Thanks for telling us your wellness-related goals for 2018—from weight loss and warding off illness to eating well and moving more. We plucked the top 8 health goals shared by the Prevention community and listed them below, along with tips to help you follow through and stick with it!

We want to support your wellness journey every step of the way. That’s why we’ve formed the Prevention Health Squad, and we invite you to join! It’s a safe, supportive Facebook community where you can share your health goals, track your progress, ask for (and provide!) advice to fellow members, vent about your struggles along the way, and boast about your accomplishments.

Did you know that most “New Year’s resolutions” (we dislike that term!) fail by February? Join the Prevention Health Squad and be part of the 20% that stays fit, healthy, and happy, and kicks butt all year long.

Health goal #1: Age gracefully.

“I want to love my 50s the way I loved my 30s and 40s.” - @desertdogsx3 on Instagram

That old adage tells us that age is nothing but a number—but if you’re over 50 and starting to spot fine lines, realizing you can’t hit the gym as hard as you used to, and experiencing symptoms of menopause, you might beg to differ. But bear in mind there are also beautiful things about growing older. In fact, the vast majority of —age 40 and older—report feeling happier, more confident, and less stressed than they did 20 years ago. So there are plenty of reasons to embrace your fifth (and sixth, and seventh…) decade of life—and you have every right to love it just as much as decades past!

  • Take your cue from 64-year-old Karen Smith, who—upon retirement—decided to travel North America in a van with her dog. “You might be surprised at what you can learn and discover on your journey,” she says.
  • Then there’s Shellie Edington, who, at 52, went from not being able to do a single push-up to winning the CrossFit games.
  • Looking for more guidance on embracing your age? Here’s what  about how they aim to age gracefully—and gratefully—every day.

Health goal #2: Get stronger and fitter.

“I want to be strong and fit enough to hike Mt. LeConte again.” - Tracy Doty Ward on Facebook

Building strength and fitness can seem like a lofty goal at the get-go, especially if you’re starting from scratch, but it’s all about setting your intention and gradually upping your game over time. Adding one repetition of an exercise each week or finding time for an extra walk around the block will help you make progress toward that resolution in no time. (After all, fit and sexy come from the inside out!) Whether you’re trying to “stop losing muscle mass” like one of our readers or just “open a jar” by yourself like another one, strength training can help—so don’t be afraid to lift weights! It’s particularly important for women ages 40 and over, as it helps maintain muscle mass, which begins to decrease at that age.

Health goal #3: Walk more.

“Get in my 10,000 steps every day.” - @kristineteresa on Instagram

If you have a FitBit or other fitness tracker, you’ve likely noticed that it starts you off with a 10,000-steps-per-day goal. In fact, over the past few years, 10,000 has become the magic number for the amount of steps a person should take in a single day to be healthy. Beyond helping you reap the benefits of an active lifestyle (like lower blood pressure, lower risk of heart attack, and stronger bones), walking every day can improve your mood and even ward off memory loss. Even though 10,000 steps equates to a whopping five miles, it’s easier to accomplish than you’d think by just making a few simple lifestyle changes. The best part: None of them require exercising more.

Need more reasons to walk every day? We've got them here:

preview for 10 Health Benefits of Walking Outside Every Day

Health goal #4: Lose weight.

“Finally lose these 30 lbs. and keep myself from becoming diabetic.” - @sassymom5514 on Instagram

We get it. Just the words “lose weight” may feel like the ghost of new year’s resolutions past. Even so, we’re committed to making 2018 the year you follow through on that goal. One of the best ways to get started is by focusing not on what you need to lose, but on what you stand to gain—like better health and the ability to keep doing what you love. As one of our readers puts it, “Function is more important, and the weight will come off as a byproduct.” We couldn’t agree more! Setting goals that aren’t weight-related (like going for a nightly walk after dinner or adding veggies to your lunch) can get you started, while avoiding these misguided diet and exercise habits will help you stay the course.

  • Kellie Brotherton lost 170 pounds by making gradual changes to her eating habits. Read her success story for weight-loss inspiration.
  • Lacking motivation? Check out these 21 easy life changes you can make to start losing weight right now.
  • Put pen to paper, and get results: Erinne Magee lost weight and cut her cravings by bullet journaling.

Health goal #5: Eat well.

"Just eat healthy, real food and cheat occasionally.” - Myrna Dayrit on Facebook

Fad diets are becoming a thing of the past. Yes, 2017 brought us the rise of the restrictive Whole30 and ketogenic diets, but people seeking sustainable health benefits are increasingly opting for lifestyle changes they can maintain—like eating clean, whole foods most of the time, and indulging every once in a while. (After all, a piece of dark chocolate just can’t always satisfy a chocolate cake craving.) Incorporating certain healthy foods into your diet—like these foods for boosting brain healthreducing inflammation, and preventing gum disease—is one way to do that. For those readers who aim to “eat healthy 80 percent of the time” or “stop stress eating,” planning out meals ahead of time can keep temptations in check.

Health goal #6: Prevent disease and injury.

“Prevent another mini stroke.” - Lisa Lynn on Facebook

Staying injury- and disease-free in 2018 is the best way to make sure you’ll be able to keep doing whatever it is you love—and we couldn’t support that more. We are Prevention, after all! One place to start is by taking preventive action against the top two causes of death in the United States: heart disease and cancerLowering your blood pressure by eating things like milk and arugula, spending time outdoors, and swapping decongestants for antihistamines can reduce your risk of heart disease, while scaling back on meat and getting sufficient sleep are two ways to help ward off cancer. Of course, skin ailments, joint and foot pain, and hormonal imbalances are also less-threatening but similarly important issues to look out for. And then, of course, tending to your mental health becomes even more important as you age.

Health goal #7: Complete a 5K, 10K, or marathon.

“Forty 5Ks in my 40th year of life.” - Stephanie Toland on Facebook

There are two types of Prevention readers: those who love to walk for fitness, and those who thrive on running “100 miles per month all year,” as one put it. So many of you told us you want to complete a 5K, a 10K, or a marathon, or just stick to a regular (and sometimes rigorous) running routine. Well, if you’re down to pound the pavement (or the dirt road, or the treadmill), we’re right behind you. Think of it as an investment in longevity: one hour of running adds seven hours to your life, according to our colleagues at Runner’s World. And that’s not to mention the myriad other health benefits, including strengthening your knees, improving your mood, and keeping your mind sharp. And if the finish line is in your sights, it’s wise to begin at the beginning and be consistent. Slow and steady wins the race—or at least completes it.

Health goal #8: Be happy.

“Peace on the inside.” - Melissa Cuiksa on Facebook

Saying that you want to be happier can feel like setting out on a journey with no end: If I lose weight, I’ll be happier; If I get the big promotion, I’ll be happier; If my husband is happy, I’ll be happier; and the list goes on. But what about learning to be happy despite those things? The truth is, happiness is a state of being. The more dependent you are on outside factors to be happy, the more likely you are to be disappointed, because happiness is internal. Many of our readers’ health goals for 2018 were, simply, “to be happier,” “to live life to the fullest” and “to laugh more”—and the good news is, you can actually train your brain to be more optimistic. Being grateful is a great way to start. And if you think your relationship might be the thing holding you back from true bliss, there are ways to remedy that, too.