Cops investigate vehicle break-ins


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Two vehicles at a west end apartment complex in Brandon were broken into over the weekend.

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Hey there, time traveller!
This article was published 10/12/2017 (2320 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

Two vehicles at a west end apartment complex in Brandon were broken into over the weekend.

A truck and a car located in the parking lot of 142 Regent Cres. had their driver-side windows smashed in and items taken. The damage was discovered on Sunday afternoon.

Brittany McAdams said a neighbour knocked on her door between 2 to 2:30 p.m. and told her about the damage to her vehicle.

The inside of Brittany McAdams’ vehicle on Sunday afternoon after it was broken into over the weekend in the parking lot of her apartment building on Regent Crescent.
Submitted The inside of Brittany McAdams’ vehicle on Sunday afternoon after it was broken into over the weekend in the parking lot of her apartment building on Regent Crescent.

McAdams said there was “glass all over the place” and she could see hand marks on the trunk of her vehicle where she believes the person responsible tried to get in.

Nothing was taken, with the exception of a couple dollars worth of change. “I had nothing at all in there,” she said.

McAdams said she has lived at the apartment complex for a year and a half and has had no issues before.

She is a full-time student at Assiniboine Community College and is preparing for final exams this week.

“This wasn’t really my ideal situation,” she said.

Sean Irwin was borrowing his parents’ truck for the week to help him move out and had gotten home at 3 a.m. the night before. He discovered the damage after 3 p.m. the following day.

“As far as I can remember, it was fine,” he said.

Irwin was still trying to figure out what had been taken, but he said a GPS was stolen and possibly under $1,000 worth of items.

“It doesn’t seem like it was personal by any means,” he said, although he added it wasn’t ideal for him.

A spokesperson for the Brandon Police Service confirmed on Sunday it had received two reports related to the break-ins on Regent Crescent.


» Twitter: @mtaylorlee

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