Cops nab fraud suspect who jumped out window


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A man was arrested on Friday after he tried to evade police by jumping out of a hotel window.

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Hey there, time traveller!
This article was published 10/12/2017 (2325 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

A man was arrested on Friday after he tried to evade police by jumping out of a hotel window.

On Friday morning, the Brandon Police Service received a report of a male staying at a west end hotel who had fraudulently identified himself as an employee of a national company in order to get a room.

When police arrived at the scene, the man jumped out of a hotel room window.

The police K-9 unit tracked him to a garden shed in the area and he was taken into custody without incident.

Police say the man, a 31-year-old with no fixed address, is responsible for defrauding a number of Brandon businesses of food, lodgings, tools and computers.

He faces four counts of fraud under $5,000 and personation with intent.

The man was lodged at Brandon Correctional Centre and was set to appear in court the following morning.

» The Brandon Sun

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