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Countryside classroom boosts early years education skills for Loughborough College students

Posted: 6th December 2017 - 7:30am
Early Years Education Students

Early years education skills were given a boost for Loughborough College students when the countryside became their classroom recently.

The Childcare and Education group studying international approaches to the age group took Danish forest schools as their inspiration for a trip to Coombe Country Park in Warwickshire.

A day of activities offered Loughborough College students an insight into how the outdoors can enhance learning for younger children, particularly maths and literacy.

“The day was brilliant and the students really engaged with everything, actively demonstrating how powerful the outdoors can be in enhancing educational opportunities.

“With university interviews coming up for primary education it’s been a fantastic opportunity for students to really enhance their knowledge. We’ve also since produced some wonderful resources for them to use in their early years placements,” said Loughborough College Level 3 Childcare and Education course leader Kate Storr.

“At the park the education officer led den building, connected to the story of the three little pigs and students created and used a seesaw, discussing how this could be used to develop science skills.

“There was ‘big art’ using only natural resources and also colour and texture scavenger hunts before the students sorted and sequenced their treasure, with ideas to help develop their data presentation skills,”

“The students have since made colour wheels and texture cards using, for example, sponge, felt, fur and silk, which children can use to discover matching colours and textures outdoors.”