient’s BMI when I counsel them on being healthy,” Dr. Contacessa says. “There is no single indicator of total health. You have to look at the totality of a person, including a family history, lifestyle review, and physical exam.”

How BMI Is Limited

The flaws of using BMI as a measure of health are well documented.

One of the issues is that BMI aims to measure excess body fat, but it actually measures excess body weight.

 And when it comes to measuring health risks, it’s fat, not weight, that is key. It’s also the location of that fat that matters most, says Dr. Yancy. In particular, visceral fat, or belly fat, is particularly insidious and linked with a greater risk for type 2 diabetes, gallbladder issues, heart disease, and cancer.

Put differently, “BMI doesn’t account for whether each person’s weight causes health problems,” Dr. Anegawa says. BMI can’t tell you how much lean mass (muscle, bone), which is innocuous, you have compared with fat. That means that someone who is large and muscular can be inaccurately placed into the overweight or obese category because muscle weighs more than fat in a given space.

Why Waist Circumference May Be a Better Measure of Health Than BMI

“If BMI is the only thing your doctor uses, you should also use other measurements,” says Yancy, who advocates for knowing your waist circumference. “That’s actually a better predictor of your health, as carrying fat around your midsection is riskier than other parts of your body,” referring to visceral fat.

The more fat you have around your middle, the more your health may take a hit, regardless of BMI, echoes Patrick M. O’Neil, PhD, the director of the weight management center and a professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

For reference, a woman who has a healthy amount of fat is thought to have a waist measurement of less than 35 inches; a man, less than 40 inches.

 (Measure around your belly button.)
According to research, waist circumference was a better measurement than BMI for hypertension, elevated glucose levels, and cholesterol when assessing cardiovascular disease risk.

These details about what makes up your body weight and where on the body it’s distributed matter and are needed to determine potential health risks. “One could have a higher BMI and yet be free of health conditions,” Anegawa says. “On the other hand, some individuals with lower BMIs have very significant weight-related diseases, such as prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, or abnormal cholesterol.”

Put differently, when it comes to BMI and your actual risk for health issues, it’s complicated.

Focusing Too Much on BMI, and Weight in General, Can Be Harmful to Emotional Wellness

Something to keep in mind is that a focus on BMI in the doctor’s office or in your daily life may increase weight stigma and harm your mental health. “Overfocusing on BMI can affect self-esteem and emotional wellness,” Dr. Abraham says. “For example, I have had patients who developed body image and eating disorders as a result of being told that they had a high BMI and needed to change their weight.”

Health Risks Associated With Having a High BMI

While it’s important to note the shortcomings of BMI, it can also be worth a look at the research. Data suggests that obesity, as defined by having a BMI of 30 or higher, is linked with a greater risk for health conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, joint problems, and gallstones.

 By one estimate, excess weight-related medical costs like these total $260 billion per year.

Here's a closer look at what a high BMI may be associated with:

High Blood Pressure Blood pressure and BMI are strongly linked, with increased BMI associated with higher blood pressure readings.

Heart Disease Having a BMI outside of the normal range, 18.5 to 24.9, is correlated with a higher risk of dying from heart disease.

Type 2 Diabetes Obesity is associated with a six-fold increased risk for type 2 diabetes. While that sounds like bad news, the more optimistic flip side is that if you’re considered obese, getting into the overweight category may help prevent the disease.

Mental Health Having a higher BMI is linked with having symptoms of depression and a lower sense of well-being in general. One review included nine studies and found that people who were considered obese were 32 percent more likely to have depression compared with healthy-weight folks.

But weight itself may not be the cause for mental health issues — it could be the discrimination that people who have a high BMI face when they see their doctor or are going about their daily lives. “Excessive focus on the BMI number can foster ‘black and white thinking,’ which contributes to the development of and worsens eating disorders,” Anegawa says. One review found that as BMI increased, so did weight stigma and diminished mental health.

Life Expectancy Other research has looked at the mortality rates depending on BMI. The authors of one study involving over 3.5 million adults in the United Kingdom found that life expectancy was 4.2 years shorter in men considered obese and 3.5 years for women considered obese, compared with those with a healthy BMI. (Underweight individuals also had a lower life expectancy of 4.3 years for men and 4.5 years for women.)

Again, though, it’s important to put this all into perspective. While BMI may be associated with these health conditions, there are several other lifestyle considerations — history of smoking, alcohol use, rapid weight gain — and genetic components that factor into the equation, according to a review on the limitations of BMI.

About 31 percent of U.S. adults are overweight, while about 42 percent have obesity. Meanwhile, about 9 percent have severe obesity.

Health Risks Associated With Having a Low BMI

Being considered underweight may be risky to your health; for example, it’s linked to a lower life expectancy.

Being underweight may leave you with lower energy reserves in the event that you do become ill. “People who are acutely ill have better survival or outcomes if they had a bit of fat storage to begin with. Those who are overweight seem to do best in these situations,” says Yancy.

What’s more, being underweight is also associated with poorer mental health compared with having a normal weight and can lead people to internalize their problems.

 If you’re concerned about your weight, talk to your doctor, who can point you toward additional resources to getting the help you need.
An estimated 2 percent of U.S. adults are underweight.


Just because you’re considered overweight or obese according to your BMI doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unhealthy — your healthy eating and exercising habits mean more, despite what the scale (or BMI calculator) says.

To further complicate matters, there is some research to show that being overweight may be protective for your health. For younger adult men (up to age 40), being overweight was associated with a lower risk of death from any cause, according to one study. The same was true for middle-aged women.

Rather than shoot for a specific BMI, what may be most important is maintaining — or starting — healthy habits.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy. We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.


  1. Is BMI an Accurate Measure of Health? Cleveland Clinic.
  2. Body Mass Index: Considerations for Practitioners. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  3. Abdominal Fat and What to Do About It. Harvard Health Publishing.
  4. Assessing Your Weight and Health Risk. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
  5. The Importance of Waist Circumference and Body Mass Index in Cross-Sectional Relationships With Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Vietnam. PLoS One.
  6. Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  7. Direct Medical Costs of Obesity in the United States and the Most Populous States (PDF). Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy.
  8. Body Mass Index Is Strongly Associated With Hypertension: Results From the Longevity Check-Up 7-Plus Years. Nutrients.
  9. Association of Body Mass Index With Lifetime Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Compression of Morbidity. JAMA Cardiology.
  10. Obesity, Unfavourable Lifestyle, and Genetic Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Case-Cohort Study. Diabetologia.
  11. Overweight and Obesity Associated With Higher Depression Prevalence in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
  12. The Association Between Weight Stigma and Mental Health: A Meta-Analysis. Obesity Reviews.
  13. Association of BMI With Overall and Cause-Specific Mortality: A Population-Based Cohort Study of 3.6 Million Adults in the U.K. Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.
  14. Body Mass Index: Obesity, BMI, and Health A Critical Review. Nutrition Today.
  15. Overweight and Obesity Statistics. National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
  16. Psychopathological Symptoms and Well-Being in Overweight and Underweight Adolescents: A Network Analysis. Nutrients.
  17. Prevalence of Underweight Among Adults Aged 20 and Over: United States, 1960–1962 Through 2017–2018. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  18. Associations of BMI and Waist Circumference with All-Cause Mortality: A 22-Year Cohort Study. Obesity.


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