Welcome to issue 356 of NoSQL Weekly. Let's get straight to the links this week.


Introducing Cloud Firestore: Our New Document Database for Apps
Cloud Firestore is a fully-managed NoSQL document database for mobile and web app development. It's designed to easily store and sync app data at global scale, and it's now available in beta.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Solving the Technical Challenges of Time Series Databases at Scale
Time series databases are optimized for handling sets of data indexed by time. Aspects of data storage, data safety, and the iops problem are challenges that all TSDBs face at scale. In this talk, Fred outlines how IRONdb solves these technical problems, or avoids them entirely. IRONdb is a commercial time series database developed by Circonus, and is a Graphite compatible drop in replacement for Whisper.

How to create an Alexa skill with Node.js and DynamoDB
At the end of this article you will know the overall anatomy of a skill, how to build the code that powers it, how to configure it in AWS, and how to immediately install it on your own Echo device.

Building a chat room in 30 minutes using Redis, Socket.io and Express
This tutorial will show you how easy it is to use one of Redis’ awesome feature called pub/Sub with Socket.io, to send and receive messages. Time to get to the action!

How to Build and Deploy Scalable Machine Learning in Production with Apache Kafka
This post discusses potential use cases for machine learning in mission-critical real time applications leveraging Apache KafkaT as central, scalable, mission-critical nervous system plus Apache Kafka’s Streams API to build intelligent streaming applications.

Building Conversational Experiences with Amazon Alexa and Neo4j
This talk highlights how graph databases help the creation of complex human computer interaction interfaces solving non-trivial tasks such as understanding user intents, keeping an accurate context aware representation of a user interaction and how to guide them in a domain specific knowledge 

LevelDB from scratch in Java
LevelDB is a fast, light-weight, key value store which is developed by Google. It supports multiple platforms including C++, NodeJS and Java. Before moving into deep stuff, let’s find out how to setup LevelDB in a simple Java project and what are the things that can be done using LevelDB

PySpark Timestamp Performance 
In my most recent role, we're using Python and Spark to perform a complex ETL process and to produce data that will ultimately be used to produce some model. During this process, we were using PySpark's pyspark.sql.types.DateType to store date information. At some point, we decided that we wanted more precision, so we opted to use pyspark.sql.types.TimestampType instead. When switching, we noticed a considerable slow-down. What once was a processor-intensive task was now failing to occupy all cores of our cluster, causing an obvious slow-down. What gives, Spark? The goal of this post is to explore why this happens in Spark 2.1.1.

Streams: a new general purpose data structure in Redis.

Database Comparison: An In-Depth Look at How MapR-DB Does What Cassandra, HBase, and Others Can't

Serverless Superheroes: Lynn Langit on big data, NoSQL, and Google versus AWS

Performance Testing and Load Testing Couchbase with Pillowfight

Hyperledger Fabric & couchdb, fantastic queries and where to find them

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Wallaroo is a fast and elastic data processing engine that rapidly takes you from prototype to production by making the infrastructure virtually disappear. We’ve designed it to handle demanding high-throughput, low-latency tasks where the accuracy of results is essential. Wallaroo takes care of mechanics of scaling, resilience, state management, and message delivery. 

A graphql-cli data import plugin to call mutations with data from JSON/CSV files.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

The San Francisco Redis Meetup October 2017 - San Francisco, CA
This month Cihan Biyikoglu from Redis Labs will be talking to us about the new features in OSS Redis 4.0 and the replication features available in Redis Enterprise 5.0.

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