Through the Silent Seasons

Through the Silent Seasons

My times are in your hands, God.
Are you tired of waiting for God’s answers? I know how you’re feeling. But our feelings of desolation does not mean God has abandoned us. When we are devastated, God is nearer than we can imagine. These silent seasons of the soul are part of our journey. We don’t need to understand. We can just trust that God is at work even when we feel he doesn’t care.

I run to you, God; I run for dear life.
    Don’t let me down!
    Take me seriously this time!
Get down on my level and listen,
    and please—no procrastination!
(Psalm 31:1-2; MSG)

Part of faith is praying even when we don’t feel like it.
Part of faith is praising God even when we don’t get answers.
Part of faith is trusting when it seems unreasonable.

Be kind to me, God—
    I’m in deep, deep trouble again.
I’ve cried my eyes out;
    I feel hollow inside.
My life leaks away, groan by groan;
    my years fade out in sighs.
My troubles have worn me out,
    turned my bones to powder.
(Psalm 31:9-10, MSG)

The only requirement to receive God’s help is that we are in trouble. God does not make background checks or give us the third degree. God just comes to us with loving-kindness. We all need forgiveness because we’ve turned our backs to him. We do it by getting busy or concentrating on our problems instead of centering our thoughts on him. God knows this. He is patiently waiting for us to return to him.

Desperate, I throw myself on you:
    you are my God!
Hour by hour I place my days in your hand,
    safe from the hands out to get me.
Warm me, your servant, with a smile;
    save me because you love me.
Don’t embarrass me by not showing up;
    I’ve given you plenty of notice.
(Psalm 31:14-17, MSG)

When we throw ourselves on God, we realize God is with us even when we don’t feel it. God is more real than anything and everything else in our leaking lives. Even when God is silent and we need to wait.

What a stack of blessing you have piled up
    for those who worship you,
Ready and waiting for all who run to you
    to escape an unkind world.
(Psalm 31:19; MSG)

God won’t waste anything. He will use all of our experiences to shape us to be more like him. We will understand God’s planning and timing once we’ve gone through the hard times. Now we can rest in this: God’s will is the best place for us. That’s why we can safely place our lives hour by hour in his hands.

Love God, all you saints;
    God takes care of all who stay close to him,
But he pays back in full
    those arrogant enough to go it alone.
Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up.

    Expect God to get here soon.
(Psalm 31:23-24, MSG)


Gracious God,
We are tired to wait for your answers
but we come to you anyway.
We feel abandoned and alone
but we come to you anyway.
We feel hopeless
but we come to you anyway.
Because we know you are our God.
Because we trust you through thick and thin.
Because we yearn to be hold by you.
Forgive us that we’ve turned our backs on you.
We don’t mean to do so, it just happens.
Forgive us, Lord, and embrace us with your grace.
Fill us with your Holy Spirit!
Energize, encourage, empower!
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: How have you dealt with the silent seasons?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you trust God even when you don’t feel like it.

Giving thanks today for
#711 God is with us no matter how we feel
#712 God’s silence does not mean absence
#713 God is always waiting for us
#714 God does not need excuses
#715 God does not make background checks
#716 God does care much more than we think
#717 God is love
#718 We can pour out our fears, hurts, burdens, angst to God
#719 God’s will happens
#720 We are in God’s hands

Image courtesy of Joel Joseph.  Linking up today with Linking up today with What’s on Your Heart Tuesdays Wordfilled Wednesday, All Things Heart & Home , God-Bumps and God-incidences , Work in Progress, and

14 thoughts on “Through the Silent Seasons

  1. Absolutely beautiful and just what I needed. My dad’s been out of work for almost 3 years…9 months of which now we’ve had no income whatsoever. On top of that I Found out I had thyroid disease 2 years ago and this year developed carpal tunnel (both praise God are now under control). It’s been super rough but through all the testing we’ve seen God’s faithful sovereign hand. 🙂 Your post was just a little reminder to me not to get discouraged but to continue trusting His plan for me and my family.

    God bless!
    ~Miss Rachel~

    1. Thank you, Rachel, for sharing! It is powerful to experience God’s sovereign hand through hardships.
      May God bless you and your family abundantly. May he meet your every need and guide you clearly. In Jesus’ name, Amen
      Keep shining, Rachel! God will see you through! Better times ahead!

  2. God’s love is so wonderful. I’m so glad He is here even when I don’t feel it. I’m also glad He uses all things to teach us. I like that he doesn’t waste anything- well said.

  3. Yes, He’s all I have. When I don’t have answers, don’t have issues resolved, don’t know what to do… all I can do is praise, thank, glorify HIM. I can trust Him more than I can trust my own emotions, thoughts, plans. So, I try to put Him first. Not always consistent or faithful… but I can only turn to Him when the toughness intercepts my heart. Trying, day by day.

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